First was with the SYCO ppl... 12 of us... wanted to watch Enchanted.. but only got 2 seats left.. er... for who to sit huh? haha... so we decided on this one instead...

I think the show is rather funny... there were quite a no. of laughing points in that 108min... haha... somemore there were ppl (our own ppl) one row behind giving some funny and rubbish commentary... lol. perhaps the most amazing thing is that the baby really says 'Ho' instead of crying when he was born... dotx. But well.. if u need some laughter... i think fred claus is not a bad choice.. :)
Then it was concert presented by Dream Academy... with via, horng, ling and yushi.. and this is it...

I think we all had our share of laughter... esp. during hossan's item... heard that horng laughed very loud hor? haha. but it was a rather pity that Sebastian tan was injured and couldn't perform... if not i'm sure we'll have more laughter than we did... i mean that's one of the reasons why i wanted to go... aiya.. why ah! but then hope he will recover soon lah. i tot there's "hokkien santa, sebastian tan, puts it 'Ho! Ho! Ho!'".. hmm... anyhows.. i enjoyed myself... with the rest of the cast for the night... it was cool as they sing and sing.. all sorts of different songs. it's been a while since i last saw Robin Goh/Wu on stage... and i told the others... he seemed to have grown taller... then later when we were having dessert... we had another surprise from yushi.. haha!!! But i shall be a nice person and not say it out here. HEE.
Then.. there's another one coming up on saturday evening... wow.. like Christmas is REALLY COMING. haha!!! and i haven't got ready my presents yet.. =x
Ok.. shall update again soon.. so busy that i didn't have time to blog abt the previous 2 movies i watched recently.. haha. anyway.. genting in 3days... hohoho! =P