Being able to share the things I care about is a bliss. Click on 'Continue reading and get all the thoughts' to get the whole story. :)
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Random update.
Anyway... that day i talked about the incident about the cust... he called back on monday... cos my manager didn't call him as he's actually in hk now... but good thing he didn't use the top of his voice again... so we offered to let him collect be4 end of this month... thankfully he didn't make a fuss again.. cos it was me who ans the phone (again...)... In the end... i think he came one of these days... and actually it was a duffle bag instead of the cabin bag! After like asking him so many times?? dotx... but whatever lah.. it's another case close... dun come another one man... let me pass the next 2 days in peace!! =)
So.. what else?? Hmm.. anybody wants to go to junyang's autograph session this sat?? It's at bishan lor... so if nobody is going with me... then i'll not be going also lah... sianx... Oh... anyway might be meeting the beloveds also... hmm... then we shall see lor..! Haha.
Oh.. did i mention that i actually received a letter to inform me of an interview... for nie pri sch chinese and general... but i didn't go... erm.. i dunno why... but it took me quite some time to make the decision... thou yes... being a teacher is my one ambition... but not so much of chinese... so i didn't go lah.. anyway it was supposed to be today... got work also... haix... nvm... i thought about it and will still go for arts management.. =)
Ok... Btw... 2 more days to go!! =)
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
I've been TAGGED!!!
Well... thanks to jan of cos... now.. read this...
1. Do the following WITHOUT complaints
2. Choose 5 people to do this after you've completed yours
3. Leave a tag on the person's tagboard to say he/she has been tagged
4. Start your post with a "I've been tagged" then do this
Favouritesfavourite colour: Blue, grey, black
favourite food: no so-called fav... anything that is nice (esp. sweet) suits me. =)
favourite song(s): Erm... many many many... (note: that is not a song name! haha.)
favourite movie: Eh.. anything not too boring... comedies... or comedy romance are good..
favourite sport(s): eat sleep play.. Haha... no lah.. for real sports... swimming, running, cycling, badminton!
favourite day of the week: Off day... REALLY!
favourite season: winter... Cool...
favourite ice-cream: Anything that is filled with chocolate and is nice! =)
current mood: no mood. haha.
current taste: no taste..
current clothes: t-shirt and shorts.. ready to sleep. lol.
current toenail: natural shine... haha.
current time: 10.50pm according to my com clock...
current surroundings: sound of tv.. and my typing sound.. and fan...
current annoyances: eh... work tml!! sighx.
current thoughts: when is my pay day??!!
first best friends: Erm... can't really rmb.. zhangyan? wanyi? still got ba. from p1..
first crush: erm... dun tell u!! Haha. someone from my pri sch anyway..
first movie: Dotx... u think i got super memory meh...
first lie: eh.. who can rmb...??
first music: what is first music??
last cigarette: Nv...
last drink (alcohol): Eh.. can't rmb when's the last time i drink... i'm such a guai girl ok...
last car ride: bus ride can?? today.
last crush: hmm... good qns. when was it??
last movie: GARFIELD 2.. Happy??
last phone call: my dad...
last CD played: dunno...
Have you ever
have you ever dated your best friend: best friend? date out for shopping lah... also counted date right? haha.
have you ever broken the law: of cos not... i said already i'm a guai girl!
have you ever been arrested: no...
have you ever skinny dipped: no..
have you ever been on tv: i camera shy.. Lol...
have you ever kissed someone you don't know: No... who would? unless by accident.
5 things you are wearing: clothes... necklace, bracelet, specs... dun have liao..
4 things you've done today: eat sleep watch tv work..
3 things you can hear right now: isn't it like the 'current sound' just now... i typed exactly 3!!
1 thing you do when you're bored: sleep.
5 people I'm going to tag:
ok... enough for my boredom.. lol.
Sunday, June 25, 2006
Finally... JJ concert!!!

The stage...

When he was at our side... =)

JJ and Jin Sha.. she's one of the guest performer... singing Bei Feng Chui Guo De Xia Tian...
And guess who's the other??
Ans is...
Someone i dun like.. But good also... can use that time to go toilet.. =x
and obviously he is...

A-do... they were singing I DO... dotx..

Wanted to post the other clearer one.. but dunno why cannot. Anyway.. this is how he came out during Cao Cao..

Lastly.. the people!!!! think is really full lor...
Cos... when i was trying to take bus there from suntec... i simply can't get up 3 bus 16!!! damn angry.. esp. the first one cos the ppl nv move back!! Ok. nvm... so i took 196 instead... and like dunno walked how long to get there lah.. but wasn't late lah... anyway start late also mah... so doesn't matter...
Anyway... i dunno is it my suay day today lor... i got even more scared to stand close to the phone after today... The customer practically shouted into the phone while i was trying to explain reasons to him... and i swear everything i said was true... i think i'm going to get a complaint on monday.. since he asked for my name.. (obviously he would).. if he had talked nicely... i might be able to put in a good word for him and asked eric to release it to him.. but he was damn rude lah.. so anyway... let my manager talk to him on monday lor... but i dun think there will be any change to the situation cos i think the final deadline is tml.. erm.. and i dun think it will affect me much cos i'm already leaving the company.. but of cos it doesn't mean i'm not treating my work seriously ok!! That's why i'm still worried about the matter after all. "Always remember the compliments you received. Forget about the rude remarks." -- took this from an email... it's true.. but it's difficult to achieve.. and i'm trying hard!
