Being able to share the things I care about is a bliss. Click on 'Continue reading and get all the thoughts' to get the whole story. :)
Friday, September 29, 2006
People people..
Ya... since i'm going to be rather packed tmr and the weekends... (again..) i might as well type something now... it's not just for the sake of typing kae... but right.. i'm rather bored lah.. lol.. Anyway... i think today was a rather good day at school... although it was a long long day from 1-9pm.. just to mention.. i beg to differ abt some person commented that michele's lessons were boring... i was totally turned off when she insisted she was right... and During michele's class at that very time.. seriously... but i think michele's a nice person... that person said that probably becos she didn't attend many of her lessons... and did not feel the involvement.. i dunno... but so far... i enjoyed her lessons... Actually.. some ppl just didn't like her cos of her strict rules... and the ppl are prob those who were always late for lessons.. and well.. i think they nv learned... haha.. so now i know what kind of arts managers we'll see in future...
Erm... pls dun be mistaken that i have hatred for my classmates... i actually have very good classmates lah... but i just had to put some of them under my no-no list.. haha... and guess what? i'm doing project with the person i mentioned above!! (thou i din mention the name..) And we even sat tgt for dinner just now! haha. I can forsee what the proj will be like... anyway... count my luck... hasn't been very good lately..
Ah.. On the other hand... the weekends will be enjoyable... again! haha... Firstly.. i'll be seeing Min Hui Fen's concert tmr... for those who doesn't know... she's one of the well-known erhu masters... and it's really like an honour to be able to see her perform... and i saw the interview abt her in Zao Bao this morning... tgt with the other erhu master... Xiao Bai Yong.... but i'm not going for his part of concert which is on sat... Everyone in the CO circle is like trying to grab their tix lah... even i bought mine early july.. the seats wasn't very good already.. so what do u think??
Next... i'm going for the Huqin Masterclass on sat aftn... omg... it's really a rare experience... thou i haven't attended it yet... but masterclass... with the 2 masters?! Quite excited... normally masterclasses are not cheap lah... and this time we get to go.. FOC. how nice... the privilege of being in syco.. haha...!
And sun... yet another performance to attend... the Dance appreciation series by SDT... featuring The Nutcracker Suite... going with er-jie.. and i paid for the tix!! (same for the above mentioned concert..) Wah.... i'm like SO so so broke lah.... ok... No Super broke until no $$ for meals... but still broke lor... so I have to WORk. sianx.. But good thing.. after the concert sis and i could come back and join in the celebration for mooncake festival happening downstairs! *cheers* =))
Haiya... i'm easily contented... haha... Anyway... time to watch 'Shall we dance?' Anyone wants to watch?? Can join me... at my house of cos.. i dunno when.. prob next mon... anyway the assignment is due on 12th... how long can i drag? sighx... Anyway... i have another entry be4 the last one... the first part is in chinese... take a look if u haven't... cos i saved it as draft and just edited it.. heex. that's all.. bye and nitex!
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Got this whole quote from a stranger's blog.. it was actually i quote after the story claiming to be the ending of Doraemon... erm.. dunno if the story is true.. nonetheless... find this quite interesting... thou a bit long... for friends who can't understand chinese... it's about having a friend that is always there for u... know what u need.. even be4 u open ur mouth to tell him/her. Being friends with this person it just like having a treasure in hand... no matter where and when.. it's very heartwarming...
Hmm... For me... not only i wish to have this kind of friend.. which maybe i have a few... I also want to be someone that has the quality.. but i'm curious when can i acquire such 'powers'.. haha... actually.. i really would like to thank this person... coincidentally or not.. when i was upset and tired abt what i typed in the next entry... this friend sent me a msg... just hitting right on my feelings... and i feel so much better.. he even said who bully me just tell him and he will settle it for me... at that point of time i just felt so touched... why didn't i choose him last time?? Kinda regretted... But perhaps it's better this way when he's my kor?? Ya... that's what i always thought... so let me just continue thinking that way... i'll feel better... haha.
If u have known me earlier... in my sec sch years... u will know that again a guy that i've been fond of... whether or not he likes me... it doesn't matter... but as a friend... he's really a good one... Always there when u need someone to share the joys and pains... and anyone who knows him personally thinks the same way as i did.. too bad i wasn't his choice.. and unfortunately i had to face him for 2 years in the same jc... But then... i have to say that he's always ready to listen to what i have to say... my problems, etc.. Wow... the best person on earth! haha. Oopx.. i think i praised the big bad bear too much.. hopefully he doesn't see this. lol.
[Edited (29sept): i forgot to make myself clear that i only treat him as a friend now... since long ago.. haha.. shall not explain further... later yue miao yue hei.. haha. End of edition]
Hmm... and so... if one day u find me having traits of such a person.. inform me kae! i'm really striving to be a goodie friend... heex!! =))
Monday, September 25, 2006
Another busy weekend...
