On the boat going there. Er-jie's not in the pict and San-jiu was standing on the deck. But anyways we couldn't all take a boat tgt. 4 of us had to take another boat cos each can only take up to 13 passengers.
We actually went to our great-grand father's tomb which was there for like more than 50 years. It was quite an impromptu decision cos the adults realised that most of us haven't been there before. So we had a super early qing ming. ya.
It was freaking hot ok. No shads at all... But anyways... it was still quite fun. should have brought some sun block thou. =P Then we just walked ard and headed for lunch... :)

from left to right: Buttered Lobster, Steamed Lobster and Crab stir fried with salted egg.
The main dishes... Actually got more lah... but lazy to find the pictures. But these are the 重头戏. haha! See le also want to go eat again. hahaha! Nice!!! :) We had some wild boar meat too.. buttered calamari, baby sotong, kangkong and super nice steamed fish! i think that's all? but damn a lot liao.. somemore the people got wrong order and gave us another plate of the buttered lobster. we didn't know.. just eat.. until the adults ask. haha! A really fulfilling lunch i would say. hee.
Then walked around to get some biscuits... the usual ones actually...

Our last stop before coming back to Sg. Went to the fellow older generation Chua's alma mater... And we decided to take a 'class photo' there. hahaha!
Fell asleep on the way back to Sg. Too warm and tired. After that got home.. bathed and went to sleep! Cos tired lah. the night before only had 3h sleep. hee. anyway also dun need to eat dinner le.. so nvm lor. slept for ard 3h ba... woke up just in time to watch Millionaire Star. haha.
Yeap.. that's all... really had a great day with the cozzies... too bad ah shan didn't go -.- She's supposed to reserve the day for us. hahah! hopefully we will go tgt again. And jiaxun going back to sydney to study le.
Ya. so that's all. bye.
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