Anyway some update about ytd.. I went to the 93.3fm 街头爆唱会 ytd @ PS after work... it was quite cool lah... cos we were sitting down? HAha.. Thanks to yushi who thought of the great idea... so that we had a nice place to enjoy songs and food at the same time... and enjoy the seat while other ppl were all standing and squeezing in front of the stage~!? Anyway i went there to hear TANK, Junyang and Guang Liang sing lah... and it was nice.. except for maybe someone's singing... all her "fans" from church... aiyo... somemore saw some sacians there also... sianx.. And guess who was i with?? (erm.. after yushi left with her friend to watch movie)... DAijing and her friend(s)! Haha.. so we went home tgt after that lah... =)
Oh.. have i mentioned that it's offday~?! Haha.. good for me.. but still have to go CC thou.. erm... hopefully i'll have a nice time there.. but i reckoned that some ppl will be missing cos of JC exams.. like julian was already missing last week.. HAha.. Ok.. time to sleep! Nitex!!! =) *Sweet memories*.. will nv forget this day -- 24 June 06 @ JJ's concert!! =)
Saturday, June 24, 2006
Ok... i'm going to get changed and go to work now.. -.-
Will update more when i get back... a lot of fun things these few days..
Thursday, June 22, 2006
Today i will say is a traumatising day... i keep receiving calls of complaints... oh man.. and there's one which erm... i didn't call back.. i wondered if any one called the customer back... but i hope he doesn't get back to me... cos in the first place i dunno anything! And he's renjie's customer.. i dunno what renjie told him... hopefully if he calls tml... renjie will be the one entertaining him... so after someone put down the phone on behalf of me.. i've been staying away from the phone... and whenever i had to pick up the phone.. i prayed very hard that it's not the same customer...
Then there's another one regarding the M1 duffle bag... hey miss... that voucher is like due long long time ago... u are asking us to do u a favour by giving the free bag to u and yet the attitude was like super shitty... we have rights also can..! if u talk nicely to us.. we'd probably give it to u without even thinking! By the way.. the customer sounds highly educated... and i believed that if she has the money to buy the phone... what is the small little bag to her~?! And since she got the brains to already called the M1 (known thru the conversation)... it means she's not stupid to read the details behind or what-so-ever.. right~?! And the worst thing of all... we have no stand to fight with all these
Anyway just received a news that kbox session will be cancelled for the day... was rather disappointed... I never liked it this way.. i mean.. setting a date for something with friends and last min give an excuse to cancel it.. seriously.. i get easily pissed by such matters... haix.. whatever.. dun think will have the time and chance to go out with them again in near future... it's weird.. it only happens to this group of ppl... either one or 2 will suddenly just put aeroplane... give excuses... and the whole meet up will be cancelled... and i had to be the one being disappointed about the whole thing... i seriously didn't like changes like this... cos it mess up all my plans... and i dunno why meet-ups always had to be cancelled just becos one person cannot make it... the others can still go right~?! what's the problem.. the cycling was like that, the first meet-u with kenneth was like that, a few meet-ups for either kbox or other activities were like that.. how many times does this need to happen?? haiya.. whatever lah... i shall just stay at home and slack and sleep and later meet my sis for our movie~! Haix.. sianx.
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Sunday . My Father
So the sunday that just past... i happily took my own sweet time to get up and prepare and to go for practice at cc... only to realise that they have already started combine.. and later i found out that there wasn't any sectionals already... well.. they should have done that much earlier... then perhaps i wouldn't so late so as to skip the sectionals on sunday.. right!? So when i stepped inside the room... the first person i saw was a BIG body sitting there and well.. it's jon lau.. and he was like.. 'hen zao hor'... and obviously i ans... 'hai hao lah'... Lol. it was i think going to 11. Haha.
But being such a nice person... i stayed after lunch till practice was over... which i didn't for the previous 2 weeks.. Haha.. with a bunch of noisy or can i say mad ppl? Haha... but must say that it's quite fun lah... if i have a chance and time.. i would have tonned with them that day too.. but too bad i got to work on monday... that's why... And i even stayed till dinner time and we chill out at the dining place outside century square... till ard 9 when it started to rain and some of them decided to go over someone's house to ton for the night... so i came home... sian-ed...
Anyway... last sunday was father's day... erm... the family didn't meet at all for the day... everyone was busy with their own schedule... but it doesn't mean that i've forgotten my dad... shall talk abit on my dad then... thou my dad is not a rich one... not those who could provide everything the child demands... but he did all his best to pamper his 3 daughters i.e. my 2 sisters and i... and his wife -- my mother.. Dad nv ever blow his top at us... always so even-tempered... always talk things out rather than scolding... always the one to come and console me whenever i got scolded by mum or get bad results... of cos he never fail to pamper me with things i want... but of cos i dun request much from my family too lah...
The next bestest thing to know is that my father really planned for us... esp. er-jie and i since we were so much younger... he really saved a lot when he was younger... for our studies and of cos... for his and our future use... if not what makes u think that my parents could travel like at least once a year when both of them are not working anymore?! And often eat out on weekends and enjoy ourselves on festives and birthdays?! However, after my father was found with heart problem.. we seldom do that these years... But he's still always ready to look after us... wait up at night for the last person to come back... how nice... =)
My father is actually very meticulous in doing things... very neat and organised... he did a lot of collections... and after he retired... he actually swept up the whole house every morning after his morning coffee/tea at the market... And he really had a great deal of collections... wait till u visit my house if u dun know... but he slowed down these years... i think it's becos we do not really have space for them anymore.. Haha.. and he has to clean them like every year... esp. nearing to chinese new year... plus... tidying up the whole house... our tables.. eh... Ya.. Haha.. So what can i say?! I've got a really good father!! Heex.
