Anyway... I'm really bored so i went to sistic website.. and search for some performances/concerts/theatre that i can go and watch... and i found erm... 3 at least.. haha.

Firstly, the dim sum dollies with the new show... The History of Singapore.. i reckon that it will be really interesting as they question the history that we study in school.. It will be staging in July. So who is interested to go with me???!!! :)

Then Tian Leng Jiu Hui Lai... But there's no kit chan although that's one of her songs' name.. So anyway.. it should be in chinese lah... And staging in August! Thus again... let me know if u are interested to go... BUT this is the one that i really want to go lah... :)))

Then this! First saw the adv when i went to watch phantom. I love the music(s) in Swan Lake!! So i supposed i'm going.. Someone go with me! heex. As seen in the picture... staging in Sept! heex.
Lastly... i dun have any pictures of this one... but it's Ballet Under The Stars (BUTS)... i've been there the past 2 years.. and i really like it... but tix price increased this year! Dotx. Anyway... it will be in July. so reply fast! :)
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