Saturday, June 13, 2015

Birthday. 又来了. 然后走了.

I was never the 'Hey, you want to meet and celebrate my birthday' kind of person. I am still not. If anyone wants to celebrate for me, I'd be happy. I didn't expect anyone to celebrate with me this year. After all, with the passive kind of mentality I have, I should get lesser and lesser celebrations right? I really need to thank my friends for putting in effort to make me feel loved. As much as I didn't really feel like celebrating my own birthday anyway (partially cos I'm getting older), I enjoyed each and every meet up with the friends. In small group or big group, it doesn't really matter. To where we go, it doesn't really matter as well. Because I really loved the company. I'm not sure if it's me being Gemini or not, or it is just me that even though a little on the quiet side sometimes, also very noisy when with the right company. haha!

Furthermore, I'm only in this company for about a month, hence, I would never expect anything from anyone in the company cos I would expect anyone to know as well. But friend announced loudly in office (several times). Lol! Then she and lunch khaki wanted to treat me lunch! :D Even though in the end we went to the ramen that serves free ramen to birthday person on actual day, even comes with a side dish! Lol! So they decided to get me cake too.

In fact, I had already 5 different cakes through the day. Lucky thing I didn't redeem my free cake from Starbucks. Of course I shared the cake, even if I ate most for some of them. So they got me 2 cakes from Cake Spade (we sat there to finish them, I even had candles, I don't even the last time I had 1 lol!), 2 from the 2 cute interns, and 1 from the sister :D To prove the happiness further, I haven't had so many cakes for the longest ever. I am a happy girl. :)

Happy girl ended the day with an awesome concert and a lovely time with the sister! :D Kit Chan was amazing, she was so good! I loved the way she spoke too. Everything felt so comfortable. :)

And so, the day ended. The amount of blessings I received already exceeded my expectations, although I was a tad disappointed with some people I expect. It's not exactly that I want to be anal about it, but if people whom I'm not so close with could see from my fb, these people could too. If people whom are not so close to me could even use a few seconds for a simple birthday wish, these people could have too. But, they didn't.

Of course, my regret this year is again that I am not able to spend it somewhere else, cos I don't have luxury of money and leave to do it.

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