Thou till now i haven gotten anything for my dad yet.. erm.. actually my family doesn't really believe in buying gifts.. we believe in spending time tgt... even just going out for a meal tgt is good enough.. So for father's day this year... we actually dined out on my birthday in advance of father's day.. and my dad gets 50% off!! How nice. haha.
Ok.. that's all i got to say... anyway... CC's concert is on 8 July (sat) @ SCH. 7pm. And tix are at $14 & $16... i know it's a bit steep... but being a member... must help to promote a bit mah... eh... i din force anyone to buy huh.. Haha...
PS: a side note... 8 more working days for me @ Samsonite!!! =) Heex.
9 days..
Suddenly felt that after all these working days... i have very little time for anything else... esp. myself.. Haha.. and my family of cos... even worst when i was schooling and had so many other activities then.. Ya... Plus i haven't got my wisdom tooth plucked out... or extract out.. or dig out yet!! Oh man.. i've like dragged for like how many months liao lor... =x So i gonna book it for right after i end my job... =)
And i seriously have a lot more things to do!!! Hmm... nvm... i'll talk about them another day... when i'm less tired... cos i'm tired now!! Erm... just a note.. it's already 12.24am... cos my sis snatched the com away from me just now... So shall update again.. perhaps tml.. =) Nitex..
Saturday, June 17, 2006
Good news...
Firstly... i went to the SCO Concerto marathon part 1... erm.. more of the songs and ppl i would like to watch lah.. it's quite cool lah... esp when there were 2 erhu soloists today! And both i know!! err.. of cos i know... ok.. they know me too lah... somehow. =) And Seetoh Poh Lam.. cool... Too bad i'm not watching the part 2... erm... better not.. i may fall asleep.. Lol... too tired these days... if not for the 2 erhus today... think i wun be there also... should be visiting my san-shu instead... feel so bad lor... like the whole world visited him and i didn't... Anyway on a lighter note... i went for the autograph session (yes.. again..) and the erhu laoshis recognised me.. esp. Lin laoshi! Haha. And the Yeh laoshi part was quite funny too.. Shall not say.. =x Anyhows... the concert was good and worthed the money!! So i'm happy... =)
Secondly... when i came back i went right to my table... and tada!! The letter was there lying on my table!! Just as i expected... i was offered a place in the arts management in Lasalle... and obviously i'm going to accept the offer! =) So semester will commence on 24 July and there will be orientation of cos.. so it's quite confirmed that i will be ending my Samsonite work at the end of the month... and enjoy myself for july...~ And i was just reminded by my family that we agreed in going to Batam in July.. Yeah!! =) But still.. i wished i could go to HK! so who wants to join me? we can start planning and booking now! Right? Heex.
It's really good to get an letter of offer from Lasalle cos i was told that they only take in a total of 30 students every year... it's the only college providing that course... and it means i have something to study!! Not like i have to laze ard for the next i-dunno-how-long... And sis said i could go and study first.. and try to apply again next year for nus... True.. but it's not a very good idea after all... The person was right.. if i want to get in and then later to transfer out.. then what's the point? Ya...
Hmm.. i went to the concert with Joyce... then saw Peiying and weixun.. all from nusco.. and they were obviously shocked that i didn't get into nus... and that i didn't use discretionary entry... and i'm NOT going to be a real member of theirs... but they insisted that i still join them for concert.. Haha... of cos.. i surely dun want to be killed by er-jie cos she paid for the costume! HAha. she's going to force me there until perhaps they change it... and i guess it's not soon.. duhx... All right.. at least with them i feel a sense of belonging... =)
Anyway.. going off... finally finished receiving a mp3 from jo-jo ngeow... Haha..
Friday, June 16, 2006
Ytd and today!! =)
WEd... Was off day last min... actually was supposed to do aftn shift... cos i think eric and ziling going for some dinner... but i couldn't make it... so in the end it became my off day!! ERm... it doesn't really matter to me lah... Cos it means more time for myself.. so i went down to town with my ipod and the faulty earpiece... And i got a new piece!!! WEll... finally got it on my 3rd visit there... dotx.. But at least i got it lah... FOC of cos... if not i will condemn apple.. Haha. And then it was still early... so i took a walk around town... erm.. mainly wistma, taka and ngee ann city... was lazy to go further cos later got to walk back again.. heex.
went for the post concert reception at SCH ... at first tot it will be like last year... just talk, eat and play some stupid games... Ok.. actually it was more or less the same.. but more fun this year lah.. Partly also becos i left when the games start for last year... to come home and study for midyear... And this year i stayed thru of cos.. =) Food wasn't fantastic but no complaints for it lah... the video was sure entertaining since i wasn't there for the other days of the camp... the games... were quite stupid but entertaining too since i wasn't the one playing the game.. =P Anyway i found something to buy when i was shopping but i need some opinion.. so i'm pulling via and melody there on sat!! Heex.
Then today!! I met up with Von, Yuhui and Chek after work for dinner!! =) Obviously i was the earliest since we are meeting in Suntec... but i can't blame von since she's trying hard to find my present... Will talk about presents later... So we were dining at Swensen's... Erm.. long time nv visit liao... We sure had a good time talking and laughing... and taking pictures.. some were damn stupid lah... erm.. when chek sends me the photos.. i MAY put them up.. HAha.. Oh man.. i'm pampered by all these good meals lately... after the almost dinner-less last week.. =x
Ok.. not the presents... von sure gave me a shock when she came with the presents.. 3 Garfields!!! Oh man... 1 big and 2 small... and i was forced to take pictures with them. Lol. But i must say that the big one is cute. Lol. So thanks Von and yuhui for that.. As for Chek... She so ke ai... she got me a present too... It's a pair of Earrings!!! Lol.. The first person to give me that as a present.. cos i dun have earholes for them! But seriously... she's the first person to give physical support in asking me to go pierce one... Like my friends (u know who u are) were telling me from dunno how long ago to go pierce... and obviously i always gave the same excuses.. (which is true) And i always dare them to buy me a pair when they threaten me.. so they never did it.. So i nv went for one either! Haha.. even yinghan and kim were trying to convince me to go for one last fri. But obviously i ignored them.. totally.. Haha. However... the pair of earrings are really nice.. and i will say that i like them... but that's the reason behind my 'holeless' ears!! I will be spending lotsa $$ buying earrings after i pierce lor.. like what kim is doing.. Haha.. So chek... i will keep the earrings until someday i can use it.. Lol.. Thanks anyway...!
