Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Journey to the 3rd Conducting Workshop

People always say "Practice makes Perfect". You may think that after doing the workshop for 3 times, it will be an easy piece of work. I would love to think it that way as well. Then I realised that was also the very reason I think I didn't do well enough, because of complacency. I knew that everything will turn out just fine.

I made a few mistakes this time round, in my own opinion. But no one reprimanded me in any way, not yet. But I will reflect upon it myself first. To be fair to everyone and myself. But I'm thankful for people who came in to help at the very last minute. MD, the conductors, the composers, the colleagues, and the participants as well. No one was being difficult at any time of the workshop.

Let's recap.

The first time I heard about and knew I had to do this project was 2 months into my job here, 4.5 years go. I was afraid and nervous all the time. Because I wasn't close to anyone it was really hard for me to get any good help. When my boss handed the news and all those things to me, she told me that people have been informed, and all the information are available... To my horror when I approached the people, nobody knew what was going on. No pianist engaged, no conductors involved and what else I can't even remember. Actually I think even the repertoires wasn't confirmed. I was told in July, the workshop was due to happen in end-Nov. I had about 4 months to get everything together. Meaning, to get colleagues to contact composers to have their composition reduced to piano version, get the pianists to commit their time, do a write-up for the event, draw out the timeline, put up the application form for people to sign up, coordinate with the conductors to view the application videos, eventually choosing suitable applicants as active participants. As well as, do all the emailing work, seating plan, schedule planning, etc. and the actual execution of the workshop.

At the end of the day, the workshop completed with some glitches, esp. when I didn't manage to control the timing for the podium session, due to many reasons. Haha! Also, all the participants were drained due to the long long hours every day, trying to squeeze everything into those short 4 days. That was when I promised that I will make it better for the next one.

I would also like to think that doing this contributed greatly to my promotion 1 year later.

The 2nd workshop happened in 2017, nothing much changed, I had slightly a little more time. The challenge was that we were having it in a less than satisfactory environment due to the hall undergoing renovation. All orchestra podium time were held in the Exhibition Hall, including the Final Presentation. The concourse was undergoing works so the building honestly didn't really look safe to be in. It was embarrassing I must say, though the participants didn't say it. And everyday I get complains from my colleagues about the lack in space in the hall and yet I wanted to add in more and more chairs.

Another challenge was when there were a lot of pull-outs from the programme and eventually we only had 6 participants. But, with lesser participants, it also gave us more leeway on the extra time allowance so there were less worries each day. Allocation was also pretty straight forward because there weren't so many pieces. The only constraint was really the room space, for participants and observers. We could only house very very few observers and they are all seated behind the winds section, which means they probably can't hear a lot as well. The good thing for me was that I had to sit next to MD and it was easier to manage his time. At the presentation, all the pieces were repeated; poor soloist also had to play extra although we cut the piece so that he only play one of the movements twice.

And then... after that workshop, again, I tried to suggest some other ideas and first and foremost is to make the final presentation an evening show so that we can draw more audience to support the participants. HOWEVER, dates were given without negotiation and obviously we were consulted, so the idea had to be compromised because there was a major concert going on the same week by the sub-CO, sy. Planner didn't even consider anything. Yup, the workshop may not be planned by them and they may think it's just an extra project that the company is doing, but well, I think that other than the programme itself, there are many other factors to consider. SY thinks that they are not the priority, but I felt the same way. Maybe then it's time to do it themselves so that there will not be clashes like that?

So just when I thought everything was planned out properly for this year's workshop, there were many many uncertainties, because there were too many variations available, a lot of things can happen and there is no just 1 formula for it. I blame myself for delaying a few things. But was also a little frustrated that some of the things were not done by other departments supporting. Of course, of course, even it's not my fault that I have already informed them earlier, it's my fault that I didn't follow up and caused things to be done last minute. And some of the things still was never done till the very end, and I also think that they have conveniently forgot about it altogether. At the end of the day, I really thought I single-handed managed the entire thing, except for some stuff that I really cannot do myself. I'd probably do them on my own if I have the resources. It was little of a pity that we couldn't reach out to more people but I was glad it went well. With a little overrun on 2 of the sessions. But honestly, I thought I have tried to make changes, but looks like I haven't done enough. I feel that I have made conscious effort to review every single session and provide views on how we can do better for the next one, but it wasn't recognised. Oh well... we will see for the next one then.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019



