Being able to share the things I care about is a bliss. Click on 'Continue reading and get all the thoughts' to get the whole story. :)
Friday, December 29, 2006
It's regarding the NAC Chinese Music Competition(CMC) lah.. Oopx... i know it's over like half a month ago.. And i didn't go on any of the days... but well... just want to comment abt it lor... the biannual CMC is like a target for us CO players... And every time... there will be more and more ppl that i know joining the com... And there ought to be times when there were unexpected outcomes and that they didn't get into the finals... And then from there conclude that they are lousy players... Well... for what i know abt these ppl... i know they're not lousy players... And to say the truth... it's not really the best way to determine who's the best player.. And obviously the competition is getting tougher and tougher each time... If that's the way they put it... then i think i'm one lousy player too... or even.. lousier...
Why do i say so? i joined in the 2002 CMC... Intermediate cat for erhu... That time there were only 22 competitors altogether... compared to the 30+ in 2004 and 49 this year... And i didn't get in... so am i really lousy? Maybe.. maybe not... actually i do not know... in fact in the first place i already knew that the chance of getting in is very slim... but at the same time i only want to put in my best no matter how... Ppl always say.. what more impt is the process and not the outcome.. isn't it? And indeed... i've learnt a lot from the comp.. firstly of cos... i'm not cut out to be a soloist... and i need to practise more than what i'm doing... and there's still a lot of things for me to learn... It's really not a matter of win or lose lah... at least i've tried... right?
I can't deny that i was disappointed when the results were announced after the comp.. But it's not the end of the world lah really... At the end of the day... i wasn't really that sad anymore... esp. there were so many ppl who went there to support me... and in fact... i felt more relax after putting down a burden... and of cos i console myself by saying that i still have the grading to prepare the very same year... and that i dun need to pia and practise for finals anymore... Haha. ok... that was deceiving myself... but anyway.. that's not the point... the point is.. i really enjoyed the whole process...
So since it's already over for half a month... hopefully these friends had already got over it... i mean they should have... Nowadays... we should all know that music.. or rather... arts.. is a very subjective matter... so a comp doesn't say much abt ur music... ur skills... ur feelings.. Anyway.. since i was just there to gain experience on such event.. i dun see myself going there again... on the stage that is.. haha! Leave it to the more dream-motivated ppl... haha! Or maybe... when i'm more confident in future.. i might be there again. haha! In the mean time... Friends.. continue to enjoy music!! :)))
Thursday, December 28, 2006
COgang Xmas cum Bday Celebration 2006
The annual COgang Xmas cum Bday Celebration is held.. on 25 Dec.. Late aftn onwards... at yours truly... Haha. So part one... we had pizza... eh... self-made.. haha! no lah... we bought the crust.. but add the fillings ourselves... Oh... wasn't in time to take any pictures of the food except for the cake... cos everyone is just too fast. Haha!

This is taken after the gift exchange... be4 everyone opened their pres..
Horng couldn't come on that day... she was here a day earlier thou.. but no pictures..
Wanted to take those pictures of the gifts each of us got... BUT.. my cam had to be screwed up that time... so.. ya.. no pictures... anyway... i got a Pooh bath towel which was contributed by siyih! Heex.

The 2 birthday girls!! Both no on that day itself lah.. haha.
Then the 2nd part is yea... Celebration for these 2 girls.. I nearly forgot to go and collect the cake lor... until the gift exchange was over.. Heex. Anyway.. the cake is quite nice.. thanks to mum's friend... did it for you qing jia. Haha!

A nice pic... w/o sylvia inside... Haha! jk jk... =P
pls dun ask me what the 2 girls in front were doing. Lol.
The 2nd/3rd day after xmas... i was too bored at home... so i took a picture of the presents i received... Very touched by the hand-made gifts! Thanks Via, Ling and Qin.. Although the white glue on Via's gift (the coaster-made mouse pad) still hasn't totally dry up yet.. i dunno why.. so it's still airing itself somewhere... haha!

Yea.. here goes the picture... but somehow i forgot to include the massage stick inside... Sorry Yushi.. to make up for it... i took a picture of the stick on its own!
And Thanks my dearest cousin and han for the card! Most of the time cards are enough to make my heart warm! Heex.

Here it is... taking up the whole picture... it's in the limelight now lah... heex. it's really useful.. haha! Thanks yushi!
The day ended when everyone left ard 10pm... and obviously i was left alone at home while 2sis were at Uncle Yeo's having BBQ xmas party... and parents went for wedding dinner... And i felt asleep while watching tv... and not knowing that my parents went out w/o keys... and i was in quite deep sleep... until dunno why i suddenly woke up and went out of my parents' room and realise my dad trying very hard to get the keys from outside.. =x the worst thing is when my mum said she called my hp (which was beside me) and i didn't even feel it and ans it. =xx that's bad i know... but perhaps i was too tired... Whole day of activities leh...
Oh.. Be4 the party and after they left in the morning... mum came back and say that we're going to my ex-tuition teacher's (her primary classmate) place for buffet lunch... it was her daughter's Big day! (that explains the wedding dinner at night) Oh god.!! she's really pretty... different from the usual look i see when i go for tuition... anyway... they will be in US for the next 2 years i think... And her husband is super tall also lah... 1.89m lor!!! Pengx..
So to round this up... i had a busy... little sleep... but enjoyable christmas this year!! :)))
Am looking forward to next year... Thou my timetable really really sux... Haha!
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
what a gloomy entry...
Anyway... I will skip the christmas part first.. cos i dun have the pictures in the com yet... it's uploaded into the laptop thou.. :)
Ok... actually there was supposed to be an entry be4 this... but i delibrately deleted everything when i've only typed half way... The cat was let out of the bag... somehow... haix... i think sis already knew that i know abt it.. she probably realised that her sis here rather observant and can't be so stupid to not find out on my own since my mum could even sense it... that's why she didn't hide when one of their friends called while we were playing game... perhaps.. she has made up her mind.. Only until today... he tried to talk to one of us (family)... mum didn't want to get involved... i didn't want either... anyway he didn't call in the end... so i'll just keep quiet... or actually sis has already found out abt it... right? Actually i dunno how come he knows also lah.. but whatever... i dun think sis is that stupid to not realise that he was the one who told us that she's going to see the doctor today for her eye...
Nonetheless... i must say that i wun stand on either side cos in the end it still depends on the 2 of them personally... and it's something that an outsider like me could help... becos... my sis said that it's not a misunderstanding.. so ya... i hope that he doesn't call... and respect the decision that the other party has made... it might be a sad thing... but when i heard what my sis said ytd and today... i feel for my sis... But i'm quite glad that it's not becos of something outside the r/s that she made the decision... Although she cannot deny that the other guy really has something for her...
Hope that this whole thing will be over soon... And i've tried my best to make sis' every moment with me enjoyable... Even in the expense of making myself appear dumb... thou some instances it really wasn't intentional... but i know... i dun want to make her more frustrated by asking her abt it... and i know that she is mature enough to decide for herself. So... i hope that she will return to her old self soon! jie.. I Love U always.. :)
Monday, December 25, 2006
Last few days...
Anyway... those left here sleeping are yushi, jan, horng, qin and ling... melody left for home ard 3 and sylvia left for home too at 4+... u wun want to know how are they sleeping thou.. haha! but quite good i think cos i finished doing the stuff while they were asleep... the cards... the friendship band... and wrapping the present for gift exchange..!
Fri (22.12).. was our (liyana and 1) last day at global refund... actually i was rather surprised to received like chocolates from them.. even thou it's just chocolates... i was happy... And what more chocolates are my favourite?! Heex. But i felt guilty that i didn't have anything for them... although 4 weeks there is short... but more or less i've already adapted to the environment... and i do enjoy working there with the ppl thou the job can be boring.. so.. quite sad to leave lah...
Sat (23.12) was a long long day... i got up early 7+ and got out of the house be4 8am... it was xiaoting jiejie's big day! Ah boy (her bro) came to fetch mum and i over first... And man... she's really pretty!! So we followed the traditional chinese customs thou Bob's (her husband) isn't from a traditional chinese family... in fact.. he's from Hawaii... and they specially came back from US to complete the banquet... so we followed them from morning till aftn... finally had buffet lunch... i really like the sweet thai glutinuous rice... :)) Then we stayed ard in the house till ard 4 to do some stuff be4 coming back home to rest a while and prepare for the night..
I must say that it's really not the best choice to have a banquet at a rest... Oh... it was held at ECP's Tung Lok Restaurant... The food is definitely nice... perhaps one of the best banquet food i've had... But but... the sound system was bad... the reception was bad... they do not have a projector.. that makes the effort of the person who made the slides go down the drain... the front door section is too small for many ppl to the there at the same time... they do not have enough red wine glasses to go ard the 30 tables... so glasses of different shapes and sizes were served... ok lah... i think that's all to complain... the rest were quite all right... But i must say that they are really a rich family.... all the dishes were so authentic... nothing fake... not even the shark's fin! It really in big pieces.. without mixing with crab meats or jellys or whatever.. just plainly pieces of shark's fin.. isn't it cool?! But i like the prawn best ba... should be butter ba... but not very sure lah... haha. Surprisingly the dinner ended quite early... maybe it's becos the no. of dishes were lesser than normal... so after it ended ard 10.30pm.. we came back with the bus lah... Then also quite tired liao... just chatted online for a while and off to sleep..