Anyway.. i tot about it today... and i think about resigning by the end of the month... seriously i think my focus, passion and commitment level are all going down... and i actually hoped i have more time for my family, my friends, myself and my own hobbies... and also maybe cos of the ppl i'm working with... now i realised it's really fun to work with ppl like mike and mark... they sure make the day more lively... so it means it's getting more and more boring to be there... so i'm hoping that i can get any acceptance letter soon.. and make a decision.. and of cos let myself relax the next month... well... we shall see...
Ok.. so that's all for the moment..~ Bye!!
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
My last year of being a 1 head in age!!
SO start from fri... guess i didn't mention... But fri i went out with han and kim... To bugis... we have lunch at Mos Burger.. and received present from each of them... --the pendant and the bracelet... Thanks a lot girls... really appreciate them... We really catch up a lot... heard about how a few other jc mates are doing... seriously i didn't keep in contact with a lot of them... or rather... i'm not as kpo as them? Haha.. Just joking... So we ended the day when Via came to meet me for dinner plus going to SY rehearsal... ya.. Shall not touch on the rehearsal part...
Then sat... thou didn't meet any friends for anything... but that day is as good as my bday... the concert being my present... and the flower being my present... And applause!! Thou i wasn't the one soloing there.. but being the concert mistress of this concert... i felt honoured too..~ And surprise!!! Huisan (my ex-sac senior) told me that she was at the concert with pauline (my ex-sac senior too)!! Too bad they didn't spot me during interval and i didn't see them either... if not we can do some catching up... So.. it's also a happy day for me... although i've mentioned in the previous entry that there were some sad parts too...
Then came sunday... the day that i enjoyed most... thou it wasn't the actual day of my bday... but it's really a blessing... erm... shall not mention the part that i went down to cc for prac... Haha... I went off even be4 lunch hour to meet my beloved(s).. And we went for lunch... originally they planned to go some porridge steamboat.. unfortunately it was raining... and out of 10 ppl.. only 3 got umbrella~?! I'm proud to say i'm one of them! Haha... ok.. back to the topic.. so we decided on Billy Bombers instead... And man.. we had a great time there! Erm... plus 'bullying' ah qin... Heex... Shared 2 set meals with yushi, ling and jan.. and it made us really full man... so after all the playing... the present opening (damn.. yushi wrap until so difficult to open..) We left... and actually it was already time for me and via to proceed to our next venue.. Haha. Anyway Thanks for the presents!!! --the watch and the wallet I really like them.. And thanks for helping me strike off things from my wishlist.!! =)))
And so Via and i went to pasir ris to meet some ppl while the rest of the ppl excluding melody went to jan's house... So we met up with yonghong, reena, hongqing, jessly and zixin... and proceeded to our syco chalet... by the time we reached.. a lot of ppl were there already... and i must say that the night was full of joy... be it the talking.. the tv.. the movie.. the cooking... the eating.. or the joking... but due to the fact that i'm working the next day... i didn't stay over.. and so via and i went home after the horror movie -- cello (provided by audrey who's a cello player. haha.) And so nice of them to wish me advanced birthday be4 i left... ACtually hongqing was the earliest.. he was damn funny lah... like suddenly say while we were waiting for bus to go to the chalet.. so thanks Hongqing, Zixin, Xiangle, Tingkai (he's got the same bday as me.. so i wished him too..), Michelle, Yiheng... etc who wished me.. And thanks Reena and Jessly for the present too..! =) And thanks SYCO ppl for the wonderful night...
OK... here comes monday = my birthday!! =) It's not so wonderful cos i got to work on that day... but it doesn't really matter since i already had so many days of fun! Haha. so i still went to work... cos i know that it's not only work day... but family night after work! =) Well.. at least renjie wished me happy birthday... Haha... So after work... i went straight up to the Kuishin Bo rest. for dinner with family... Heex. My suggestion to go there... or rather.. i insisted on going there! And i made a big mistake about the pricing... but doesn't matter lah.. heex.. And so we had a fabulous dinner there.. seriously.. it's a highly recommended rest. thou the price is a bit high... but go for a lunch if u want to save money! =) And after that... we went on to Giordano for the offer... well.. i wanted the 3/4 pants initially.. BUT the pants were too long it covered my small thighs... cos my legs are very long... so erm.. it made me looked so auntie lah.. so i opted for the long jeans... and tada! it's back at home now! Haha... so idiot... erjie bought the 3/4 one instead!! dotx.. and the 3 of us each bought a top... Well.. Thanks dad for them! =) And thanks Da-jie for the meal!! =))) Then it's home sweet home...
