Thursday, August 24, 2017



如果有機會讓你咨詢,你又會想問什麼呢?我自己也想了想這個問題。我的人生中也何嘗沒有煩惱的時候?在許多做決定的交叉路口中,也曾經迷失,不想面對,並且希望有更好的事情可以發生,也多次爲自己的事情煩惱。然而,即使有這樣的一個雜貨店,會不會願意去咨詢呢?其實書裡咨詢的人物都是很有勇氣的人,就算不去咨詢也很有可能有所作為的。他們都有勇氣咨詢其實很難以啟齒的煩惱,有勇氣接受浪矢先生的建議, 有勇氣去做自己原本沒想到會做的事/決定. 認為這是故事想要告訴讀者的. 

花了很久很久(至少幾個月)才讀完的書。😅  但我很喜歡!內容穿插得很自然,雖然前面真的會有些混淆,但漸漸可以看出方向,而且最後還很巧妙的連結到前面。世界,關係,空間都讓人感覺是圓的。對我來說是很厲害的構思。有些人可能覺得裡面還有什麼遺憾,有什麼不合邏輯的地方。但,對我來說已經很厲害了。前面雖然也覺得有一點混淆,不太明白不同時空的關係,後來覺得還是蠻不可思議,彷彿這樣的事情真的發生卻又不太可能。


Tuesday, April 04, 2017


也许我就是一个容易人来疯、很三分钟热度的人。爱看书就突然间一连读完几本,然后久久都没再碰任何一本;爱写字就一连一直写,一直写;突发奇想学新的歌曲就会一直练琴、不然就几个月都不碰一次;心血来潮就每天弄一弄Ukulele几下,然后又好几天,几个星期没碰了。所以搁置已久的连续剧突然间想看就一直看。《灰姑娘和四骑士》(Cinderella and Four Knights) 的前五集我大概已经下载了几个月了,只看了第一、二集,而且是花了很久看的。但星期四晚上突然很有feel就开始接下去看了。然后就一发不可收拾。哈哈!就星期五还得做工,所以没有太夸张,就凌晨1点吧差不多。星期五晚上连我自己都觉得夸张了:回到家已经凌晨1点多,竟然看到快5点钟。其实很累了,但就是想看。:x 然后星期六10点多起床了继续看,就这样,早看,午看,晚看的看完了。也不知道为什么会对这部戏这么恋恋不忘。尤其对丁一宇演的姜志云,完全放不下。结果星期天晚上又重看了第一、二集。超疯狂的。

可能因为他前面的行为有一点像我的理想型 - 江直树。哈哈!就是常常露出不屑的表情,用很不屑的口气,但会慢慢靠近你,还是会放不下你。这样的男人去哪里找呢?而且他笑起来好好看、好迷人哦!真的有爱上了的感觉。有一点幼稚却又还是让人爱。

(仿佛找回心跳的感觉了呢.... 有多久没有这样的感觉了呢?)Hai...

Monday, February 20, 2017

Plans plans.

Finally, a little step towards my old 三十岁的目标 revised. Honestly, I am still very far from most of the goals, and it seems like everything is difficult other that this one: travel to a dream country (USA, UK - England and Europe).

I have always wanted to visit UK, especially London. Somehow I am drawn to that place even though I may not know the most of it. Lol. Probably because many of my favourite musicals come from there. So anyways, I'm going to LONDON and PARIS! :D I am SO EXCITED. (PS: this is also my first time getting out of the whole big Asia, so I'm also a little nervous. HAHA) And glad to be away during my bday again! At least it's confirmed that I will be doing something more than just working or wasting the day away. And that I will have friends with me. HAHA. Previously I had wanted to do a solo trip for this year's bday. It's a dilemma all over again though. :x

We have so far confirmed our flight, our stay in London, our train to Brussels, our stay in Brussels, and a day trip to Stonehenge and Bath. More to go but we will get there. :)

And so... the planning goes! London, Brussels and Paris: See you soon!

I have never ever wished the birthday to come so soon hehe.

Friday, January 27, 2017

Cebu*Bohol 2016

Not to make up numbers... but this has to be one of my most memorable trip till date. To be honest, I was quite skeptical and nervous about the trip because I really do not know what to expect from the trip. And indeed, there were too many surprises to me.

Flight and accommodation booked and I still don't believe that I'm going. Haha. But of course we did.
Took us almost the whole day to get to our first night stay and also the place for the next 4 nights.

Flight to Cebu -> Taxi to Cebu Port (Take the white taxi only - by meter) -> Fast ferry to Tagbilaran Port (about 2h30min) -> Taxi/Tricycle to resort (depends on how people, we had 6 and were offered 600P to get us to the resort in one 9-seater. Somehow we managed to get another cheaper one at 500P).

The owner/staff of the resort was waiting at the door for us, and once I showed him the email, no other questions asked and we were brought to our rooms. Not the most fantastic place but it was cheap and acceptable. Thinking that we spent about 60+ per pax for the 5 nights there, I guess we can't complain too much. Moreover, they were friendly and helped us in our requests in many ways.

Because we were rushing for the ferry, didn't really have a good lunch, all we had were biscuits, water and my brilliant idea to bring a packet of honey butter cashew nuts. haha. Even though we were already super hungry, we walked all the way to have a atas dinner at another resort about 15min away. Saffron Restaurant at Amorita Resort - yup, as the name suggests, the most expensive. HAHA. And that's it for the first day after eating honey ice-cream that tastes a little salty but the koropok-liked cone is really nice!