Sun (24.12)... we went on with our original plan even thou horng didn't go in the end.. so we were at cine's Suki sushi having sushi buffet at 2+pm... eh... with Sylvia and melody lor... I had quite a lot.... so i didn't eat any food till now... from the time we left the place... which was somewhere ard 4 i think... And after walking ard cine to avoid the rain outside... we decided to open up our umbrella and head to the next destination.. after all the walking ard... we didn't get any of the impt ingredients for the tiramisu... quite sad leh... but nvm.. we'll have chocolate birthday cake tonight..! :)
Hmmm... i think they are awake liao.. and i'm sleepy liao... so... think i'll nap for a while... haha! Unless i'm being harrassed by them.. Lol! Bye lah.. Eh... haven't distribute the chocolates yet... but they woke up liao and i can't get out the room.. Haha!!
Ohohoh!! And Merry Christmas everyone! Enjoy to the fullest wor!! :)))
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Feelings towards PSS + MCO concert
In my point of view... i think it's becos of 'removing' the bi yin in his voice... 让他的声音少了一些沧桑感... And i could even say that he lost his original specialty... dun u think so? 他声音的性格、感情、特点、味道,都被比赛吃掉了!If it's like that... what is so special abt him after all? just becos he can't see? It's supposed to be his voice... but sad to say... even that is already taken away from him... what has he got left? And isn't him better off busking?? at least he could really sing with his heart and let the audience listen to what he has got to be there.. and not being so commercialised like now... And becaos they keep wanting to change him... to better voice quality... he really lost the specialty and character he possessed.. and that's actually very sad.. if he remained the voice he had from the start till the end... i might have been more happy when he clinche the title of champion..
Well... but that's how the world is like... what can i say.. Anyway... this year's competitors... are lousy. esp. the girls' team.. really din see any potentials... but maybe that's the buying point... cos u'll nv know who will get it until it gets to the last round.. right? haha!
Anyway... ya.. that's all... Erm... did i mention that tmr is my last day at work? haha. ya.. it is.. wonder if we will get anything tmr.. but doubt so... cos we've been there for quite short time and the thing is dun really interact with them... cos we dun go out to lunch with others.. dun really talk to them during work.. so ya.. And seriously.. i think i din save any money during the period i went to work... cos i'm accommodating my friend there.. this is the last time ok!? So.. if i really have a choice.. i dun like to work with ppl whom i already know... even my family.. Anyway.. The Main point is... whoever is bored and wants to go out.. give me a call... i should be free on weekdays mainly. :))
AND AND!!! Come and Watch Marsiling CO concert on 31st Dec lah... Sylvia and i really very ke lian lor.. actually we are supposed to sell 4 tix each.. and we haven't even sold one single tix yet!!! Haix... i know 31st is a bad day... but then.. who dun want to play right.. we also want lor... go after that lah!! Damn sad that we got all kinds of negative replies... esp. from ppl who seems interested at first. Haix. disappointed.. Nowadays... what is CO to CO players? i really dun know.. is it really just a obligation in school? the thing is it might not be a lifetime occupation.. but i believe it should be a lifetime interest.. isn't it? And what for the whole grp is named after something when no one pays attention to it anymore? isn't it funny? Of cos nobody is forced.. but maybe you could ask ur conscience how long haven't u touched the instru u've played or when was the last time you attended a concert... and u'll find.. wow! That's long ago.. or 'i can't even rmb'. So instead of asking us who's going (which everyone asked) and saying if (whoever) go.. then i will go.. ask the ppl! How do we know and how we tell u if everyone's saying the same thing? And in the end there's NO conclusion AT ALL. So afterall... u all could discuss on your own and maybe ans me or sylvia. We would appreciate that u give a precise ans. Thank you. :)
Note: i'm NOT pissed.. just plain disappointment... really..
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
RSS'99 gathers...
Anyway.. many happy things thou... i think the no.1 happy thing is i met up with my primary school mates last sat at ECP.. And i really mean School mates cos everyone came from diff classes... so i met ppl not only same class as me in p5/6 but also in p1-4... how cool... Well.. thanks to our batch's assist head prefect - wensheng for coming out with this idea... and huimin and bernice to actually disperse the info to me.. such that i disperse the info to other ppl as well... but many of them couldn't turn up... that's quite sad... so in the end.. ppl from 6/4 were only huiqun, kokwei, wenguang, samuel and me! haha!!! But ok lah.. most of the ppl who went were ppl i know! haha. mostly i knew from 4/8.. geraldine went too... so it's kinda reunion for the 3 of us. haha! And what more.. huimin, minjoo, carrisa and i were sent back by cheok (weimin).. how cool. haha!
Then it was shopping spree with via and mel on sun... we walked like almost the whole day lah... and my only zhan li pin is a bag... Oh... and a set of markers. Haha!!! But anyhows... we were very happy to take neoprints tgt... haha! Can't wait for the next meet-up! :)
So anyway... i off for my busy business... have to complete some stuff urgently... so shall not waste anymore time.. bye..~!! :)))
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
松柏: my new/old idol?
Anyway... as mentioned... nowadays i'm really amazed by these 2 guys... and i must say that they are really a pair of very cool twins... they just have the charisma to be on the stage... and i'm super impressed with the skills they possess and how they actually achieve what they are now... i've watched most of the talk shows they attended in taiwan... including 康熙来了which has 2 diff epi... and the 2nd one got part 1&2 somemore... then still got 国光帮帮忙, 封面人物 and 桃色蛋白质 and of cos... the 快乐星期天。艺能歌喉战 where they were the judges... and there really many interesting stuff that happens... 我是打从心里佩服他们的!! And could see that they become more and more handsome thru the years... with more 魅力 too... Just too cool to resist. haha! and and and... must really see them dance.. omg... very 厉害!! Haha. I just selling them like that lor.. lol.. see for urself lah..
So.. i spent most of my nights watching youtube that even my sis finds it amazing that i can watch like everyday! haha! But actually i got do other things also lor.. like practise gaohu.. and and.. watch tv... heex!
Ok lah.. another day then blog again. tired liao.. Nitex..
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Monitor prob again..
But anyway.. it means time to buy a new one... should have gone to the IT fair man... Argh... Shall go to sim lim sometime... WAh!!!
Sianx... i think i caught a flu lor... maybe it's the weather... woke up in the middle of the night to clear my nose lor.. Dotx... it's very annoying cos i know i need to clear my nose.. but i can't really open my eyes... cos i'm too tired lah.. Anyway.. abt that entry... i'll type it when i have the time and feel like it lah...
So now... i'm going to watch tv le lah.. star awards.. Haha!! Bye..
Saturday, December 09, 2006
Full of activities...
First is of cos part of cogang for our movie at Vivo.. met them after my work... watched Happy Feet although we heard quite a few negative comments abt it... But then.. since we already decided the venue and movie and everything... it's quite troublesome to change anything just one day be4... so we still went for it.. and well... i enjoyed it... It has its entertainment value i must say... :) BUT... the penguins were only cute when they were young lor.. haha! Anyway... the sweeties that went were... ling, yushi who skipped sch to join us (haha!).. siyih, qin and horng... and of cos me lah! HAha!
And on thurs was with the Royal Family... Again.. after work.. Omg.. the last time i saw them was like Sept lor... They were so being missed... So we had our long awaited meal at Ding Tai Fung at Raffles City... And later we had nowhere to head to... and ended up at Bakerzin at Paragon.. Haha.. i know... all the way just to go to another eating place. lol. And so we chat and chat... i mean it's just a norm for us girls... i.e. talking non-stop.. Haha! But i guess we all just enjoy all the crap as a getaway from sch and stuff.. And the royalties present were of cos Han, Kim, Wanlin who came back from aus for hols.. Yuhui, Chek and her SO William... plus ME! :) Our dear Von couldn't make it lor... haix...
Oh.. i'm really looking forward to more meet-ups... although 2 were just cancelled... so sad... Ok... should say.. postponed lah.. Anyway... i'll have an off-day on monday... So bring me out if u are free!! haha!!! Call/msg at my mobile. lol!
Anyway.. am out for the whole day today also... sitting down playing gh for like 7-8h... Omg... thank goodness i'm still alive. Haha. It's really a long sit... esp. when i have no one beside me during the 2nd half of the prac... yuerong had gastric so she went off lor... poor thing.. But i also poor thing lor... just that... at least now start to speak more to the ppl there lah... so not VERY sian lah.. but still a bit sian lor. =x Oh! And pls! Kill me lah... put me as what principal player... DOTX! Then i asked laoshi after that... is like... not really an ans also.. just say the com decide de.. what is this lor.. Sighx. the supposedly best player in the grp... and I played like... none of the songs without mistakes... and some big ones somemore. lol. call me a PP. well... i dun like it. shoot me pls. =x I'm really going to practise.. serious.. actually not many practices left anyway... 3 sats left.. and i can't go for one of it... so left with 2.. so serious.. practise!!