Lastly... would like to thank these ppl for rmb-ing my bday... Amanda (sac), Qin!!, Chek (same bday sa well...=D), Von, Meixin, Weiye, Siyih!, Yuhui, Kim, Jonathan kor(lau)!!, Edwin kor, Kenneth, Huimin (surprise!!), Jan!!, Fangyu, Julian, Cuifen!, Keayee, Yinghan, Wilson, Jiamin, Yonghong, Emily & on behalf of Yingying, Jane, Suken, Yandeng, Jiewan, Via!!, Yushi!!, and the belated(s)... Ling!!!, Xiuping, Charmane, Wendy... And Andrew! And minyu who sent me a nice ecard! Haha.. Thanks Von esp. for the instant msg-ing.. the sms and testimonial on friendster!! How sweet. Well.. Thanks all! =)
End of birthday entry...
P.S.: Actually not quite ending... cos i'll meeting von, yuhui and chek on thurs! So my bday is NOT over yet!! Haha..
Sunday, June 11, 2006
SYCO Concert is over!!
Well.. say the happy first lah... It's our SYCO annual concert today! And it's really delighting to know that the house was almost full... Good for us... I wun say it's a perfect concert... but i believed everyone has done their best! And it's time to relax a bit... =) That's why we are having a bbq chalet tml~!!! Of cos it's the first time i'm staging as an Associate Concert Master... Well.. it just meant that i'm not good enough... but like what i told er-jie... not as if i want it lah... better not. Haha.. But that's how i managed to shake Mr Quek and Mr Yeh's hand for so many times.. and received a bouquet of flower from mr quek.. right?~! mr yeh nearly wanted to give me also.. but gave to michelle instead... phew.. it's a good thing.. cos it's really heavy!!! Lol. And i realised the reason why mr yeh wanted to give it to me initially... cos i was the only female sitting on the first row... the rest were all guys!! And michelle was hidden behind the gaohu and zhonghu...
Hmm... the concert... i heard... quite all right lah.. Thou quite a no. of places i play wrong... and erm.. i dunno... maybe i was too nervous... Haha... But i think i did quite well already lah.. except for that few places lah... Well.. i should ask sis which song she think is nice... not much feedback since i know very few ppl downstage.. Haha... But hopefully not many ppl spotted my mistakes... esp the cameras from ChannelNews Asia... cos they were filming i think the whole concert.. =X
Anyway... whatever is over is already over... And we really had a great time taking photos with instructor, MD and conductor... plus all the other friends i've made... Erm... since i took more photos this year.. i presume i have more friends this year lah.. HAha.. =P And after that at around 11... when everyone decided to leave SCH... we went for supper at Lao Pa Sa (again). Ok.. this year haven been there till after the concert lah... Surprised to see Lance there... and he actually talked to me! HAha... Anyway... since it's so late liao.. we thought we had to take cab home... but tingkai's parents helpfully drove us back.. Jonathan ngeow, Jiawei, Via and i... and i was the last to alight since we stayed the nearest to each other... But it was really a good time talking and laughing with them... I'm surprised that he actually asked me what i think of him continuing in studies or music... Think it was becos i told him some bit the day be4... Anyway... i only said.. do what he likes... =)
Tml will be another enjoyable day!! Cos i'm going out with my girls!! =) To where.. i'm not very sure too... but it's the company that matters.. right?~! And of cos.. to SYCO bbq tml night.. =) Too bad i got to work on monday... if not i will be sure to say.. i will stay overnight! Guess i'll be dreading work on monday.. since it's such an impt day.. Lol... It's true... i've nv spend my b'day doing serious business cos it's always hol in June! So.. how weird.. anyway.. will be dining out with my family on that day... so i will still be happy and looking forward to it yea..~ =)
Anyway.. haven talk about the sad thing... it's really heartaching when i see Mr quek waving 'goodbye' to us upon our last SYCO combine song... Cos he'll be leaving for further studies... that will take like 2 whole years!! So it means he's not taking us for coming concerts and next year and next next year!! And that's very sad of cos... And news came that Lin Xiang Bin laoshi will be taking over next year... which is of cos not a very good news to us... since we've been with mr quek for the past 3 years.. (2 years for me). I mean... it's really sad to see him go.. he's always so concerned over us... bought us tins of biscuits... and treated us after concert last year..! And i know.. things will be different without mr quek next year... haix... we shall see..
Ok.. That's all.. Good nights...
Saturday, June 10, 2006
Instructions: Name 20 people you can think of at the top of your head. don't read the questions before you write, and tag 5 pple to do this survey.
1. Melody
2. Sylvia
3. Weiling
4. Julian
5. Jonathan
6. Kenneth
7. Janice
8. Huiqin
9. Yvonne
10. Chekhui
11. Yuhui
12. Edwin
13. Charmane
14. Yushi
15. Jiewan
16. Changsheng
17. Charmaine
18. Daijing
19. Mike
20. Mark
How did you meet 14? [Yushi] --- In SACCO!! My senioyr.. so scary.. HAha.
What will you do if you never met 1? [Melody] --- I'll one less person to share my thoughts with and to have long talks with.. One less best friend i will say...
What would you do if 20 and 9 dated? [Yvonne & Mark] --- Hmm... Can't imagine.. Oh i know!! i think i will die in a sea of noise... they both talk a lot..! HAha.. =x Anyway they're both attached..
Did you ever like 19? [Mike] --- Haha.. good qns! I would say i see him as a brother! HAha.
Would 6 and 17 make a good couple? [Kenneth & Charmaine] --- Are you kidding? Lol. Wait till u ask them.
Describe 3. [Weiling] --- A girl? What u want me to describe? Can write whole essay leh. Ling see i say until u so good. Haha.
Do you think 8 is attractive?. [Huiqin] --- Sure she is... although i hate to admit it... later she thou i like her.. HAha.