1. 還是存錢,雖然還是沒存到很多。哈哈還是買房子吧。一定要有自己住的地方。
2. 想要真的談戀愛...
3. 還要做喜歡的事情--現在的工作。
4. 一年至少表演一场。不然全部都会忘掉的,而且真的会懒惰。
5. 去一次美国、意大利、日本、韩国
6. 学一学钢琴/吉他


It's not like I haven't tried. Maybe some things are just not meant to be. Maybe it's just my character to put people off, and that, I can admit although I also think I'm a good person overall, I am not an attractive person. Oh wells. So I guess nature's course is that I stay where I am and how I'm like. If no one had liked me before. they will not also now and future. And I really don't believe in love at first sight and meeting people I didn't know on first meeting. So I really cannot. I will just let it be.

No. 1, I'm still trying hard. Nothing raises too much. HAHAHA oops. And I really wonder where I wasted all the money. Hehe.

No. 3, I'm still keeping my cool. This year I really picked up some shit. Although I also left a little shit, actually that was last year. This year I have done better I feel. Though still procrastinating most of the time and messy all the time. Oops. But to be fair, I have never been neat till I need to.

No. 4, yes, I really did and I really tried. LOL! Even practiced hard for 1 of them. But laziness caught me this year end and I cannot see myself practicing, now, literally. The pieces are too difficult and I cannot condone with less than good performance.

No. 5, ERM. The post was done in Apr 2018 and I did go to Korea last year end. :D YAY I achieved one! And Japan is next year in 2020! And to be fair, this year most of the trips I really also went to places I've never been to. Exception is part of Taiwan, and I planned mostly places I haven't visited as well. Plus a trip to New Zealand. Wasn't in the plan and it was really good.

No. 6, nope, didn't do any. HAHA Well, I'm not 35 yet, I still have some time to go. :D

As for any other things, look, I haven't even fulfilled half of this list, what rights do I have to add new ones? So yup, I'm going to stick with these, until I reach something else, or something else really important comes along. :)

Friday, March 01, 2019

2018 旅 · 三 · 玩

2018年最長的旅程,是十二月的韓國。終於去了。說也奇怪,好像許多人說影像中我常去韓國,所以都是說我‘又’要去韓國了。不過,實際情況就是,這是我第二次到韓國而已。畢竟台灣比較像我 ‘家鄉’。呵呵

一共去了17天,還蠻驚人的吧。因為我們三個人從來沒有一起出國,是第一次,就是這麼長的一次。還好我們還是朋友。哈哈!不過說真的,幸好有她們兩位,讓我不需要做什麼功課,也因此沒有對時間分配做任何的考慮。也就是說,I'm the freeloader for this trip! 還好她們沒有嫌棄我。呵呵。就這樣,在首爾晃了6天,到釜山5天,再到濟州島5天,再回去首爾1晚,然後我自己搭了飛機回來。




1. 在首爾第二天早上起來第一眼看到的是窗外的雪! 開心! 下的雪有點大, 我們等到了中午才出了門. 但其實出去的時間不太長. 去了宗廟 (Jongmyo),由於沒有別的華族旅客,所以我們有專屬的導遊帶我們走完當時沒什麼人的宗廟。

2. 去採草莓。哈哈哈!許小姐完全不吃草莓,但不介意跟我們一起體驗,當天也下了雪,有些冷,但採草莓的地方很美。還有隻shiba inu,沒有什麼其他人所以蠻享受的。做了草莓麻薯,很好吃但是真的很醜。哈哈哈 結果我們帶回住家過了一兩天沒吃就硬掉了。:/

3. 逛了好些超夯的地方 - 我們住在弘大附近,自然有好些天都在那裡活動到。Sinsa-dong (Garosugil Street), Common Ground, 明洞 (myeong-dong), Seoul Station, 等等。

4. 去感受一下 Runningman 的感覺。我真的太爛了。沒有達標... 只拿到一個小小的禮物沒有證書。 哈哈!不過蠻好玩,蠻刺激的。

5. 唱K! (노래방) 新的體驗很好玩。完全是你要怎樣就怎樣。真的非常有限的唱這一些比較熟悉的歌,也有一些中文的啦。系統還可以改變歌曲的真個風格,有一些真的蠻好笑的。是因為打發時間臨時找的活動,還是好玩。