After co had dinner with laoshi and his wife (jiejie)... Felt quite weird cos sylvia went for her class gathering so i was alone lor... and he sending me back so i just follow lor.. Then still shop ard... Xiang Bu Dao i still quite familiar with coastway point lor... at least i know got Courts.. and i guess their m1 shop at the basement... based on past experience there lah.. haha.. But then again... who in the right mind will go all the way there to shop? not me! Just that i happened to be there a few times after mco...
Hoho.. anyway tmr's family outing! =)) Yeah yeah.. it means i can get things like clothes! :) And of cos hopefully i'm being sponsored 100%! Heex.
Tired tired... That's all lah..
Sunday, December 03, 2006
2 Enjoyable nights...
Went NYNY for dinner with the cogang ytd... where 3 didn't go.. ended work at 6... and yushi and ling waited for me at Raffles mrt! Heex... Then we met the rest at city hall... well well... I hope everyone had a good time.. although some of us were really tired... esp. Jan.. she's too tired to even eat anything.. poor girl... Then then... we saw Suken! So qiao lor... and expected... she came to our table.. asking.. why we go out nv ask her.. And everyone knows the story... which shall not be mentioned.. haha.
And today... of cos as i've mentioned be4... it's NYCO gathering... at the pasir ris park.. Actually i hoped it was more appreciated.. not that i really like that place... seriously... i dun.. but.. there wasn't much choice in this super peak period... almost everywhere is packed/fully booked for this WHOLE MONTH... And i will be like occupied for the rest of the saturdays... What to do!? i hate to say it.. but why should my saturdays be used in this manner? practising from 9am to 6pm?? and with ppl that i dun really know? and with my friend sitting so far away?? Sighx... i think i will dread it... really... And thanks to laoshi... we didn't go today cos he's not in town... =x that's why i could enjoy my day? Anyway quite happy that ppl actually came and quite helpful in things... =) Whether it's a success or not... i dun really care... of cos i hoped everyone enjoyed... but if they didn't... i hope i'll nv know abt it.. haha. Cos i really enjoyed the company... Jon, Ken, Benjamin, and of cos Emily and Yingying.. :)) And the others lah... and ds who came late and left early.. plus went wrong place.. dotx... But there were more juniors than seniors lah~! haha.
Hmm.. what should i do tmr then?? I need a more exciting life... be4 i return to the cold and lifeless office for work on monday... Suddenly feel like singing K... all thanks to ppl who brought it today.. and in the end we didn't go cos it was expensive... and it's like.. the craving wasn't satisfied... and the feeling of crave just didn't go off..! haha.
Ok lah... i'm enough... Anyway.. er-jie is still not back yet... and will not be back early... seriously speaking.. ever since she started her current job a month ago... we haven't had long chattings at night cos she was always returning late... even later than the days she was still with GMP.. Like at least 12+am.. even thou next day is a working day... only that now she's out with her colleagues instead of working at night.. i dunno... dun really understand her in some ways... but of cos.. i have no control over her life lah.. so.. whatever lor.. haha!
Relationships and me..
Then i thought... why is it so? Is it what they called... '旁观者清'?? And then i thought... why could i only have guy friends... but no further relationships with any of them.. Haha... Perhaps it's becos of my character ba... I might always appear to be strong, independent, confident, capable (maybe), and dun need any help from them... this occurs to me when someone offered to help me carry things today and i rejected it immediately... Maybe that's why... But... actually i'm not really like that... Haiya... dunno how to explain... who doesn't hope to have something to take care of u... and always be there... lending the shoulder whenever it is need... and blah blah blah... But... it just didn't happen at the correct time or with the correct person for me... so i kept on banging onto the wall... how could i even start liking someone now after all these?
Hmm... haiya... whatever should come will come....
Friday, December 01, 2006
Busy busy.. tired tired...
Monday was busy practising... for the audition... eh.. not for the whole day lah... but then... in the end it still wasn't enough... so i should obviously practise more lah.. =x
Then tues... was first day of work at Global Refund... with Liyana... erm... she was there earlier with jamie... but jamie left cos of another job.. thus i was asked to replace... well... it's not really a bad environment... but usually it's very quiet... and how interesting can data entry get?? i dunno... haha.. So... after being in the retail line for a while... i really like retail more... as to of now lah.. Cos pay might be higher... later working hours... and i feel that it's less rigid... and retail is seriously more interesting... If i have a choice... i will not go back to data entry again in future... BUT... as for now... i shall do with whatever i have... becos.. i still need some $$ for survival lah.. haha! And with a friend... of cos it isn't that bad... and if really have to continue... i dun really mind also... cos public hol is still a public hol and i dun need to worry abt having to work on those days and cannot go out... right?! =) So... so far.. i still quite enjoy work. thank u. AT LEAST i'm doing something.. get it?
Anyway.. tues night was the audition... it really didn't turn out very well... I think my biggest prob... is my confidence... in the first place i'm never a person with high level of confidence... so i sort of lost my calmness... and can't prepare myself calmly for whatever i was requested to play... it's a bit wasted... but well... it also mean that i should practise more diligently... ok.. next year's sy is no relaxing matter... Time to start brushing up!!
Wed.. went to SP after work... surprisingly i survived thru... although i was really.. tired still.. haha... But i didn't go and eat with them after that lah... cos... i want to sleep!! =x But really... most of the songs is use hun de lor... and so Sam was also hun-ing with me.. lol.. really lousy... i thought of pulling out for some of the songs... sighx...
And the thing is.. i think i have quite many things to practise... cos i have like a concert to play for in each of the coming 3 months... so it means 3 months to be busy for!! ok.. whatever... i just have to do my best... and treat it as a training for my lousy sight-reading.. lol..
And following days are going to be busy also!!! But i'm seriously looking forward to tmr.. cos it's dining out with my fav ppl!! =))) Yay-yay... Heex. And i know we are going to enjoy yea~! :) And sat... and yet another gathering... with nyco ppl... It's really been a long time since i last met them... thousand years ago.. haha..! Ok lah... nvm... looking forward!!! (cos i'm the one who started planning it?) lol.
OK... Sleep time.. or rather... comic time be4 sleep time. =) Nitex all. (if u are reading at night) U can sleep now... after this whole lot of bedtime story... lol. if not.. too bad.. =x Lalala... i'm mad..
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Qns & Ans.
2. When is the next time you will have sex? God knows when...
3. What's a word that rhymes with "DOOR"? Wor? Hor? Lol!
4. Favorite planet? Captain planet! =P
5. Who is the 4th person on your missed call list on your mobile? Qinqin. haha.
6. What is your favorite ringtone on your phone? All.
7. What kinda shirt you have on? Shirt lah... light pink one from giordano.
8. Describe yourself in one phrase? Eh.. i'm bad in describing myself. A very easy-going person?
9. Name the brand of shoes you're currently wearing? at home without shoes now..
10. Bright or Dark Room? in between.. a not so bright room..
11. What do you think about the person who took this survey before you? caring lor.. missy tan leh..
12. If you're alone in a room with two beds, which one do you sleep on? whichever one that is cleaner..
13. What were you doing at midnight last night? sleeping after blogging lah! Cannot tahan.
14. What did your last text message say that you received on your mobile? can't rmb... deleted the msg already.
15. Where is your letter box? Downstairs lor..
16. What's a word that you say a lot? Huh? =x
17. Who told you he/she loved you last? Got meh?
18. Last furry thing you touched? I dunno.. probably one of my soft toys. heex.
19. How many drugs have you done in the last three days? None.. i lead a healthy lifestyle de lor...
20.How many rolls of film do you need to get developed? Dotx... a thousand years nv use film already lah..
21. Favorite age you have been so far? I think it's every single age... there are always different experiences for me in the different stages...
22.Your worst enemy? enemy?! What's that.
23. What is your current desktop picture? co gang collage
24. What was the last thing you said to someone? i can't rmb lah... (that's not what i said.. haha.)
25. If you had to choose between a million bucks or to be able to fly? million bucks! I can use a little of it to experience flying too. and use the rest to do other things...
26. Do you like someone? Yupx
27. The last song you listened to? the last song on my playlist was 'wo men de gu shi' by Tension.
28. If the last person you spoke to was getting shot at, would you jump in front of the bullet? No... i rather be the person who is sad about it for the rest of my life...
29. If you could punch one person in the face who would it be? dun want lah... will dirty my hand and.. hand will pain also..
30. What is the closest object to your left foot? my right foot lah!
31. Next 5 people to do this: Whoever came upon my blog.. lazy to think of ppl. =x
Aiyo.. still got..
