Day 3 - 140507 - HK
Went for a dimsum brunch be4 heading off to disneyland! :)) heex. Hmm... it's fun lah... maybe becos it's the first disneyland i've ever been to... so it's still very amazing to me.. haha! eh... dunno where to start lah.. but then... also nv see my stitch and take picture with him... is sad de lor... but the shows and games quite interesting... if only we had more time. lol. on our way there we were the only ones in that train cabin... and thus have ample space and guts to take picture.. haha...

me me me!! In the train... :)
The 4 of us... using auto mode. haha.
Poor sylvia wasn't feeling well since 2nd day... so she's like forcing herself to be there... and of cos when each of us already spent 290HKD to get inside the place... have to enjoy no matter what lah...

The castle during the day.. at night is damn cool de lor...

With ah-pooh... for the whole day we only saw him... no friends de lor... so sad...

How could we forget abt Mickey!!!

And the 2 mischievious and trying-to-be-funny chip and dale?! Stopped very long cos they kept playing. lol. but i sorta get even with them cos i accidentally withdrew my hand when he (i think is he).. tried to 'kiss' my hand after we shook hands.. and that's quite funny. haha. And the other tried to eat qin's hand after that also.. dotx.
Eh.. i really very lazy to upload the pictures.. haha! dun upload le. =x Anyway.. the fireworks was quite nice.. but i think what's interesting was the projection on the castle... pyrotechnics of the whole show itself.
Hmm.. of all the shows we went... i think i like the lion king's best.. the stuns they did are awesome and it seems like some circus thing... and the big simba quite real also... wonder if anyone is sitting in the lion case. haha.
Ok... end of day 3 when we return to our hotel area and had xu liu shan for dinner... wanted mac at first... but just as we were abt to enter... there's someone coming out and say... 'if u want to eat mac, go get some chinese food instead'... saying that mac is just a load of rubbish or something like that. dotx. so we changed our mind.. haha! Had some mango dessert and some other small dishes... anyway... surprisingly we weren't very hungry even thou we didn't had anything while in disneyland. Then walked ard temple street night market.. din really buy anything but found a gift for laoshi thou.. and qin bought a belt for her dad too.. so not so bad after all... just that sylvia was really not feeling well... and hoped to return to the hotel soon. right?
Anyway i had a good night sleep that day.. which is good! :) cos i didn't the day be4... i must have scared myself with the horrible things i was thinking abt... quite stupid lah... or maybe i was too full with the supper... i think it's both.. that made me twist and turn for a long time be4 falling asleep...
Day 4 - 150507 - HK/SG
First thing in the morning of cos breakfast lah... went to this Mido Cafe situated quite near our hotel at Temple Street.. and cos the girls said that it was recommended the day before... we went there on the last day... and indeed.. it was good breakfast... :)) So we were satisfied yea...
After that went to their morning market at temple street also.. and finally found the dried lychees sylvia had been looking for... and we bought some other stuff also... i think we spent abt half an hour at that store ba... and they are the ones that contributed to the 6kg hand carry at the end of the day.
So after that we went back to hotel to rest a while.. and check out of the hotel room at ard 11.30am.. walked to Mongkok again... bought lao po ping from heng xiang... and from rong hua also... is heavy de lor.. cos we bought like 10 boxes? i mean just da-jie and i got 10 boxes... or rather in total 12 cos i bought another 2 from rong hua. cos can keep longer.. heex. went to esprit.. again.. but a different outlet lah... then after that find a place for lunch... not as good as what we had be4 ba... but i'm still ok with the food lah... at least they are still edible lor... haha!
So being not very happy with the service and food... we didn't have any dessert there and have decided to return to the one right outside our hotel to have some good desssert afterwards. Since there's still time... we walked along woman's street again... in the direction back to hotel.. but then it does look different as in night and day... haha... so took a while to find the mtr entrance... and took train back lor... shun bian take back the deposit and remaining balance in the octopus card since we wun be using anymore... so we are left with a bit more money! haha.
After buying the roasted goose... we finally return to the dessert shop... and i had almond soup. heex. so in the end nobody tried the mango pudding from that shop at all lah. haha! da-jie's walnut paste was good too! Recommended dessert store! Haha.. i will go again if i'm going HK. :)))
The bus fetch us from the hotel at 5pm... and off we went to the airport... checked in and we went inside to shop even more cos have more cash... went to the disneyland merchanise shop in airport and i bought another stitch hp accessory.. Heex! take photo here and there be4 we proceed to the boarding area.. the food when we came back... not bad lor... but then.. i was watching a movie halfway and eating at the same time... so wasn't really concentrating lah.. haha. but i have to comment that the food is much better than when we were travelling to hk. cos at least i finished the main dish. and got ice-cream also! thou not haagen daz anymore. =(
Anyway.. i was watching this particular movie - The Pursuit of Happyness.. staring Will Smith.. it's a rather touching show... evident cos i was tearing in the middle and at the end of it.. i was much much touched by the perseverance of will smith's character - Chris, trying very hard to give his son better days.. and at the end of the day achieved it.. thus happy ending.. but quite funny lah.. cos i'm like crying on the plane leh..!! lol.
Anyway... that marks the end of the HK trip and bringing me back to the reality world... sianed...
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