6. 雖然覺得在首爾好像沒做些什麼,但釜山和濟州島都是滿滿的行程。Gamcheon Cultural Village (감천 문화 마을) 是一定要去的啦,我們在那裡的時候天有些陰,有些顏色不太好看,如果天氣再好一點就好了。Haedong Yunggung Temple, 在沿海的一座廟 - 海東龍宮廟。很大的一個地方,只是除了那個就沒別的了。在 Haeundae Beach 看日落。Busan Oryukdo Skywalk 也很漂亮,從岩邊伸展出去的透明走道 - 想起了RM在那裡受懲罰的三位臭手。真的沒有那麼可怕。

7. 在Busan的其中一天租了車出去另外一個地方,要開4小時的車才會到。安排和Oryukdo同一天,因為開車比較方便。途中看到什麼就吃一吃。哈哈。去的是Pohang 的Hand of Harmony, Homigot Sunrise Square (호미곶 해맞이광장)。日出時會陽光會打在從海裡伸出來的手掌,就像用手捧著太陽一樣。但我們到的時候太陽是快要下山的了。所以另一面的陸地上也有一個相似的手掌。

8. 在濟州島的過聖誕。去了市場買了非常多食物回房裡吃。真的是聖誕大餐!結果就是吃不完。哈哈哈!

9. 去了好幾個景點。Jeongbang Waterfall 超美的,還映出了彩虹🌈。在Songaksan等日落,非常非常的冷,因為在海邊的關係。而且風很大。不知道我們哪來的勇氣和堅持,在完全沒有任何遮蓋的情況下在那裡等了至少一小時。冷死了我們三個人。下山的時候我們都非買熱飲不可。Seongsan Ilchulbong 也蠻美的,然後有海女示範她們潛水捕魚的程序。佩服她們,都是年紀不輕但是很健康的阿姨們。

10. Jusangjeolli Cliff... 是我們那一天唯一的行程... 因為有人出事了。嚇死人。還好那個地方不大,需要帶走的路不多。

11. 不知道我哪來的自信和勇氣,和鄭小姐一起去爬 Hallasan. 只能說,沒有鍛鍊真的不行啊。想要攻山頂也不是我能力能負荷的事。不過我真的盡力了。並且肌肉繼續疼了好幾天。幸好或是不幸,到了攻頂前的最後休息站時,上山頂的路已經封了,不讓人再上了。雖然還沒到截止的時間。緣分吧。哈哈哈,還有,在下山的時候滑倒了兩次,早知道就不逞強,穿上釘鞋。還好有蠻厚又長的外套,畢竟連這樣尾椎都疼了好幾天。累死寶寶。

12. 最後在很早的時候自己搭了一小時又多一點點的地鐵到機場。拉著一路上沒什麼變重但是最後一晚在COEX狂賣的食物而變重的行李... 地鐵的位子因為導熱越坐越熱。哈哈哈!畢竟坐了那麼遠的車程。結果有些遲了,幸運的被放到比較好的位子(因為一個人的關係)。要過海關的人真的很多,導致我真的有些不夠時間。還硬要到星巴克買個杯,並把固本用掉,領了一杯聖誕飲料,有點連走帶跑的步伐到登機口。呃.... 沒有人了。哈哈哈在關鍵時刻上了飛機 😅空少是帥的,而且聲音是好聽的,只是...他應該... 呵呵你明白的。


1. 弘大那條街的Hotteok應該是我最想念的。真的好好吃。

2. 也是弘大那裡 - 一家雪濃湯... 冬天吃這個真的有溫暖的感覺。而且他們家的kimchi真的好。

3. 去了幾個海鮮市場,東西不便宜,但都很新鮮,吃了生的(?)小章魚,花蟹,還有花蟹膏煮的飯真的超級棒。還有那些生魚片...  想念啊...

4. 人參雞湯。怎麼會這麼好?哈哈,已經無法形容了

5. 怎麼可能少了韓國燒烤呢!去了Jongkook和Haha的店,還有幾家別的,怎麼都好吃。當然,其中一家是我們在Hallasan之後去的一家。真的不是因為我們爬山累了才覺得好吃的。哈哈!