1. My "ex" is still... (i'm still looking for one..)
2. I am listening to... Ai Qing Yogurt by JJ in iTunes at this very moment.
3. Maybe I should... start doing more meaningful things. bleahx
4. I would love... to get a job and stop rotting. lol..
5. My best friend... (wow.. the long lost qns) Too many to list.. They know who they are... ppl i hang out with the most and talked to most..
6. I don't understand... why am i at home on a sunday.
7. I lost... nothing.
8. People say... i'm rather funny... i dunno why..
9. The meaning of my screen name is... there isn't really any meaning to it..
10. Love is... a feeling that can't be explained.. and there's not reason for it..
11. Somewhere, someone is... my friend. =)
12. I will always... like music...
13. Forever seems... unreal
14. I never ever want to... let myself down..
15. My cell phone is... black 6101 nokia phone.
16. When I woke up this morning... hoping to have kuay chap.. but didn't.
17. I get annoyed... erm... not so easily..
18. Parties are... what i like! =)
19. My pet(s) are/is... none! (although i hoped to have one)
20. Kisses are the best when... i'm not feeling very good.
21. Today I... slack the day away playing PS2 and sleeping.=x
22. Tomorrow I will... practise my gaohu! haha.
23. I really want.... to find myself...
Finally updating.. :)
I think i have neglected my blog quite a bit lately... the inconsistency of updating and the unusually short entries each time... =x But the thing is... there is really nothing much to be mentioned in the boring life of mine now.. Anyway... i just had 2 fruitful days... so i thought i'd blog abt them.. =)
Fri... first was swimming with sylvia in the morning.. how nice to be in the pool in the good weather... no sun in the morning! breezy... and the water is cool.. No sunblock needed! =) Then finally sit down to practise for sy audition seriously in the aftn with her... And solve our problems... and really.. get into the tempo and everything... i must say that comparatively to the past audition pieces... this year's one is really not that easy.. but it means practise lah! haha.
Then it was the arts management bbq at night... it took some time to find the place.. i found it eventually. =) it was quite good... catching up with some of the classmates.. (those that went) and getting to know who our seniors are... cos after the semester... i've nv seen any of them be4 lah.. haha..
And today... it was really a long day... went out early morning for mco practice... well well... not much comments... i'm so sleepy today.. haha... but sometimes i do enjoy the conversations we make on the journey there... heex. and so we followed laoshi's car to orchard after prac ended... had lunch at pepper lunch... and walked ard... then went on the marina sq with the free shuttle bus and continued to walk ard... haha... until it was time to go to SCH for the concert.. It was somehow or another rather nice... But i esp. like Mr Law's composition... maybe it has the most traditional chinese music elements in it... And his works are always so impressive.. I like! haha... The others were not bad... but for some i felt very incomplete whereby the piece/movement ended rather abruptly... a bit weird lah... just when i was expecting more from the music.. it ended...
Anyway.. it's sleeping time... damn tired!! Oh!! i finally have something to do... haha.. read the comics i rented... and start gaming on jason's PS2.. heex. And of cos.. i'm going to WORK.. starting from next tues... replacing jamie for abt 2 weeks ba... Hopefully it's not bad. haha. Anyway.. Ciaoz~!
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Casino Royale
Anyway... Just went for the exciting 007: Casino Royale... Hmm... what should i say about it... Of cos.. full of action... Shocking actions.. haha. i got scared quite a few times. heex. About the storyline.. some are quite anticipated while some are surprises.. But the idea is quite new as to bring james bond into the context of gambling... Esp. the part where he won with straight flush even thou his cards seem small.. so cool! Ya lah.. i think due to my experiences of watching so much this kind of shows... i've guessed correctly some of it... Lol. Anyway... overall it's nice lah... Watch it.. esp. when u need to add some excitement to ur life.. (like mine!) haha. And of cos.. nv ever forget his tagline.. "I'm Bond, James Bond" :)
[And pls... prepare what u need for that 2.5+h... Haha~!!]
Aiya. that's all for now.. Nitex.
Sunday, November 19, 2006
short short...
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
My Holi-DAYS...
Hmm... thinking of returning to arms of the erhu private lessons... dunno... just suddenly have the feeling... maybe i'm just too bored lately... Am still not working YET... waiting for my slots of cos... maybe dun even have any.. Anyway... should have quite many things going on in Dec... that includes of cos planning for gatherings... And attending gatherings... Anyway.. Why must all my friends only be free in Dec~?!?! Sianx.. And i think i'm going for the xian yue camp too... sounds happening to me.. Hmm.. see how lah..
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Freedom. :)
Actually i think i have plans for the hols lor..!!! First of cos is to get enough sleep.. haven't been sleeping well and enough lately.. then.. i need to EXERCISE! Swim or run.. whatever. ok.. both! :) Then... I need to work~! but then.. Ann auntie went vacation with dad and mum.. so i dun think there will be any schedule till she's back on sun... And.. of cos.. i need and want to meet up with my dear friends!! All the way from pri sch to jc! haha. so adventurous right. heex. but well.. i'll try.. meanwhile.. waiting for friends to finish their exams in ntu, nus, jc or poly.. or Whatever. i'm freed of exams now.. haha.
Oh.. so i just mentioned.. my parents are away for holidays.. yes.. AGAIN. To hainan dao this time and from ytd to sun.. so am i supposed to party?? haha. actually planned to go for ladies' night.. but it was called off.. so liyana, caiwen and i roamed ard vivo city... trying to shop for something but in the end didn't buy anything.. and we just had food.. haha.
And.. regarding the mgmt assignment.. Terence commented it was good after he read it... and gave me another point to add in.. that i really thought of but dunno how to put in words.. so good lah.. actually he said 'excellent' lah! er... i dunno.. really? haha.. i din know i have such calibre of writing good essays. haha. anyway... although terence didn't offer me a part time job... he asked me to tell him when i graduate! there's a light of hope!! =))
Ok.. i'm really tired.. hopefully i could do some work out tmr.. heex. Nitex.
Monday, November 06, 2006
But ytd to today was bad too.. i spend most of the day doing those 1000+ words to the mgmt report... and started studying for today's paper ard 9pm... finally slept at 4+am... not so Finally thou cos i haven't finish... but really cannot tahan already... so i woke up ard 9am to continue lah!! And eventually... i dun think i rmb much out of it... hopefully i'm able to pass.. although it's only MCQ~...
Went down to SCH after that... met Terence Ho for abt an hour to clear my doubts... and chatted for a while... Well... i must say that he's rather nice... cos he offered to help me look thru my report!! =) BUT.. he didn't offer me a part-time job. haha..! ok lah.. next time.. i think will have chance. lol. Now i need money.. not a job. haha.
Anyway.. haven't touch theatre assignment yet... Argh.. i'm such a procrasinator!!!! i can't stand myself... and why must assignments be done on com? haha.. pull me to those temptations.. of playing and doing other things.. bleahx. ok.. enough... go and study now! another sleepless night...
Saturday, November 04, 2006
And the other friend too... my long long time friend. we crapped and erm.. gossip quite a bit... haha... And we decided that we should meet up soon too... i dun think we can ever stop talking... and the person is none other than jiewan. haha. Oh.. it's amazing how ppl of the pri school decides to have some kind of mass gathering for our batch... How cool... like after we graduated for erm... 7 years?! Interesting.. haha.
Today is supposed to be assignment day... however... half of the day was spent baking some not so successful cookies... it was originally er-jie's idea... since she was quite free today... she said she wants to bake... So we did something that we found so wrong after that... i.e. to buy those ready-made cookie mixture... cos too lazy to start from scratch.. and so it didn't turn out well on the first tray.. like those via and i baked the first time... then i went to take a look and i know.. it's the dough... it was too watery... so the rest of the time i was there... beating the mixture again... And now.. all the already-inside chocolate chips melted and were mixed inside... and changed the colour.. dotx. But the outcome was still not good... So conclusion.. next time dun be so lazy! haha.. still go back to the traditional way lah.. wasted my aftn. dotx.
And now... stupid MSword just encounter some error... luckily i saved... i was on a new paragraph when suddenly a window just popped up and says there's an error... dotx... this is so not good... ytd my com hang too.. in the midst of my conversations... and today hang another time. while i was freecell-ing.. haix... Anyway.. back to my assignment!!! Must finish today!! Another 1700 more words to go.. sighx..
Thursday, November 02, 2006
in lib...
Anyway... one paper down! marketing paper was relatively easy... erm... better than i expected... heex.. although there's some i dunno.. haha. =X anyway... lunch time.. bye.
Saturday, October 28, 2006
One of my fav DJs left...
The rest of the day was quite relaxed.. went town with 8 others for lunch... and walked ard for a while too... Ohoh.. i went into this 'The better toys shop' or something in ngee ann city.. and there's this very cute little thing.. err... forgot what it's called already... anyway it produces a melody when it's whined... basically there's small metal plates that rep a note each.. and on the wheel are bulging dots that will hit the plates and produce the note... so after a series of dots.. it will form a melody.. it's really very cute lah.. next time i will go and buy... i actually stood there and play with that while liyana and jamie were filling in their application form lah.. and that was like quite long.. haha.