Tell me something about 7. [Janice] --- She's violent!! Always bully me... luckily i've already broke up with her. Lol
Do you know any of 12's family? [Edwin] --- Well.. i'm one of them! Although unofficially.. but he's my kor!! =) Anyway... i've nv seen any of his family member be4.
What's 8's favourite? [Huiqin] --- Erm... me! Lol. Ok lah... whatever that is nice. =x
What would you do if 11 confesses that he/she likes you? [Yuhui] --- That will be funny... how would a girl say that to me?? Hmm...
What language does 15 speak? [Jiewan] --- hmm... english chinese? and jap?! And cantonese?
Who is 9 going out with? [Yvonne] --- Who else!? Her bastard lor... Haha... Or is it me~?! She said she always love me.
How old is 16 now? [Changsheng] --- Wow... good qns... actually i dunno... but he's a few years older than my sis... which is... erm... 20plus -- 27??
When was the last time you talked to 13? [Charmane] --- Just spoken to her online..
Who's 2 favourite band/singer? [Sylvia] --- Same as me at the moment!!! JJ!! =)
Would you date 4? [Julian] --- Are u kidding again~?! I think i will be spiked to death by him.. what a junior to have.. Haha.
Would you date 7? [Janice] --- Jan... u want to date me~?! Heex...
Is 15 single? [Jiewan] --- No.. she got her yanjingtang... Haha. Both of them still going strong...
What's 10's last name? [Chekhui] --- Ang?? But should be Chekhui. Haha. so lame.
Would you ever be in a serious relationship with 11? [Yuhui] --- ERm... same qns as just now what... u think i dunno ah~?!
What school does 3 go to? [Weiling] --- I know!! SP!! =)
Where does 6 live? [Kenneth] --- Serangoon! Somewhere near our sch...
Whats your favourite thing about 5? [Jon] --- Favourite thing? Haha. u mean he has got something to be a favourite? =x Seriously i dunno. Or is it dun have? haha.
Ok.. i stole this from deshun's blog... am supposed to tag 5 ppl to do the same... so.. ling, qin, via, jiewan & *drum roll* von!! ( if u haven...)
Ok.. i'm tired... ytd i did once liao lor... with a different list and there were some very interesting ones... but the stupid blogger got something wrong and the whole thing got deleted away.. so dotx... so i did it with another list... but i swear... i nv cheat at all! =) Enjoy!!
Friday, June 09, 2006
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
Busy and Tired!!
Monday i was there for the camp for syco... maybe i can talk about it... hmm... i considered it quite fun lah.... thou first thing in the afternoon was rehearsal for 2 hours... but maybe that's what we need anyway... and i feel that we are getting better except for maybe some parts.. still need brushing up lah... After that was some games time... First was the angel and mortal game... which i picked someone that actually i didn't know... well.. maybe it's time to know more ppl... not to say that i actually put 1 name back be4 taking another one.. =x And sad to say... i've haven express anything to my mortal yet... and was surprise to see a packet of sweet on my stand when i was there for practice today... So actually i bought something for her on my way back today... =) Anyway... i think my mortal is angel.. HAha...
Then was all ice-breaker ( Wacko) and some team games... which i've played before at least 50% of them... Anyway quite fun crapping with all the ppl.. HAha... And well.. what i could say is... we're actually all very tired after the day's activities... I think it's a pity that i couldn't join in the activities for the next 2 days... should be quite fun also... Moreover i'm really rushing here and there everyday... making myself so busy!! Haix... I was really tired when i got to work... Too bad mike or mark aren't there to make noise... but at least it was better with renjie and ziling ard today...
Anyway i went Lasalle-SIA this morning for the interview... only to know that i had to take a written test as well as a verbal interview... Dotx... it was really the shock of my life at that point of time... And it was to write a letter to Lee Foundation asking them to sponsor me for this course... like why they should give me the sponsorship, what is the course all about, etc... so i took about half an hour to write the whole thing lah... plus a draft which i kept at the end of it... And then the interview... wow... it's the longest interview i ever attended... it's kinda like chatting session as well lor... But anyway... luckily i've read the whole booklet on this course and could make use of what i know.. at least showing some knowledge of info of the course mah... She also gave me some tips here and there lah... Erm.. good things... some points to note... so i'd probably do more look-up on information...
So in the end i was late for work this morning... luckily things are quite flexible over at suntec... phew... and the best thing was i left a bit early... and i told renjie that i'll be there earlier tml to make it up... cos i know i can't stay longer... And i was still late for SY... hmm... Fortunately i was forgiven and was quite touched when mr quek mentioned that few of us are actually working and trying hard to reach in time... i knew i've tried my best... to leave as early as i could and catch the bus and run from the bus stop to the practise venue... just feel quite bad that as the P.P i'm always the last to arrive... actually i could have left earlier if Andy and Ken were not at our showroom at that time... And tml... still got to try my luck... Well... maybe i will make it up next week... when i more free...~ Or maybe they'll just forget about it... =)
Will be again... busy for the next couple of days... last few practices... 2 to be precise... and that's with SCO for tml.. and full rehearsal on friday... Like i said.. luckily i'm off for Friday!! so that i can reach early... and sat.. no more rehearsal concert... maybe SCO opted out.. so no last chance for us too.. Haha.. so.. no free tix this year.! =x However... try to support... 10 June. 8pm. Check out SCO website or Sistic Website for more information.. Thank you!
Ok.. That's all... Nitex..
Sunday, June 04, 2006
My sis to me...