6. 韓國炸雞。也是最棒的。尤其BBQ Chicken的。(是,賣的是炸雞沒錯)雖然多數的時候都是叫的外賣,但真的還是很好吃!

7. 炸醬麵,終於有感覺runningman吃炸醬麵的感覺 🤣

8. 鮑魚粥。真的很好吃。這個好像是在濟州島第一家酒店附近,老奶奶用了蠻久的時間準備,但是真心好吃。真的吃到一滴不剩。

9. 咖啡... 和各種糕點。最想念的咖啡是在釜山的FM COFFEE。本以為關了,結果google還是有用的。走了一些路終究有找到。也是唯一我們想盡辦法寧願繞路再回去買來喝的咖啡。



Thursday, February 28, 2019

2018旅 · 二 · 游




因為不知道高雄車站那裡在施工,有些路沒了,酒店當然也沒有說明,結果近在眼前的酒店得走天橋才可以到達。有行李啊! 幸好有位好心人有幫忙行李提上橋。真的感激! 所以到達飯店check-in的時候,我已經快瘋了。還是先沖個涼才可以出門。聰明了,先問好櫃檯怎麼到車站比較好,原來有別的路能走,月台上的天橋也在這段時間讓人過橋到對面。在附近找了一家餃子館,好好吃,價錢也公道。


第二天,把行李寄放在車站,吃好早餐後也差不多了。然後又到美麗島看燈. 特別時段有燈光秀... 但結論就是... 看原本的燈就可以了,不必等到特定的燈光秀... 或者,業者可以試著把燈光秀弄得更好,更有看頭。搭了火車到台南。印象中的第一次!哈哈, 一切順利! 台南住宿的飯店真的很不錯. 離台南車站很近,而且旁邊就是公車站. 當然, 天氣還是很熱! 先到孔廟去, 算是台南的名勝之一. 先在路口看到台南膨餅, 買了幾個試看看. 跟想像中得不太一樣, 但還是蠻好吃的.

之後就到了附近的莉莉水果店吃冰. 超爽的! 然後去了林百貨,還逛了蠻久的。雖然是個80多年的公司了,但裡面除了賣一些比較傳統的美食、茶葉外,還有很多他們本地設計師的物品。然後到了蝸牛巷,走一走,拍一拍照。具體很多細節不太記得了啦!😅😅😅不過,晚上是到了大東夜市。還好朋友早說了台南的夜市不同的營業日,所以那天是非到大東不可的。人很多餒!具體都吃了些什麼其實有點忘了哈哈,但是!有吃到很脆很好吃的蔥油餅!

第三天,走走玩玩安平區。安平樹屋、安平古堡、博物館還有億載金城。門票一起買是有優惠的,加上赤崁樓。吃了飯店的西式早餐就出門了。天氣實在蠻熱的。全程拿著雨傘遮陽 哈哈哈。安平樹屋裡面沒什麼東西,但有好些地方都可以拍拍照,還蠻有感覺的。安平古堡更簡單了。就是有個觀望塔,但是大家有些累,沒人想要爬樓梯,所以我自己上去了。果然是能居高臨下的看一看周圍。吃完飯後在旁邊的一家小店吃面和滷肉飯,和好吃的海鮮卷,然後走安平老街。看到有賣棺材板的攤販就非吃不可。哈哈!走完後剛好到車站搭公車到億載金城、看一看大砲。感覺就像我們的 Fort Canning。接著吃晚餐 - 在舞鶴小炒。

第四天,去了還幾個地方 -- 正興街、赫赫有名的赤崁樓、神農街、國立台灣文學館、巨大扭蛋機和花園夜市。我們記憶裡的赤崁樓是因為以前的遊戲節目 - 少年兵團之你要去哪裡。少年看電視的回憶,所以去一下還是必要的。哈哈。一早在勝利早餐店吃好後去了正興街,可能太早了,街道有些安靜,買了杯奶茶走一走一些已經開門的店家,有幾家店還蠻有特色的。然後就去了赤崁樓,反正已經有票了。之後就在旁邊的小月擔仔麵吃午餐。之後去了神農街感受一些些文藝氣息。😂走累了當然是找個地方喝咖啡吃甜品 - 選了一家非常復古的太古101咖啡。所有的擺設都非常非常復古,後面竟然還有一枚旋轉木馬的木馬,而且在室內真的就拜託了外面的大太陽。之後還有一些時間,所以去了原本沒安排的國立台灣文學館。其實真的蠻不錯的。況且老爸本來就喜歡文學,正好。有一部分也介紹了台灣的原族民文化。晚餐不記得吃什麼了,但後來就去了花園夜市 - 有吃到好吃的牛肉湯!哇哇哇!

