Friday, February 29, 2008

Passing music...

Happened to find my violin exam pieces online.. i was listening to it and thinking of the times... practising hard every week... getting nervous every now and then... the hard times i've gone thru.. actually there were a lot of difficulties faced when i was preparing to go for the grade 8 practical... in fact i was VERY lucky to actually pass the exam. cos i made uncountable mistakes during the exam itself...

That period was very near to promos... and i have to take all the risk to take exam for that year. Well... i was the one who requested that i take the exam that very year... it really was quite scary lah... plus i was preparing to take erhu grading later in the year as well... i dunno how did i juggle... quite amazing... well.. maybe that explains why i didn't really do well in my studies. =x

Maybe i should put aside more time for practising my instrus yet again... for personal improvements. Think my parents will be happy to hear that.. but i think i will forgo private lessons for the time being. there are just too many things to be taken care of lah.. Ok.. That's all! need to sleep now.

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