Hmm.. i'm tired already.. talk abt other things next time.. Nitex..
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Presentations down...:)
Realised i was more prepared for michele's presentation... and of cos less for mary's... some of the stuff i even only made it clear a few min be4 the presentation. =x Ok.. lesson learnt... =P Anyway... i think i spoke a little too fast for michele's one... and i only used erm... 4mins? despite many ppl couldn't finish theirs in the full 6min. but the good thing was... i didn't refer to the que cards i prepared.. at all.. Actually there's quite a few things i didn't mention... cos everyone is pressing for time... but i've got the main points delivered.. hopefully can get a good grade for it... As well as for mary's... i think my grp did a good job! thou we were kinda nervous... but we did it thru.. And mary told me personally that it's good job too. Erm.. whether it's true or not.. doesn't matter. =) I like it when presentations are short and sweet... But really it's becos i'm nervous that's why i spoke so fast~! i'm surprised too.. lol.
Anyway... looks like i can't fulfil the wish of finishing hazel's essay tmr... haha... cos i only had my first paragraph done ytd while watching Perhaps Love's DVD with sis... just can't resist the nice show.. heex. and so after the 2 hours... it wasn't very productive.. =P Anyway... try to work on it tmr after lessons... if not really dun have enough time to finish all plus study for exam... Wow... haven't had exams for almost a year i realise... Anyway.. STUDY!!!
That's all... first time so satisfied with my performance... Haha..
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Public hol..
Anyway... I'm going to Phantom of the Opera next march!!! Yeah..! =))) With my 2 sis and er-jie's bf... heex... but that's still like quite long... we are watching the 2nd day aftn show... And thanks da-jie for paying for it! Heex... :)
Anyway... got to start the other written assignments real soon... maybe today.... hope to finish hazel's by fri.. i mean... HOPE. haha... Ok lah... i will try to finish.. i think these few nights i'm going to work overtime again... haha.
But it's boring to be at home for a public holiday!!! haix... Nothing to do lor.. sianx. Ok... time for lunch.. bye.
Friday, October 20, 2006
2nd Assignment down. :)
Oh.. happy happy my com is back.. still in good condition... not my monitor thou... all my words are like blurred and the images too... it can get to the situation whereby i can't even see what i'm typing and i can't make out what word was on the screen... after clarification with the repair man... he says that it's my monitor's prob... cos my graphic is new.. and even if it's spoilt.. it will not affect the visibility of the monitor.. Fine! And we came to notice that this monitor is almost 3 years old... and we still thought it's only here for a few months.. at least not even a year... Until we looked at the reciept... Wah!! 08/01/04.. lol. no more guarantee... =x So.. time for new one.. aiya.. wait money leh... if i've knew this earlier... we could have changed a new com instead... dotx...
Anyway.. it's good to welcome back all my documents... pictures... and mp3s!! =)) Aiya.. if they were all from CDs i dun mind lah.. but then.. some are just so difficult to find and whatmore they are so strict now... what if i get caught?? haha. so... i shall compile them into CDs.. =))
Ok... i'm really tired.. Nitex...
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
my music. my life (2)
Like i said the other time about music... click here if u have forgotten... it's in the last paragraph... today i have another one... i took this phrase out of the SSO newsletter or something like that. 'Music is a discipline, and a mistress of order and good manners. She makes people milder and gentler, more moral and more reasonable.'- Martin Luther. This is cool isn't it... Anyway i think it's saying playing music on a musical instrument... taking the time to learn and improve.. Of cos if u have known me long enough... i'm a lover for music... and i really believe it's magic... I know of this person that was kinda ah beng... and even when he first joined co and learnt erhu... he was still playful and full of nonsense.. however, after a few years when he really like the instru and learn it wholeheartedly.. i could see the change in him... becoming a gentler person really.. But of cos it doesn't apply to everyone out there.. haha... But seriously... most of the ppl i know thru music (CO).. were usually decent... nice and helpful ppl... esp. for guys... see the difference btwn them and others.. being milder and gentler ppl.. haha.. and doesn't go ard shouting in vulgarities... But of cos there's a disclaimer here: 'This does not apply to every individual'. haha.
All these just remind me of my days in sch co... haha... rmb myself as a rather serious and fierce person... esp in the pri and sec sch years... haha... Although i'm rather patient in teaching juniors and all... but i just can't stand ill-discipline like being very noisy in combines... and obviously i'll just scold... if u ask my juniors... they probably say they were scared of me during co... but outside i could be very fun.. haha... however, when i entered nyjc... it's not that i dun care anymore.. it's just that i feel that we are all young adults already.. and we could think ourselves... and we dun need to have too rigid a system... but that does not include being quiet during combines lah... so i would still ask them to keep quiet.. haha eventually even when i go to nusco now... sometimes i will naturally shh the ppl.. haha... and i'm not even the member there. lol. cos that day some ppl were saying my sis is very fierce when she scold ppl... and she commented i was worst.. haha..
But thru music.. i've really learnt to become more patient with ppl... esp when i have to teach my juniors from the start... even if i have to repeat things over and over again... and even as a student myself.. when i can't get a part right... i'll just have to practise it over and over again too.. so i guess i've built up a patience system in me... thru playing erhu and violin. haha...
Wah... thank you. i've finished my speech.. lol...
Sunday, October 15, 2006
I like History of Visual Arts...
Finally i'm down to work again... but then.. this time the progress is slower than the previous... what to do... doing a subject not to my liking... ytd night i actually wanted so much to do it... at least 20% of it.. but i was so tired i slept even be4 12... wow... and now.. i'm still not quite organised on my thoughts...
Anyway adjacent to this History of Visual Arts (HoVA) assignment... there's also 2 presentation i have to work on... and had to do research for them... and have grp meeting for one of them... i hope there's more of me... and someone.. pls give me more hours in a day! I'm serious!! At this rate i'm going... i dunno if i can get all things done on time... i must start to like HoVA!!! lol.
Ok.. i've complaint enough... let me go back to my work... sighx...
Thursday, October 12, 2006
1 down...
Then the amazing thing was... this morning.. at 8.16am... Terence (the person i'm interviewing) called me! omg.. after only 4h of sleep... how awake can i be right.. i dunno what i did lah.. so i flipped open my phone... stared at it for a long time.. dunno what's the no. for... i dunno how long it took me to realise it's a phonecall and put it to my ears... and then realise it was him... i thought i was dreaming maybe... haha.. he asked me to go down for the interview later in the morning.. but man.. look at the state i'm in.. i think i can nv make it there... so i had to reject him for today... and guess what... when i just checked my mails.. he replied to my email with the ans to all the qns except for one.. (he didn't understand that qns).. so what does it mean now? sighx.. so i should have gone?? maybe he's just too busy to entertain me personally.. dotx..
Anyway it felt a bit relaxed to have 1 assignment done... but not when i know there's more to go... haha.. Yupx.. so will start on the next right away.. cos deadline is next fri.. and 2000 words! Byes!!
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Rush rush...
Haix.. dunno how will i do for this module... but thankfully i attended all the lessons without fail... hopefully can gain some marks for being such a good student... hahaha!
And yet... another problem has to come... now i also dunno how.. i emailed both mr ken chang and mr terence ho... both gave me positive replies.. and now i have to choose 1... and worst of all i have to reject one of them... how to?? dotx... i shouldn't act on impulse... was just too impatient... but in the end both replied within the night!! so amazed... and shocked.. how now??
Need to make a decision fast... if not will not have ample time to do everything properly... wah.. let the best decision come to me!!!
Anyway... didn't really have time to blog abt what i did last weekend as mentioned as 'enjoyable' in last entry... briefly mention here... fri after class went down to city hall to wait for the rest of the family to have dinner at New York New York... luckily we were there rather early.. in fact i was there super early.. like be4 6pm... and they came ard 6.15... by that time actually the place was rather packed already... and luckily we still had seats... but as time goes by.. the queue outside became longer and longer.. when we left ard 8... the queue was still VERY Long.. so be there early on weekends if u want! anyway i enjoyed the dinner... quite nice actually... =)
Then to Ktv (Kbox) with er-jie and 8 other nusco ppl... joyce, peiying, nianzhong, jiahui, huiling, hweeming, jianwei, and changsheng who came much later.. enjoyed thou didn't sing a lot... they chose a lot of super old songs lah... and we had a great time laughing... esp the last part when they decided to try jap songs... changsheng was reciting the song lyrics out for nianzhong to sing lor... haha.. and at the end of the day... even thou the waiter came in at 11pm that time's up and asked if we want to extent another hour by simply ordering a drink.. we didn't want lah... thinking we'll be leaving soon.. but then! we left the place at 1am without extenting lor.. so what's the point of extenting at the expense of a drink huh?? so weird..