However... on a lighter note... i enjoyed my sat and sun very much!! =) Sat was a afternoon out with the royal family.. lol... and the emperor's friends... erm... i haven save the pictures yet.. so well.. no pictures.. haha... anyway.. had a great time with them singing at Kster... since i'm not the first one to blog abt the event... Von should be fuming already.... complaining how we've forgotten her.. haha.. BUT.. von.. if we've forgotten u.. we wouldn't have taken the picture to spike u.. haha!
After that i made my way down to CFA at NUS for bbq by nusco... enjoyed too... thou didn't eat a lot... well.. nv used to eat a lot for bbq... enjoyed other things.. like entertainment by other ppl while bbq-ing... nianzhong, andrew, chuanfeng and kevin... watching others play those stupid games after food... and in the end also had to play the last round of game tgt with er-jie.. by peer pressure. haha. it was quite dumb really. haha.
Sunday morning went to erm... grandaunt's house... for lunch... had some chats with my cousins... later in the afternoon came back bedok to buy the rest of the food we need for the night's event... and started preparing once we got back.. Thanks Via for helping to buy and carry the things back.... thanks Yushi and jan for coming early and helped to cut the food etc... And of cos thanks everyone who came to make it happen... erm.. other than siyih and ling who didn't come... the rest not mentioned yet -- daijing, melody, charmaine and huiqin.. Oh.. and thanks dj and melody for washing up the dishes.. haha.. And again.. thanks via who brought the pot for fondue..
Thank u Cogang!! Although there were some unexpected event... haha.. like the heating plate suddenly short circuit or what... and like having a flying cockroach appearing suddenly... (not in the food of cos). and the 2nd round of chocolate just can't melt properly... and sort of spoiling via's pot maybe after all the poking. hope it's all right... Hope u all enjoyed like i did.. =))
And i just realised... next weekend will be as busy as well.. haha.. i dunno how i get so much activities/entertainments on weekends... they just come to me one after another.. haha.. Hmm.. anyway i NEED and MUST start on my assignments already!! dotx...
Saturday, September 23, 2006
School and work..
Had our presentation today(fri) and surprisingly.. the class is most pleased with our work... and fortunately the last 2 grps didn't need any powerpoint cos the projector went bonkers when the 4th grp was presenting... and it didn't recover for jeffrey's class... so poor tidus had to keep standing up to restart the projector...
Class overall was all right... i do enjoy michele's class... the way to conducting the class also... it gives us a lot of chances to participate and learn and know more abt our classmates also... and at the same time bring across some form of information and msg... Anyway.. after i consulted her abt who to interview... and i gave a choice of esplanade or sco... she gave me a very firm ans to go for the highest in sco.. but if u ask me... i'm actually more keen in knowing abt the former... cos it's a place i would like to work in future... however i think that maybe she doesn't want too many ppl doing the same org so if someone has a diff idea she will encourage him/her to do it... just like my case.. so ya... the next thing u will know... i might be meeting ken chang to do an interview.. or maybe terence.. who knows..
Hmm.. just think that meal breaks are the best time to interact with classmates... like ytd's dinner and today's lunch... how nice... everyone just sit down.. eat, talk and laugh... and realised that Jade and i own the same birthday day... but 6 years apart.. how interesting.. haha.
Anyway... i just thought... i dunno how to describe it... but i'll just illustrate.. it's like i go for interview or something similar... i tend to be dumbfounded frequently.. when a qns is posted to me... i need a lot of time to think... and well... higher probability that i can't think of anything on the spot cos i'm too nervous.. and either i give short ans... or i give rather stupid ans.. but when i think about it after the session ended... there's always so much things relevant that i could've said... and it's just too late.. sighx.. when can i ever improve.. haha.
Oh anyway... i'm still making a decision... as to should i go back Samsonite to work for my hols.. or find some arts organisation and set my butt in the office? or even doing artist management? i dun mind u know... haha... i still a little bit of time to consider ba... if sco is willing to hire me after i do the interview.. erm... i dun mind also! haha... but rumours i heard made me a bit scared too... even lin laoshi said just dun work for sco.. haha... is it bcos of the mgmt? it is bcos of the musicians? haha. i seriously dunno! suggestion? which one to choose? haha...
Ok.. that's it... time to koon. haha.
Friday, September 22, 2006
School.. Assignments... Projects...
Fortunately.. it's already the last day of the week! Tmr we are going to have another small presentation for Michele's class... and my grp... including sharon, sijia, vivien, liyana and of cos me... we hope that what we are going to do is really different and more interesting and could catch their attention... And oh no! i just realised i haven't decide who to interview for her assignment... dotx... Nv realised that time really past so fast.. haha...
Today... we've come to know that next week is the last 2 session for John's class... quite sad thou... i think dance is fun.. thou he didn't really go into dance... but he really thou what are the foundations for all dances... and really make us think... like asking us to do the written assignment the other time abt Roman architecture affecting dance... and i had the comment that i had a good point there.. =) But well... after that it's theatre.. hopefully it's interesting too..
