Was quite surprised that i could wake up so early and reach school early! lol. I reached at like 7.40am. Yeah! All ready for the nature walk. :)

The little packed snacks for us.

In the bus... on our way there..

The starting point... the other side also very nice wor.. next time want to explore the other side too. Started from here. and a game to play on the way. each student was given half a map. of odd cutting edge.. so they have to find the other half. and they would be partners along the way. have to get to know each other. (i was excluded cos there were odd numbers. lol. heng ah. =x)

The first section... Flora walk. quite a number of different flowers along the 2 sides. unique flowers.

Then Alexandra Arch (i think). Hee. it's just a overhead bridge actually... but a beautified one... and quite nice i feel. Towards the forest walk.

This is how the below of the super long walkway looked like. and it's about this height all the way through. Quite scary to look straight down and walk. =x

This is how part of it look like. Very tall right!?

Some of the grp on the upper deck already.

End of forest walk and towards the Henderson Waves. A very nice place!!

Look so cozy and all... like those rooftop garden. i like.

The waves. Had a small rest here while had the interactive section. i.e. ask the questions on their partners... like where they are from, what they study, what they like and blah blah blah.

End of Henderson's Wave... and now it's to Mount Fabour and Marang Trail!

Managed to see a few monkeys on the way.

The Marang trail. i asked my colleague already. raining will not spoil the road. so after rain still can walk. that's what she told me.

End point: HabourFront :)
Was super tired and warm after finishing it. slept on the way back to school. lol!

high-tea with jamie and caiwen after a short meeting at nat lib with sijia. after lunch she went off for her thai lesson. the 3 of us were trying to find a place at raffles city to sit down and discuss further. Decided to go Canele cos the Macarons look super tempting.

Nice box and menu. hahaha!

So we bought 2 each and went inside. funny lor. we forgot that we will have to pay the 10% SVC and GST also.. lol. But they were really nice!! :)
Didn't come home too late cos i was really tired. i fell during the meeting and deep asleep on the train lor. power right. But i was in a super good mood ytd night. cos of the beautiful sight i saw.

Saw this when i was coming home. Sky colour very nice. so i shot.

After that my mum said the sky very red so i went to see and got a even nicer sunset picture. It's really beautiful! I went up to the 15th floor corridor to take this... and while going up i was wishing for a rainbow and tada!!!

Got rainbow!!! Big and beautiful!! :))) it actually stretched across my block... so first one was taken upstairs on my living room side... and the second one was taken from my kitchen. Damn pretty. Supposedly there were 2.. but the other one kinda faded already. can try to spot on first picture.
Feels like a dream come true! :)
Happy to be near the nature and see the nature. :)))