The annual COgang Xmas cum Bday Celebration is held.. on 25 Dec.. Late aftn onwards... at yours truly... Haha. So part one... we had pizza... eh... self-made.. haha! no lah... we bought the crust.. but add the fillings ourselves... Oh... wasn't in time to take any pictures of the food except for the cake... cos everyone is just too fast. Haha!

This is taken after the gift exchange... be4 everyone opened their pres..
Horng couldn't come on that day... she was here a day earlier thou.. but no pictures..
Wanted to take those pictures of the gifts each of us got... BUT.. my cam had to be screwed up that time... so.. ya.. no pictures... anyway... i got a Pooh bath towel which was contributed by siyih! Heex.

The 2 birthday girls!! Both no on that day itself lah.. haha.
Then the 2nd part is yea... Celebration for these 2 girls.. I nearly forgot to go and collect the cake lor... until the gift exchange was over.. Heex. Anyway.. the cake is quite nice.. thanks to mum's friend... did it for you qing jia. Haha!

A nice pic... w/o sylvia inside... Haha! jk jk... =P
pls dun ask me what the 2 girls in front were doing. Lol.
The 2nd/3rd day after xmas... i was too bored at home... so i took a picture of the presents i received... Very touched by the hand-made gifts! Thanks Via, Ling and Qin.. Although the white glue on Via's gift (the coaster-made mouse pad) still hasn't totally dry up yet.. i dunno why.. so it's still airing itself somewhere... haha!

Yea.. here goes the picture... but somehow i forgot to include the massage stick inside... Sorry Yushi.. to make up for it... i took a picture of the stick on its own!
And Thanks my dearest cousin and han for the card! Most of the time cards are enough to make my heart warm! Heex.

Here it is... taking up the whole picture... it's in the limelight now lah... heex. it's really useful.. haha! Thanks yushi!
The day ended when everyone left ard 10pm... and obviously i was left alone at home while 2sis were at Uncle Yeo's having BBQ xmas party... and parents went for wedding dinner... And i felt asleep while watching tv... and not knowing that my parents went out w/o keys... and i was in quite deep sleep... until dunno why i suddenly woke up and went out of my parents' room and realise my dad trying very hard to get the keys from outside.. =x the worst thing is when my mum said she called my hp (which was beside me) and i didn't even feel it and ans it. =xx that's bad i know... but perhaps i was too tired... Whole day of activities leh...
Oh.. Be4 the party and after they left in the morning... mum came back and say that we're going to my ex-tuition teacher's (her primary classmate) place for buffet lunch... it was her daughter's Big day! (that explains the wedding dinner at night) Oh god.!! she's really pretty... different from the usual look i see when i go for tuition... anyway... they will be in US for the next 2 years i think... And her husband is super tall also lah... 1.89m lor!!! Pengx..
So to round this up... i had a busy... little sleep... but enjoyable christmas this year!! :)))
Am looking forward to next year... Thou my timetable really really sux... Haha!
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