Friday, May 27, 2016


《放不下的活著》 - 插班生


卻突然  聽到你最愛唱的歌了
又突然  整個心掉進黑洞了

放不下的  是你給過我的溫柔
想太多  才會把一切錯過
誰會預料  誰能接受

放不下的  是沒對你說的所有
你好嗎  聽見了嗎  想你了

原本就覺得是好聽的歌... 後來聽到933聽眾分享這首歌很有意義的時候, 多留意了歌詞. 感謝.
"放不下的  是沒對你說的所有
還有好多好多話想要說" 也許就是我最放不下的吧.

最近幾天小憂鬱了一下, 是很無聊的憂鬱. 但確切是為了什麼,也不太清楚了.
很想yolo一下, 但看來這次是不行了. :(
明年吧, 反正情況還是會一樣的吧.... 不是什麼高興的事, 可是我就是覺得還是會一樣. 我認了.
我對我的運氣已經不抱太大的希望了. 因為拿到這份工作的時候應該已經用完了,而且應該還不夠用. 明白就好 :(
明年就30了! 啊!
真的想一個人去走走啊... 還是只是因為快到六月了呢? 不知道為甚麼, 只要六月即將來臨, 我就有一種不安... 心裡真的好不安... 好像每天都有一千噸的重量在心上. 曾幾何時, 我多麼害怕生日的到來了呢?
而怕的理由竟然不是因為年齡長了一歲... 畢竟這麼多年來, 我從來不抗拒說出年齡這件事.. 所以這樣也是醉了... >.<

Thursday, May 26, 2016


Don't know if I should take this trip. Either way they are places I have been... many times. HAHA.

But I've also been wanting to do a solo trip during my birthday period. And these 2 are my only choices, because I also happen to have friends in these 2 places. And I have just decided in my head that it will be Taiwan. HAHAHA =x Provided leave approved and parents not upset over me going alone without them. Cos mum had to say it that day that we should go taiwan next year. Right. It was supposed to be this year, but somehow plans changed.

[26/5/16] Okkkk.... I didn't post the above when I was trying to make a decision that day. And so, now I will do so. Decided not to go during the birthday period and put it off to next year instead. Well, 1 reason being the air ticket price has gone up over the past few days... to a price that I don't think I want to spend that kind of money. Another reason is when at least 2 people told me not to go. Because true friends will tell you the truth even though you are the only paying for it. As much as I don't want to be shaken by other people's decision. But I asked.... right? hahaha. Next year lah... I have a better plan for that :)

Gonna try to persuade mama to go taiwan in Dec first.... So it will be guilt-free when I decide to go next year. HAHAHA :D

All right.... 現在先透露到這裡,其他的下次再說。:)