And sat as usual was prac at nus... i went becos i wun be going this week... so ya. haha... anyway i think they stopping soon also... so nothing much... anyways... we decided to stay in and ask for delivery cos it was simply too hazy outside... and we celebrated joyce's bday too..! it's actual day... and to think no one rmb until she mentioned... if i've knew.. i would rmb... but anyway got a cake for her!! =)))
Ya.. that's all ba... better go back to my assignment... if not cannot finish le... nitex!
Monday, October 09, 2006
Friday, October 06, 2006
Assignments lining up!!
1. History of Dance assignment (12/10) [4pages]
2. History of Visual Arts assignment (20/10) [1000 words]
3. Principles of Arts Management presentation (26/10) [individual 5-6min]
4. Principles of Arts Marketing presentation (26/10) [grp 10-15min]
5. Business Writing (3/11) [1000 words]
6. History of Theatre assignment (6/11) [1000 words]
7. Principles of Arts Management written report (7/11) [2000 words]
Wah... and the written exams were not counted in yet... so who says i'm very free and my course is easy?! haha.. compared to what i had to do in term 1... that's really a lot more... and sad to say.. i have not actually started writing yet... thou i have some of the materials and notes ready... for 1,2 & 5.. and the rest... not at all! die.
Anyway.. have to start on them already.. esp dance.. and had to be really careful with my language so as not to be marked for plagarism again... dotx... And it's really difficult to start writing an essay lah... have to think very long be4 i can come out with the intro.. ah!! whatever it is.. i have to start!! bleahx!
Anyway i have to send email to Dear Mr Ken Chang and Mr Terence Ho of SCO to ask them if they could help me to do the interview thingy... haix... hopefully either of them will agree!
Monday, October 02, 2006
2 Concerts & 2 parties...
Oh... i certainly enjoyed my weekend!! =))) Ranging from concerts to parties... Min Hui Fen's concert was really good... Nothing is better than seeing a master playing live... and later the next day... having a masterclass with the master!! Yayness i tell u... and i recorded some of the playings.. =)) and we were still talking abt the concert on sat with laoshi... abt the 2 masters... anyway min hui fen look quite old thou she's only 61... And the qns that again arise... why the master can cross her legs when playing erhu?? not a very good example to learners.. haha... cos everyone will tell u.. cannot 'qiao jiao' when playing erhu... and what if the student ask... 'why min hui fen can?'
The other concert was ytd's dance appreciation featuring the nutcracker suite... thou it was really a cutshort version.. the dancers were very good... and it brought back a lot of memories when i was still learning... haha... the steps.. they're just so familiar.. it ended rather early.. like one hour plus only without interval... ok.. enjoyed it... thou i was a little tired.. heex.
And the parties... first was huiyan's 21st birthday... it was at downtown east... so i went down after the masterclass on sat... and wah wah wah... the buffet table actually caught fire... ok.. not the table.. but the cloth on the table.. cos when the blue cloth that is fireproof i think caught fire... water was just poured over and no more fire... but then later u see smoke started coming out of the table.. it was the white non-fireproof cloth that caught the fire... and everyone was savaging the situation.. luckily there wasn't much food left... and finally... the fire was extinguished... and soon it was cake cutting.... the cake is nice! haha... =x
The best thing that night was probably going to the arcade altogether... i think everyone had a nice time there... playing to the fullest... like we were playing bishi-bashi... wow... one of my fav back in p6-sec1 days... haha... used to play with my classmates... like teresa.. haha.. and then was the bball throwing... wah.. really difficult.. but fun... paired up with nianzhong once and with er-jie once... nice time throwing... but arm ache.. haha..
Party 2: Mooncake festival downstairs... with my mum's friends from stadium... i think i just have a pair of havoc parents that enable us to enjoy all these... haha.. and this year... er-jie and i sort of broke our tradition and we actually sang one song each to the crowd... we haven't done that since the celebration shifted to where it is now at least 5 years ago... we did that when we were much younger lah.. heex... looking forward to the actual day of mooncake festival... erm.. i dunno why... haha.
Anyway... that's like all i wanted to say... i think i still have somemore.. but i forgot what le lah...! argh. ya.. so that is it... bleahx.
Friday, September 29, 2006
People people..
Ya... since i'm going to be rather packed tmr and the weekends... (again..) i might as well type something now... it's not just for the sake of typing kae... but right.. i'm rather bored lah.. lol.. Anyway... i think today was a rather good day at school... although it was a long long day from 1-9pm.. just to mention.. i beg to differ abt some person commented that michele's lessons were boring... i was totally turned off when she insisted she was right... and During michele's class at that very time.. seriously... but i think michele's a nice person... that person said that probably becos she didn't attend many of her lessons... and did not feel the involvement.. i dunno... but so far... i enjoyed her lessons... Actually.. some ppl just didn't like her cos of her strict rules... and the ppl are prob those who were always late for lessons.. and well.. i think they nv learned... haha.. so now i know what kind of arts managers we'll see in future...
Erm... pls dun be mistaken that i have hatred for my classmates... i actually have very good classmates lah... but i just had to put some of them under my no-no list.. haha... and guess what? i'm doing project with the person i mentioned above!! (thou i din mention the name..) And we even sat tgt for dinner just now! haha. I can forsee what the proj will be like... anyway... count my luck... hasn't been very good lately..
Ah.. On the other hand... the weekends will be enjoyable... again! haha... Firstly.. i'll be seeing Min Hui Fen's concert tmr... for those who doesn't know... she's one of the well-known erhu masters... and it's really like an honour to be able to see her perform... and i saw the interview abt her in Zao Bao this morning... tgt with the other erhu master... Xiao Bai Yong.... but i'm not going for his part of concert which is on sat... Everyone in the CO circle is like trying to grab their tix lah... even i bought mine early july.. the seats wasn't very good already.. so what do u think??
Next... i'm going for the Huqin Masterclass on sat aftn... omg... it's really a rare experience... thou i haven't attended it yet... but masterclass... with the 2 masters?! Quite excited... normally masterclasses are not cheap lah... and this time we get to go.. FOC. how nice... the privilege of being in syco.. haha...!
And sun... yet another performance to attend... the Dance appreciation series by SDT... featuring The Nutcracker Suite... going with er-jie.. and i paid for the tix!! (same for the above mentioned concert..) Wah.... i'm like SO so so broke lah.... ok... No Super broke until no $$ for meals... but still broke lor... so I have to WORk. sianx.. But good thing.. after the concert sis and i could come back and join in the celebration for mooncake festival happening downstairs! *cheers* =))
Haiya... i'm easily contented... haha... Anyway... time to watch 'Shall we dance?' Anyone wants to watch?? Can join me... at my house of cos.. i dunno when.. prob next mon... anyway the assignment is due on 12th... how long can i drag? sighx... Anyway... i have another entry be4 the last one... the first part is in chinese... take a look if u haven't... cos i saved it as draft and just edited it.. heex. that's all.. bye and nitex!
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Got this whole quote from a stranger's blog.. it was actually i quote after the story claiming to be the ending of Doraemon... erm.. dunno if the story is true.. nonetheless... find this quite interesting... thou a bit long... for friends who can't understand chinese... it's about having a friend that is always there for u... know what u need.. even be4 u open ur mouth to tell him/her. Being friends with this person it just like having a treasure in hand... no matter where and when.. it's very heartwarming...
Hmm... For me... not only i wish to have this kind of friend.. which maybe i have a few... I also want to be someone that has the quality.. but i'm curious when can i acquire such 'powers'.. haha... actually.. i really would like to thank this person... coincidentally or not.. when i was upset and tired abt what i typed in the next entry... this friend sent me a msg... just hitting right on my feelings... and i feel so much better.. he even said who bully me just tell him and he will settle it for me... at that point of time i just felt so touched... why didn't i choose him last time?? Kinda regretted... But perhaps it's better this way when he's my kor?? Ya... that's what i always thought... so let me just continue thinking that way... i'll feel better... haha.
If u have known me earlier... in my sec sch years... u will know that again a guy that i've been fond of... whether or not he likes me... it doesn't matter... but as a friend... he's really a good one... Always there when u need someone to share the joys and pains... and anyone who knows him personally thinks the same way as i did.. too bad i wasn't his choice.. and unfortunately i had to face him for 2 years in the same jc... But then... i have to say that he's always ready to listen to what i have to say... my problems, etc.. Wow... the best person on earth! haha. Oopx.. i think i praised the big bad bear too much.. hopefully he doesn't see this. lol.
[Edited (29sept): i forgot to make myself clear that i only treat him as a friend now... since long ago.. haha.. shall not explain further... later yue miao yue hei.. haha. End of edition]
Hmm... and so... if one day u find me having traits of such a person.. inform me kae! i'm really striving to be a goodie friend... heex!! =))
Monday, September 25, 2006
Another busy weekend...
