Anyway... i rmb i'm supposed to post this...

The movie was a awesome one for an action pack... Hmm... i think the transforming process... like how amazing! Although Transformers is not something of my era... i'm amazed by it... The effects and everything is so cool... Plus a little of jokes here and there. But still cos of mindset and impression.. it's still not my fav movie so far. And i'm not a Transformers fan... just that in objective point of view. it's good. What more can i ask for when i watched it for $7? haha! Ok lah.. i think it's worth even if it's $8.... for all the effect u can get in a cinema... not to mention that i watched it in a rather cheapo cinema. and at that unearthly hour. haha!
Been watching movies quite frequently lately yea... 5 movies in June! haha. pls dun think that i'm rich... but it's definitely cheaper than shopping cos i spent $30+ just buying one item.. in that short period of time. haha!
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