第五天,在台南的最後完整的一天。去吃了台南特色早餐 - 阿堂鹹粥。是不錯,二姐喜歡的口味。我只喜歡某一種,另外一個有個我本身不太想接受的味道。呵呵 煎魚肚是好吃的。過後就到了奇美博物館。很有歐洲特色的博物館,真的有讓我不禁想到前一年的法國之旅。白色的建築物,取用羅馬和希臘的古典元素,圓形頂蓋、高圓柱(Columns),還有館外以希臘神話雕像組成的橋,在走進本館之前就花了一些時間拍照啊,也真的美啊!館裡的展覽也真的很多。走完了出來已經是午餐時間,去吃了溫體牛肉鍋,在一個不怎麼方便也不怎麼起眼的地方,但的確好吃。之後去了十鼓文化村...... 這個就除了有幾個值得拍照的點之外呢,真的可以不用去。哈哈哈 裡面有個文化表演,就...... 如此而已。把園區逛完後,回到市區內,還有一些時間就去了藍曬圖文創園區。又是個文青的地方。可以裝一裝也不錯。呵呵 結果晚餐就在對面的商場裡解決了,回到飯店在周圍的店家買一買東西就差不多了。



第七天,一早去了依然還是最愛的阜杭豆漿吃早餐。是我排隊最長的一次。暈。真的很長。之後去了四四南村,有週末市場!上次去的時候什麼都沒有。哈哈!然後又去了一次台北101的星巴克。:) 然後去了幾米車站/巴士,以月亮忘記了為主題的巴士。美美噠! 然後去吃了快炒 - 炒豬肝超級好吃! 每一趟真的都會認識到新的東西。

第八天,也是最最最後一天了。一早去了佳德,因為一整個星期他們因為中秋節放假了,第一天開門。雖然有很多產品也來不及做,只有鳳梨酥類的,也好。還有曾拌面! 我們也真的蠻厲害買的。哈哈哈。回到飯店check-out,最後去了永康牛肉麵!和Smoothie King... 真的超級想念永康牛肉麵的。嗚嗚嗚......


還想帶著他們嗎?想,但要想好行程,要安排周到。最好可能還是旅行團吧。但是呢... 爸爸現在好像哪裡都不敢去... 那該怎麼辦呢?🤷🏻‍♀️😔


Thursday, January 17, 2019

2018 旅 · 一 · 走

短短的5天很快就過了。對整間事情的不平衡還是有的。哈哈。好像有點小氣。But I don't care, I'm just gonna feel that way. Because people like him won't feel apologetic at all. 反正已經回來了。

很短,但很多歡笑的旅程。Haven't traveled with this bunch for some time, and they are really easy people to travel with, not to mention that we have known each other for 18 years now. Still, if you compare them to other groups of friends I have traveled with, it just feels different. I guess there's really nothing we cannot talk about. (except for maybe not able to tell me about my cake and all) LOL!

Day 1: Singapore - Yangon
(Bogyoke Market, Shwedagon Pagoda)

So it happened on the first day when we got to Novotel Yangon Max Hotel. I total didn't suspect any of this entire thing, as I really thought it was normal to be waiting at the hotel lobby for the room to be 'ready' because we reached quite early. And then we were accompanied by the manager, which I thought was okay also because she's showing hospitality to fellow colleagues. And then.. I was welcomed by an army outside the room, with a cake, and candles, and rose petals in the room, and birthday card, and balloons. LOL! And a handmade guide for Bagan! That was totally effort plus! And so, I was totally surprised. Happy as I was, I also felt awkward after the song and the candle blowout. There was really an awkward silence. Lol! And afterwards I was thinking about the fact that I was wearing my specs rather than contacts. :/

Went for our first meal at Junction Square just 5min walk away, turned out to be pleasantly good too! (And probably the cheapest we had too) It's a local eatery with noodles, and dim sum. I had one of the best wheat noodle with garlic oil. And I kept on saying their iced milk tea tastes like one of those in our coffee shops, albeit a little milky.