However... on a lighter note... i enjoyed my sat and sun very much!! =) Sat was a afternoon out with the royal family.. lol... and the emperor's friends... erm... i haven save the pictures yet.. so well.. no pictures.. haha... anyway.. had a great time with them singing at Kster... since i'm not the first one to blog abt the event... Von should be fuming already.... complaining how we've forgotten her.. haha.. BUT.. von.. if we've forgotten u.. we wouldn't have taken the picture to spike u.. haha!
After that i made my way down to CFA at NUS for bbq by nusco... enjoyed too... thou didn't eat a lot... well.. nv used to eat a lot for bbq... enjoyed other things.. like entertainment by other ppl while bbq-ing... nianzhong, andrew, chuanfeng and kevin... watching others play those stupid games after food... and in the end also had to play the last round of game tgt with er-jie.. by peer pressure. haha. it was quite dumb really. haha.
Sunday morning went to erm... grandaunt's house... for lunch... had some chats with my cousins... later in the afternoon came back bedok to buy the rest of the food we need for the night's event... and started preparing once we got back.. Thanks Via for helping to buy and carry the things back.... thanks Yushi and jan for coming early and helped to cut the food etc... And of cos thanks everyone who came to make it happen... erm.. other than siyih and ling who didn't come... the rest not mentioned yet -- daijing, melody, charmaine and huiqin.. Oh.. and thanks dj and melody for washing up the dishes.. haha.. And again.. thanks via who brought the pot for fondue..
Thank u Cogang!! Although there were some unexpected event... haha.. like the heating plate suddenly short circuit or what... and like having a flying cockroach appearing suddenly... (not in the food of cos). and the 2nd round of chocolate just can't melt properly... and sort of spoiling via's pot maybe after all the poking. hope it's all right... Hope u all enjoyed like i did.. =))
And i just realised... next weekend will be as busy as well.. haha.. i dunno how i get so much activities/entertainments on weekends... they just come to me one after another.. haha.. Hmm.. anyway i NEED and MUST start on my assignments already!! dotx...
Saturday, September 23, 2006
School and work..
Had our presentation today(fri) and surprisingly.. the class is most pleased with our work... and fortunately the last 2 grps didn't need any powerpoint cos the projector went bonkers when the 4th grp was presenting... and it didn't recover for jeffrey's class... so poor tidus had to keep standing up to restart the projector...
Class overall was all right... i do enjoy michele's class... the way to conducting the class also... it gives us a lot of chances to participate and learn and know more abt our classmates also... and at the same time bring across some form of information and msg... Anyway.. after i consulted her abt who to interview... and i gave a choice of esplanade or sco... she gave me a very firm ans to go for the highest in sco.. but if u ask me... i'm actually more keen in knowing abt the former... cos it's a place i would like to work in future... however i think that maybe she doesn't want too many ppl doing the same org so if someone has a diff idea she will encourage him/her to do it... just like my case.. so ya... the next thing u will know... i might be meeting ken chang to do an interview.. or maybe terence.. who knows..
Hmm.. just think that meal breaks are the best time to interact with classmates... like ytd's dinner and today's lunch... how nice... everyone just sit down.. eat, talk and laugh... and realised that Jade and i own the same birthday day... but 6 years apart.. how interesting.. haha.
Anyway... i just thought... i dunno how to describe it... but i'll just illustrate.. it's like i go for interview or something similar... i tend to be dumbfounded frequently.. when a qns is posted to me... i need a lot of time to think... and well... higher probability that i can't think of anything on the spot cos i'm too nervous.. and either i give short ans... or i give rather stupid ans.. but when i think about it after the session ended... there's always so much things relevant that i could've said... and it's just too late.. sighx.. when can i ever improve.. haha.
Oh anyway... i'm still making a decision... as to should i go back Samsonite to work for my hols.. or find some arts organisation and set my butt in the office? or even doing artist management? i dun mind u know... haha... i still a little bit of time to consider ba... if sco is willing to hire me after i do the interview.. erm... i dun mind also! haha... but rumours i heard made me a bit scared too... even lin laoshi said just dun work for sco.. haha... is it bcos of the mgmt? it is bcos of the musicians? haha. i seriously dunno! suggestion? which one to choose? haha...
Ok.. that's it... time to koon. haha.
Friday, September 22, 2006
School.. Assignments... Projects...
Fortunately.. it's already the last day of the week! Tmr we are going to have another small presentation for Michele's class... and my grp... including sharon, sijia, vivien, liyana and of cos me... we hope that what we are going to do is really different and more interesting and could catch their attention... And oh no! i just realised i haven't decide who to interview for her assignment... dotx... Nv realised that time really past so fast.. haha...
Today... we've come to know that next week is the last 2 session for John's class... quite sad thou... i think dance is fun.. thou he didn't really go into dance... but he really thou what are the foundations for all dances... and really make us think... like asking us to do the written assignment the other time abt Roman architecture affecting dance... and i had the comment that i had a good point there.. =) But well... after that it's theatre.. hopefully it's interesting too..
And today's the first lesson for Mary's subject... erm... marketing to the arts context.. like ravi's class... we already decide on the proj grp that we are going to work with... and when we will present.. it's just so funny how the last row of ppl can get left out while everyone is looking for their grp member when we dun even have the chance to pick a paper out of the box. haha. and so we formed a grp... fortunate or unfortunate.. who knows?! it's more funny when there were absentees... how can there be not enough for all.. right? haha..
So anyway... tmr and yet another long day... be4 the weekend break... and i really have to sit down and plan... well.. at least for sunday... thou things are set.. timing isn't set... sat is erm... already packed.. haha.. and i had to decide when to watch the dance movie... and when to visit national lib for jeffrey's class... and well.. my mum insisted i go to work... like how?? i wished i could... i'm hard on cash... haix..
Well... no time to waste.. so off i go... still got much stuff to do... sighx..
Monday, September 18, 2006
busy weekend
Went to nus on sat for practice... which the session ended early at 5.30 and many ppl went off to watch a concert... and there were only a few of us left... (note: er-jie didn't go) So i went dinner with the very last few left... haha.. who were suyi, yuhui, andrew, jiahui, weixun and yongxin.. had dinner at clementi.. and we sat there... talk and talk.. about music blah blah.. and left ard 10pm... and returned home by train with weixun.. the only 2 ppl living in the east among the ppl... anyway was still earlier than er-jie in returning home... haha...
The prac itself was ok... when i reached there.. they started already lah.. so i just join in the hong qi qu... 3rd movement... then started on lan hua hua... erm... a rather easy and slack song for erhu... cos it's a erhu concerto what... so ya... ok lor! haha...
Sun... went to meet up with the cc ppl... play a while... had lunch with them and rot at cc... take erhu and lian a bit... left ard 5pm to meet my family... going out to eat.. be4 going to raffles hotel... we went to esprit cos er-jie wanted to look for a top that she found in hongkong but doesn't have her size... but in then i was the one who bought a top.. cos dun have in that outlet also... haha..
Had dinner at erm... i think the rest is called seah street deli... had Salmon... my fav... lol.. treat by mummy.. thou it's dad's sub-card. lol... and although it's really troublesome to even get inside raffles hotel cos there were security checks... the meal was enjoyable... And we went into Samsonite for a while... chatted with khairul and edwin for a while...
Today was a slacking day again... i was trying to help mum do a set of the show... but my com had to give me prob at the very beginning... so had to wait wait wait for it to rest first... and i only did like 4 out of 30 so far! dotx...
Anyway.. if u all still dunno... Liao Zhai is starting today on chn U 10pm! It's like one of my fav... bt it's a whole new series casting actors and actresses from taiwan, singapore, hongkong and china... it consist of 6 stories altogether and of cos all were acted by diff ppl lah.. the current story is "判官(pan guan)" acted by 王禄江 (bryan wong)... and subsequently there will be a new story after every 6episodes... so dun need to worry if u miss the front... can always start watching a new story. haha... other main ppl u will see are 林志颖(jimmy lin), TAE, 杨丞林(rainie yang), 江华, 李冰冰 etc... and below are some photos from the scenes... pictures taken from mediacorp website...

Didn't manage the rainie yang pic... kept on error... whatever it is.. watch the show!!! =)
Going to watch Healing Hands 3... hmm.. shall talk about that show another time.. last 3 episodes le..! byebye!
Friday, September 15, 2006
my past thoughts
When i went back to read my diaries when i was in lower sec.. or even pri sch... i think that everything was like so funny and why would i even do that... so to also see how strict my mum was... although she still is now.. and how much i used to complain... to myself lah... and how i didn't use to like both my sisters at all... Really.. i rmb i didn't like my sisters.. or even my mum... cos i always feel that she's bias... sometimes i still feel that she still is now.. but well.. as i grow older... i stop caring about these things...
