If you think this is the craziest thing i've done... Today i broke the record...

Too bad i didn't have wireless there.. if not i would have blogged on the spot.. to complain. lol! It's at Kembagan... just opp. the Shell petrol station. Apparently a lot of ppl goes there. And i'm one of them.. under my sis' order.
As if the wait isn't bad enough... there's a uncle behind ranting and ranting over the same thing... It's already annoying enough to be standing under the hot sun the whole time... somemore he repeat the SAME thing! i mean... at least like say different issues still fine. I nearly rolled my eyes. Like everyone's the same... he's not the only one who is waiting so long. but poor him lah... cos he went to buy on his boss' behalf... And he's only a pack for himself since he's there already... So will be more pek chek lah... But still. chill..~ Oh... Anyway.. I was there from 2pm till 7pm. The problem is... The queue wasn't exactly VERY long.. But some ppl bought super alot.. like free ones... and the ppl inside did their job quite slowly too.. so who to blame? So in order not to feel wasted... i bought slightly more than the original plan... since still got money left. Maybe that's what the other ppl think also.. But like what... $570 on bak gua?? I believe that's not the most... just the most i heard when i finally set my foot in the shop. that took me like 4.5h. -.-''' And i haven't tried it yet... wait till i do so... i will tell u if it's worth the queuing.. Anyway... there's still a lot of ppl queuing behind when i left..
Ahh... talking abt uncle ranting... Ytd i was waiting for bus to go orchard from opp. nafa... and there's this uncle who came and started telling everyone (loudly) to vote for the opposition for the next election.. he goes like ‘你一定要投反对党,千万不可以投人民行动党’.. (i'm just quoting what he said) Reason being he's in workers' party or something like that... and he applied to marry a china girl but he was rejected due to the above reason. and say that he has to run for election in order to get the application granted. and blah blah blah... he continues to repeat the same thing over and over again!! I was quite irritated actually. Cos it's YOUR business if you want to be in the opposition party. But what rights do you have to ORDER ppl to vote for whichever party? Then the other uncle who walked past was rather funny.. he said '分钱比较重要'... Which i thought could be quite true too... esp. in this recession time... :) Then i suddenly realise that i'm eligible to vote already! HAHA!
Anyway ytd was spent at uncle's house for lunch... and Hereen's nydc for dinner... plus rochor tau huay after that... Took quite a no. of pictures ba... cos some ppl are bored during dinner... and just keep snapping away.... with a few of my unglam photos -.- But i'm not scared of them!!! Haha! bleahs! Update more when i get the photos... :)
IBL starts tmr! Good luck to myself! :) Bye.
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