Original plan for the day was to travel up to Golden Rock, but it was canceled due to wet weather conditions a few days before the trip and the tour says it's unsafe to travel over. And I suggested we be more chill so the trip is not so packed. So we were left to explore the city (which was supposed to be 2nd and last day's activity). haha.

Went to Bogyoke Market (a.k.a Scotts Market) and Shwedagon Pagoda. Bogyoke Market is like... I don't even know how to say it. Haha! Anyway, stalls were mostly closed by 4.30pm even though the opening hours were till 5.30pm. The hall was completely, if not almost, dark. Almost because there were only 1 or 2 stalls selling jewelry still opened. The lanes outside was quite a scene though, where many uncles and aunties sat at the alley with short tables and stools drinking tea and eating their hightea I supposed. And maybe doing something else I don't know what. I can't even tell where is the stall because they were just sitting along the wall. But it was really really crowded. So I was amazed, but well, we didn't even attempt to join them to soak in the local culture feel because it looks too scary already. haha

So we got to Shwedagon Pagoda before sunset. The start of our pagoda journey (i.e taking off shoes at each of them) The place is really huge and pretty. The floor is totally tiled, so it doesn't feel hot at all, and although a little wet due to the unpredictable rain throughout the day, the rest were fine. The structure was so beautiful I guess I really took a lot of pictures there (though at the end of the day, you will say, these pagodas they look the same) LOL.

And then... we got to the chinatown area for dinner -- grilled/bbq sticks and a little zichar. (which is also the start of our zichar journey) We had ours at Shwe Mingalar Restaurant, recommended by a blog, we were too lazy to look around and we called a grab by inputting the address directly, so we couldn't really choose after stopping right outside their place. Haha! But the entire street is filled with shops and stalls selling these sticks. The meal was rather satisfying. :) And Day 1 was gone, decided to go back to rest even though we fell asleep after lunch before heading to the market, we really had an early flight and I barely slept the night before.

Day 2: Yangon - Bagan
Circular Train, St. Mary's Cathedral, City Hall & Pagoda, Night Bus

Wanted to go out early but it was literally pouring. And it got heavier over time! So we decided to prepare and go out a little later. Thanks to the hotel staff, we didn't have to go all the way to the Yangon Central Station to take the circular train and we heed their advices to not go to the market because it will be muddy due to the weather. They suggested we travel towards the city instead. And so we did. The circular train ride was a little eye opener from the ticket to taking the train. Tickets were 2000kyat (about 20cents SGD) flat rate. The entire (circular) train ride will take about 3hours to complete. We took to the city which was probably quarter circle. Stood throughout as the seats were wet from the rain before. Commuters (or not) were doing all sorts of things in the train. Selling stuff like fruits, vegetables, breakfast, telephone simcard, and monk asking for blessings, 2 women beside us were doing work scraping some coconut, and then proceed to eat her lunch in the train.

Lunch was at Lotteria because we don't know what to look for and after the rain, the weather became really warm and humid so we seek air-conditioned shelter. Haha! But it rained and stopped multiple times that day it was so unpredictable.

Venture out again after some satisfying cheese sticks and chicken at Lotteria and bubble milk tea from Koi! Walked all the way to St. Mary's Cathedral, which was at the end of the entire street. A pity that we can't go in to the church itself; there was practically no one there. Went back to the City Hall area with Sule Pagoda right in the middle of the round about.

And soon it was time for some drinks and tea time - (read: shelter and air-con) again. Walked again.. to Cafe Paradise. Had some pancakes and crepe. It was so good because the crepe actually taste so homely. Hehe. Because of that, I was so full, I didn't have any motivation to buy food for the night bus so I skipped dinner. Got back to hotel to bathe and freshen up because we really needed to, before leaving for the bus terminal.

Check-in for the bus is really easy and fast. We traveled by JJ Express (Joyous Journey), seats were actually very comfortable, until I really feel like going to the toilet. LOL. We stopped twice for toilet, food and drinks (no I didn't have any) and eventually reached the bus terminal at 5am, and was swamped with many many people asking if we needed transport. Oh well, because we didn't arrange for any from the hotel, we got 'chopped' by them lor. But well, we were too tired to think of anything else and that's why we also paid more for the entrance fee with 25000kyats than 10USD each. It was only till lunch that we talked about it. lol

Day 3: Bagan

Checked-in to Bagan View Hotel, it was easy and fast, we got to our room immediately and we just crashed for a (long) while because we were tired. I really concussed quite fast and woke up a little late also. HAHA. Thankful that we got to check-in so early. I guess it was because of all these bus and flight schedules that made the check-in and check-out timings so flexible, and because they are nice.