Like i've mentioned in the entry about my sisters be4... i can't get along well with my 2nd sis.. at all.. when i was much younger... i think it's the age gap... plus my parents' mentality that i shouldn't be doing some stuff at that age becos my sis didn't do it at the same age too... so i was rather unhappy all the time lah... haha... like so stupid.. but just felt that i'm rather fortunate already... i think the most frequent phrase i read thru the book was "i scared mummy dun allow". haha.. seriously... i'm not so daring as er-jie in the past... she will go like anywhere after sch without telling mum and still did not get scolded.. i dunno why.. perhaps she claimed that it's cos of sch... but i nv did that be4... so weird... thou i lied quite often too... but not as successful maybe.. lol. so after all i'm still a guai1 person.. HAHA. i think my friends will laugh when they see this sentence too. lol
Maybe also becos i'm the youngest at home.. so they will always view me as 'still young'.. although i've reached the 'legal age' for many things... think i'm still in the transition period for my parents to decide that i'm really old enough to take care of myself late outside... hopefully...
Ok.. going off... Anyway today's plan to sac was called-off cos of the heavy rain that time... what a cold blanket.. but seriously when there's heavy rain.. no one will feel like going out... not me either.. haha... so i stayed at home and rot.. erm.. till now.. heex.
Thursday, September 14, 2006
My com...
Yet one week later... i'm 80% confirmed going to zouk tmr.. haha! with my AM classmates that is.. to celebrate yet.. one of their birthdays... yes... clubbing and birthday tgt again.. haha.. i tot that was what i did last fri?! lol... and i actually didn't turn up ytd when wx asked me to go zouk too... Haha.. whatever... it means i just have to get over my mum's stage again...
Anyway... had michele's class today.. and well... did quite a bit of sharing today... unlike the last session cos i was in a bad mood... anyway... i think we all learnt something today... actually and last week as well... and frankly speaking.. i quite like her classes... cos it is one of the lessons that gives us some practical view of what we will be doing in future.. in the most direct way... Thou the report and presentation we are going to deal with will be like 'omg'... but i shall do my best... =)
Ohoh... Sis is back!!! Haha... thou she didn't buy ANYTHING for me lah... dotx... cos she claimed that she already got me a Stitch from Disneyland the other time she went US.. so Fine... but she came back with mooncakes... Haha. just the season! =)
Ya.. maybe that's all for today... tmr will be going back to sac... hmm... looking forward to it actually.. i guess the teachers look forward to seeing us too!! Lol.. well.. hopefully lah...!
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
STPI trip
Anyway... went for John's class today and we had the quiz! Some were quite easy while some were difficult cos i didn't come across them when reading my notes!! So i merely guessed the ans... cos guessing is better than leaving blank.. right? haha..
Then a grp of ppl from the class plus me.. went down to funan to eat be4 going to Singapore Tyler Printing Institute (STPI)... erm... walked quite a long way... but it's quite worthed.. although it's quite long lah... we left the place at like 5pm! and walked all the way back to clarke quay mrt there to take bus home... was damn tired... anyway i stopped at ntuc and i bought Gelato Dark Choco ice-cream home lah! haha.. =P
Anyway... STPI... the place is cool... we get to see how they actually make a print thru a video... and we visited their workshop also.. seeing those machines real.. and coincidently someone was doing some kind of putting 2 diff paper tgt.. so we stood and watch.. And they actually make their own paper! so cool... and at the end of the day.. we were each given a Frank Stella 2002 book that was published i think when he went to STPI as artist-in-house.. cool..!

Anyway.. this is the picture of our artist pass for beautiful sunday... nice right.. haha... those were the ppl dining at nydc.. but peiqian came later.. so no pass.. Anyway mine is at the top right hand corner lah... heex
That's all... Ciaoz~!
Monday, September 11, 2006
SYCO over...
Last thurs... i accidentally erm... knocked over my cpu.. and it was stuck.. the worst thing was.. my dance assignment that was supposed to be handed in on that day wasn't printed out yet.. so like... panic lah... so asked er-jie to help me lah... in the end managed to get image back on the monitor... so printed and went to sch... was late lor!! it was really a bad way to start the day lah.. was like so sad for the rest of the day lor...
But Forbidden City was good!!! Although it's the 2nd time i'm watching it... (watched it once in 2003).. but still find it very nice.. and i will go down to esplanade to buy the soundtrack when i have the time.. i really will!! i really liked Kit chan's vocal... so clear and beautiful.. and i like their use of stage and style of changing the scene too.. It really nice!!! =))
Fri erm... wasn't exactly a good day in sch too... but passable lah.. just that i spent my whole lunch break to finish up hazel's assignment that i had to hand in on that day... cos of my com lor.... thurs night came back can't use again... and fri morning was too late to do it.. so i brought lappy along and do during break lor... And luckily i rushed it out... and that morning i was nearly late for michele's lesson also lah.. but to my surprise.. there were only 3 ppl in the class when i reached at abt 9.55+?? haha... so in the end only 16 ppl turned up for that class lor..
After jeffrey's class which i struggled very long as to whether to stay anot.. went down to tanjong pagar to pass the lappy to da-jie to bring home.. cos i'm going for SYCO's prac and after that to MOS... so u see... yea.. cabbed down to MOS after prac... reached there slightly be4 10... and left ard 12.30am cos another person who lives in bedok already wanted to go home.. well... i have no much objections lah.. cos i'm tired already also.. and luckily i didn't stay to dance more... to think that the ache actually came back the next day... i nearly died lah...
Sat went NUS with sis... but oh man... i dunno why... i dun feel like practising at all... cos i was so tired and i was so disturbed by the waist prob... i sat outside from 4+ till we left... and i fell asleep there.. =x and we came back quite early after dinner cos er-jie has to come back to pack for her HK trip and do some work be4 she left..
Today!! (Sun i mean..) It's the Beautiful Sunday: Sound of SYCO concert... it went on quite smoothly lah.... and now i've got one Esplanade Artist pass to keep!! haha.. It was rather fun actually.. And lin laoshi was quite right... Liang Xiao was the most traditional CO song played in the whole concert... it's the song that gives ppl the correct impression of what a CO is like... and i think we did quite well.. haha... After that saw quite many friends... erm.. those cc ppl... oh man.. they just disgraced me by calling out my name plus my nickname so loudly at the concourse.. like whatever.. and the sy ppl there just goes: 'really look like *censored* leh'.. what the..
But it's not becos of that that i didn't leave with the changkat friends lah... just that this is like the last syco thing for this year... so i went out with some of the sy ppl instead... i mean i can always go find them at tampines or what right... so ya.. went nydc with the sy ppl... and we sat there from like 5pm right up to 8 lah... and i had Hawai'ian baked pasta... it's nice.. lol.
Anyway.... we were doing quite stupid stuff also lah... and talking about anything that came to our minds... like speaking good languages? haha... Joel was funny lah.. cos he was putting on his retainer and he could hardly talk properly... Argh.. i didn't mean to laugh at him!! =x Ohoh.. forgot to say who were there.. haha... erm.. 12 of us altogether... hanson, jinjia, kuncherng, joel, shaun, peiqian, yuheng, zhiwen, jon ngeow, pauline, joyce and me... ngeow left first cos he was going to work.. then pauline and joyce left for home also... and the rest of us stayed till 8 lor... by that time the girls left already wanted to go home.. including me! haha.. so everyone decided to go home.. haha...
So i'm here.. blogging lah.. after trying upteem times to switch on my com again!!! haix.. shall try again tmr... think i'm not going for jeffrey's class tmr lah... need to rest.. think i'll seek the sinseh again tmr... it's really killing me much... i mean my back/waist.. sianx...
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Doing work at lib!
Although the marketing has already past... i know that there are more to come lah... sometimes it just makes ppl think after the first grp presentation that do i still want to work with the same person again... or.. who do i want to work with next... actually i have nothing against working with different ppl or ppl who are not my choice.. as long as everyone does their own part on time.. but problems surface when not only i need to do my part... i still have to do other ppl's part.. that would be quite unfair isn't it..
But i guess sometimes we just have to bear with whatever we have... whoever we are (working) with.. cos ultimately when we enter the society.. that's reality that everyone has different working style... the thing is to compromise with each other... if not end of the day the only one that is unhappy could probably only be urself... am i not right?
Anyway... whatever it is.. i think i got to enjoy myself erm this weekend after handing the assignments for the time being... erm... first is forbidden city tmr night... am really looking forward to it since the last time thou i have to miss ravi's lesson tmr night... felt quite bad too since it's the last time ravi will be with us.. he had really tried his best to bring across the contents we need to know.. trying to make it not so boring... actually i quite enjoyed his lessons lah... just that he always didn't have time to finish whatever he wanted and we had to end up doing our own readings very much..
Then got to enjoy fri too... not the lessons thou... ok.. i quite enjoy michele's class... but jeffrey.. i dunno.. at least i was awake lah... so dun ask for too much.. haha.. and there's also a run-through for sunday's performance.. and after that i had to attend yinghan's invitation.. oh man.. i haven tell my mum that i'll be home late yet... sianx...
Wow... i took so so so long to type this... cos i stopped many times to do my work and when i'm tired i come back to this informal stuff... hah.. cos it's already like 2.30 now? lol.. ok.. should go back to my work at full force liao... byebye..