And today i've gone down to a place that a lot of my fellow friends wun
Hmm.. just talking to a friend... he's right... he said that i shouldn't give up violin when i'm still active in co... cos i spent so much money to learn... and my passion towards music... Ya.. Of cos... actually i do not dislike violin... at least not these few years... and i've been trying hard to keep my skills intact... i tried to touch violin once in a while... but maybe it's just too little.. Anyway the point i want to make is.. Yes... my passion towards music... i shouldn't neglect violin... my mum said that i took up violin on my own record.. then i should follow my decision.. isn't it!? but i guess now i'm too preoccupied by my job... thus when i start studying... i will let them return to my hug...
Then Mengtak, Julian and i
Since i've touched on this topic.. let me tell u a bit about my sis... i believed a lot of my friends always hear me saying 'my sis .... my sis .....' But i guess no one knows the fact that i didn't exactly like my er-jie when i was much younger... and i think she didn't like me that much back then too... Of cos there's reasons to it... even till my primary school days... i didn't like her at all... esp. after she has more saying in the family... cos she forbids everything i asked for.. one word from her could change my mother's mind... i dunno why..~ And as a sister.. she has never given in to me... never liked me to tag along... never liked me to be in her way... keeps me away from cousins that she's close to... never let me participate in anything that's she doing with cousins... never let me have the controller for more than a game... she's always spoiling all my plans just cos she has got a sharper tongue... And i used to think that mummy actually dotes on her more... (which is sometimes still true...) Probably that's why it kept me quiet in the house... nv brave to voice out.. knowing that it will be rejected promptly...
However... These few years things had changed quite a bit... i dunno how, why and when... our relationship improved a lot a lot... to the extend that we are always talking at night... sharing conversations... knowing each other's stuff... friends... almost everything... and a lot of things i will tell her first... doing things together... and she suddenly became someone that i always mention in front of my friends... and she's been pampering me with my fav food.. (probably cos she wants them too) And we go shopping together... go for practices tgt.. etc... not forgetting the meals, the clothes, the whatever... i've grown to understand her more... forget about the 5 years different in age... she dotes on me more than ever i swear... and i appreciate her every effort... including the effort to disturb me... HAha...
Ok... Enough liao.. i'm sure ppl who know me now knows how close i am to my sis.. so what's there to say~?! =) Nitex!
My sis to me...
And today i've gone down to a place that a lot of my fellow friends wun
Hmm.. just talking to a friend... he's right... he said that i shouldn't give up violin when i'm still active in co... cos i spent so much money to learn... and my passion towards music... Ya.. Of cos... actually i do not dislike violin... at least not these few years... and i've been trying hard to keep my skills intact... i tried to touch violin once in a while... but maybe it's just too little.. Anyway the point i want to make is.. Yes... my passion towards music... i shouldn't neglect violin... my mum said that i took up violin on my own record.. then i should follow my decision.. isn't it!? but i guess now i'm too preoccupied by my job... thus when i start studying... i will let them return to my hug...
Then Mengtak, Julian and i
Since i've touched on this topic.. let me tell u a bit about my sis... i believed a lot of my friends always hear me saying 'my sis .... my sis .....' But i guess no one knows the fact that i didn't exactly like my er-jie when i was much younger... and i think she didn't like me that much back then too... Of cos there's reasons to it... even till my primary school days... i didn't like her at all... esp. after she has more saying in the family... cos she forbids everything i asked for.. one word from her could change my mother's mind... i dunno why..~ And as a sister.. she has never given in to me... never liked me to tag along... never liked me to be in her way... keeps me away from cousins that she's close to... never let me participate in anything that's she doing with cousins... never let me have the controller for more than a game... she's always spoiling all my plans just cos she has got a sharper tongue... And i used to think that mummy actually dotes on her more... (which is sometimes still true...) Probably that's why it kept me quiet in the house... nv brave to voice out.. knowing that it will be rejected promptly...
However... These few years things had changed quite a bit... i dunno how, why and when... our relationship improved a lot a lot... to the extend that we are always talking at night... sharing conversations... knowing each other's stuff... friends... almost everything... and a lot of things i will tell her first... doing things together... and she suddenly became someone that i always mention in front of my friends... and she's been pampering me with my fav food.. (probably cos she wants them too) And we go shopping together... go for practices tgt.. etc... not forgetting the meals, the clothes, the whatever... i've grown to understand her more... forget about the 5 years different in age... she dotes on me more than ever i swear... and i appreciate her every effort... including the effort to disturb me... HAha...
Ok... Enough liao.. i'm sure ppl who know me now knows how close i am to my sis.. so what's there to say~?! =) Nitex!
Saturday, June 03, 2006
Anyway... i've earned myself another day off on coming fri-9 june! So it means... off on fri, sat and sunday!!! But guess what... i'm fully booked for these 3 days... unless for maybe half of sunday or what... not that i got so many ppl to date me out... but fatefully there's SYCO highly impt rehearsal on fri night... and the whole of the next day will be delicated to SYCO concert!!! WEll... any supporters??? Haha..
By the way... the whole of next week will be filled with sy practices lah... not that i dun like... but the thought of rushing there from work Everyday makes me sick... esp. when all are combines... and knowing that Maestro Tsung Yeh doesn't like ppl to be late..! Moreover i'm sitting right in front! Thank goodness... hopefully i'm able to slip off ard 6.45 erm... everyday? from tues to thurs... Thankfully i have off on mon and fri! Haha... lessen my worries...