Anyway... it was a day of Pagodas. We went to so many, we could hardly remember any of their names. HAHA. But.. just let me put down what I remembered (though half of the time I was a little distracted catching pokemons at the pagodas). So there a few kinds of pagodas (similar to what we call a temple), a worship place. So pagodas are temples that you can go in, and stupa are those you can't. It was a pity that all pagodas were closed for safety reasons due to the recent earthquake. And they will only reopen in July. What a timing.

Currently, there are a total of 3,122 pagodas in Bagan and they are built in the 11th and 12th Century. 11th century's pagodas generally only have 1 entrance, and 12th century ones have 4 or more entrances. Also, because it's not quite possible to visit all of them, we went to a few important ones, and see the others from afar. So there's the prettiest, the tallest, the biggest and the best architecture.

And so we met this guide, Khant (read: cant), who was quite good. BUT. He kept on telling us things in a straight face and many times turn out to be his jokes. It was till the point we can't differentiate whether he was lying about going to Russia for the world cup or not. HAHA! The chats were so funny I really khant-not.

The trip was booked via Klook. So apparently we can't book him separately for another day to tour somewhere else he suggested - Mount Popa. So we went back to hotel to ask the concierge for a driver, which is about the price of the Klook one - which we thought was not too bad.

Day 4: Bagan - Yangon
So we booked a half day tour to Mount Popa because we were told it will be enough anyway. Driver was ok, and also tried to explain some places to us, help to take some photos. Didn't exactly know what we were in for at the place actually. HAHAHA! And today we all wore slippers. Only to know that shoes are only allowed for a certain distance. The rest of the time no shoes at all, and we continue to climb steps, whether clean or not, whether outdoor or indoor.

So half a day was gone after up and down, watching monkeys and also avoiding them. There were really hell lots of monkeys on the entire mountain. And the trip ended with us looking at this man trying to retrieve his cap from a monkey from the top of his lorry. 😂

And then back to hotel area for lunch and check out to go the airport. We were soooo early and there was nothing to do. And everything was manual! Wow. Hardcopy handwritten boarding pass, manual labour to bring our check in luggage to the plane, manual custom also. It's also bring-your-kid-to-work day cos the custom officer had a kid at his side drawing on other paper while he tick off our names off the passengers' list.

And yup, it has to be propeller plane. Good thing it was a really short ride. So we are back to Yangon City. Didn't do much cos big sister is also down with some gastric problem.

Dinner at a recommended cafe nearby. Food is not bad, but some of the food are better out in the streets. The ambience of the place was good though, with world cup on the screen (albeit some wordings on the wall). And big sister wasn't feeling well, so we sort of just chill back at hotel at night because there was nothing much to do too. HAHA!

Oh! And we really seen what's call 免(缅)电(甸)... The 3 of us walked out from the restaurant and in a second the street went FULL BLACK. Good experience? Great. But quite scary too, there was no one else on the street except for this person sitting along the sidewalk.

Despite all the discomfort of the sister, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to YIH at our own timing! A bit early but we did! And so... eat cake again! HAHAHA

Day 5: Yangon - Singapore
Last day! Googled for noodles and Supermarket around us so that can go and shop. Breakfast at 999 Shan Noodle, not bad leh! But still the first day one really imprinted some memories in us. Then walked to the supermarket, which is actually quite far away. Bought quite a bit. LOL. And managed to try the roadside stalls for tea. Just for the experience lah. Cabbed back and went to eat Sharky - Italian food. It was nice! And then it was time to check out and fly back :(

Was it fun? Yes, and interesting.
Will I go back to Myanmar? Maybe, but will definitely not go back to bagan, because they have quite a number of cities we can explore.
Was it worth? Yup. I think so. Because it changed my perception of Myanmar a little. (Not as bad as I thought) And thought that maybe we should have planned a longer trip. (But actually I can't because I had to be back :/ )