Oh... i must not forget to attend the Lasalle interview with all my documents as well! Hmm... think it's a good chance for me to show off all my certs... Haha... that means i got to arrange all my arts-related and management-related (if i do have) stuff in order... but forget about PW. it sucks.. Haha... Lucky me it's in the morning... so i do not have to change my shift and will not affect sy too... phew.. =)
This week passed quite fast yea... anyway ytd went to watch Arts Fest... by SCO and Dance Theatre... Hmm... quite cool... but some part of the dance... so eerie... esp. the opening... but the effect was good... and even thou we are sitting at circle 2 which is the 3rd level... the view was still quite all right... first row middle of circle 2... just that the railings in front is an obstraction sometimes... However... overall the programme is good! Nice show for $26. =)
And today... nearly had to do full shift... but Sweeling stayed instead... she asked me to go back one... but i stayed for a while lah... until the crowd is gone le then i left.... all becos of Mr. Renjie who got himself a MC for today... but could see that he's already a bit sick ytd lah... looks like the panadol active is not of any use... Anyway Eric is back today... so by right none of us need to stay since there's someone doing the aftn shift... but we are rather worried about Edwin... so still need someone to stay lor... seriously i'm quite worried about his progress... he seems slow in getting the things right.. and not so much of initiative when customers come in... i'm afraid he might be scolded or disliked by the others... good luck to him while i try my best to help him... Oh man... pls stop sending new-comers to SSC2! we simply have no time to teach them esp. in the aftn... erm... hopefully he can make it... i really dun want to hear Renjie say anything bad about him man...
Haha.. today damn shitty... went down to da-bao for eric, sweeling and myself... then got this guy stopped me and ask me to picked out something... actually i know what it is one lor... but well... i dunno why but i actually stopped to listen... and after that very crap... it's all about savings lah... can't rmb what is it... i'm not interested in it anyway... and i'm going to buy food... i was damn hungry lah.. so i said... i'll give him a call tml... Erm... tml then say lah.. Haha...
Then i went to the PC show after i left our shop... erm... super crowded... all the promoters and the customers... Full of ppl... have a hard time finding what i want... actually i just wanted a DVD-rewriter... Cos i think mine died on me AGAIN... 2nd one since i changed to this com...!! NOw it's not working again... and it's only barely A year... sianx... But... will be buying a new printer too! This printer been with us for... about 8 years already! after changing so many computers and monitor and whatever... it's still with us... already get long service award.. but the catridge is simply too ex for us to handle.. so... it's gonna be changed... Bye HP.
Ok.. enough of crap... realised that this entry is super unorganised... =x Whatever... Bye!! Eh.. Come to SY concert LAH! Want tix... contact me kae! =)
Friday, June 02, 2006
Movies and everything else.
After all the typing about my future and my paths... i forgot about the times i'm happily enjoying myself!! Oh man.. look what has it done to my life...~! Hmm.. anyway... forget about those for now... how about enjoying 2 movies on 2 consecutive days with the same person~?! It's quite a long time since i last stepped into a cinema... i can't rmb what's the last show i watched already... was it Narnia? Lol... that was like so long ago.! Haven got all the time to catch a movie.. And it's with sylvia this time...
She came to look for me at suntec on monday and we watched Over the Hedge @ suntec... erm... first time in that cinema... anyway.. the show is quite cute... story.. simple and nice... erm... no complains lah... Then tues.. we met at bedok and proceed on to watching our second movie... The DaVinci Code.... hmm... given that i haven read the book YET... it's interesting lah... so i'll start on the book soon yea... Haha... And we had Pepper Lunch for Lunch that day.. HAha... (think it will sound funny if it's for Dinner).. =x Anyway.. quite nice too... but maybe a bit Ex for just Rice and a few pieces of meat which u have to cook it urself.. But well... nice experience still and there's a chance of 2nd visit... at least it's not under my condemn list... Haha...
Then wed... Did afternoon shift.. cos Mike wanted to change so that he could go back earlier to check his postings... no joke that i told him i dun want to see him back there again... but i heard from renjie that he wsn't accepted into the course... well.. maybe in another week's time... he'll be back at samsonite again... Haix... Today renjie told us about his driving practical test ytd... din expect that he will mount curb... so he failed lah... well.. maybe it's a lesson for him not to be so cocky sometimes... one should be more modest.. HAha... well.. good luck for his 2nd test in aug!!
Then today... went for Korean bbq food after work today..~! With daddy, mummy, er-jie and jason... Since daddy and mummy dun have their singing session tonight... Hmm... nice lah.. But then i think it's nicer over at Korea itself.. HAha... but since i'm not the one footing the bill... i shall keep my mouth shut... anyway i did fill my stomach for the night... So.. Thanks Er-jie for the meal~!! =)
And me!! Ytd i took cab down to Lasalle to hand in the application form personally when the online application was still cocked up in the morning... and realising that 31 may was the last day of application only on 30th night... How power... so be4 i head for work... i cabbed down to the campus and handed in the form... Without all my certificates... cos i didn't photocopy them!! But luckily the person say nvm... just bring on the interview day itself... Then i got a shock of my life when i was told that the interview date is on 2jun... which is 2 days later... but nvm... i accepted it... And made arrangement to change my shift to afternoon... Later in the afternoon.. someone called me and say that she's arranging a interview session with me... again.. shocked.. Haven't i just got one~?! Haha... only to realise that the earlier date is for the foundation course... which i dun need to take... Dotx... so the interview is next wed morning instead... luckily i din change shift.. cos tml night i'm watching Arts Fest prog by SCO and Dance Theatre.. =)
Well... this time i gotta be fully prepared for the interview... and it's time to show all my certificates!! HAha... u wun believe it but i have Dance background too... and even participated in a ticketed performance... although that's long ago... but maybe it will help... Haha... Dun care.. just bring all... Heex... And good thing it's in the morning.. not going to affect my practices at SY... =) Anyway i applied for NIE also.. how nice... maybe another interview coming up soon... who knows... And appealed back to fass... if only i'll be accepted..
Ok.. time to sleep.. am really tired..~!