And today's the first lesson for Mary's subject... erm... marketing to the arts context.. like ravi's class... we already decide on the proj grp that we are going to work with... and when we will present.. it's just so funny how the last row of ppl can get left out while everyone is looking for their grp member when we dun even have the chance to pick a paper out of the box. haha. and so we formed a grp... fortunate or unfortunate.. who knows?! it's more funny when there were absentees... how can there be not enough for all.. right? haha..
So anyway... tmr and yet another long day... be4 the weekend break... and i really have to sit down and plan... well.. at least for sunday... thou things are set.. timing isn't set... sat is erm... already packed.. haha.. and i had to decide when to watch the dance movie... and when to visit national lib for jeffrey's class... and well.. my mum insisted i go to work... like how?? i wished i could... i'm hard on cash... haix..
Well... no time to waste.. so off i go... still got much stuff to do... sighx..
Monday, September 18, 2006
busy weekend
Went to nus on sat for practice... which the session ended early at 5.30 and many ppl went off to watch a concert... and there were only a few of us left... (note: er-jie didn't go) So i went dinner with the very last few left... haha.. who were suyi, yuhui, andrew, jiahui, weixun and yongxin.. had dinner at clementi.. and we sat there... talk and talk.. about music blah blah.. and left ard 10pm... and returned home by train with weixun.. the only 2 ppl living in the east among the ppl... anyway was still earlier than er-jie in returning home... haha...
The prac itself was ok... when i reached there.. they started already lah.. so i just join in the hong qi qu... 3rd movement... then started on lan hua hua... erm... a rather easy and slack song for erhu... cos it's a erhu concerto what... so ya... ok lor! haha...
Sun... went to meet up with the cc ppl... play a while... had lunch with them and rot at cc... take erhu and lian a bit... left ard 5pm to meet my family... going out to eat.. be4 going to raffles hotel... we went to esprit cos er-jie wanted to look for a top that she found in hongkong but doesn't have her size... but in then i was the one who bought a top.. cos dun have in that outlet also... haha..
Had dinner at erm... i think the rest is called seah street deli... had Salmon... my fav... lol.. treat by mummy.. thou it's dad's sub-card. lol... and although it's really troublesome to even get inside raffles hotel cos there were security checks... the meal was enjoyable... And we went into Samsonite for a while... chatted with khairul and edwin for a while...
Today was a slacking day again... i was trying to help mum do a set of the show... but my com had to give me prob at the very beginning... so had to wait wait wait for it to rest first... and i only did like 4 out of 30 so far! dotx...
Anyway.. if u all still dunno... Liao Zhai is starting today on chn U 10pm! It's like one of my fav... bt it's a whole new series casting actors and actresses from taiwan, singapore, hongkong and china... it consist of 6 stories altogether and of cos all were acted by diff ppl lah.. the current story is "判官(pan guan)" acted by 王禄江 (bryan wong)... and subsequently there will be a new story after every 6episodes... so dun need to worry if u miss the front... can always start watching a new story. haha... other main ppl u will see are 林志颖(jimmy lin), TAE, 杨丞林(rainie yang), 江华, 李冰冰 etc... and below are some photos from the scenes... pictures taken from mediacorp website...

Didn't manage the rainie yang pic... kept on error... whatever it is.. watch the show!!! =)
Going to watch Healing Hands 3... hmm.. shall talk about that show another time.. last 3 episodes le..! byebye!
Friday, September 15, 2006
my past thoughts
When i went back to read my diaries when i was in lower sec.. or even pri sch... i think that everything was like so funny and why would i even do that... so to also see how strict my mum was... although she still is now.. and how much i used to complain... to myself lah... and how i didn't use to like both my sisters at all... Really.. i rmb i didn't like my sisters.. or even my mum... cos i always feel that she's bias... sometimes i still feel that she still is now.. but well.. as i grow older... i stop caring about these things...
Like i've mentioned in the entry about my sisters be4... i can't get along well with my 2nd sis.. at all.. when i was much younger... i think it's the age gap... plus my parents' mentality that i shouldn't be doing some stuff at that age becos my sis didn't do it at the same age too... so i was rather unhappy all the time lah... haha... like so stupid.. but just felt that i'm rather fortunate already... i think the most frequent phrase i read thru the book was "i scared mummy dun allow". haha.. seriously... i'm not so daring as er-jie in the past... she will go like anywhere after sch without telling mum and still did not get scolded.. i dunno why.. perhaps she claimed that it's cos of sch... but i nv did that be4... so weird... thou i lied quite often too... but not as successful maybe.. lol. so after all i'm still a guai1 person.. HAHA. i think my friends will laugh when they see this sentence too. lol
Maybe also becos i'm the youngest at home.. so they will always view me as 'still young'.. although i've reached the 'legal age' for many things... think i'm still in the transition period for my parents to decide that i'm really old enough to take care of myself late outside... hopefully...
Ok.. going off... Anyway today's plan to sac was called-off cos of the heavy rain that time... what a cold blanket.. but seriously when there's heavy rain.. no one will feel like going out... not me either.. haha... so i stayed at home and rot.. erm.. till now.. heex.
Thursday, September 14, 2006
My com...
Yet one week later... i'm 80% confirmed going to zouk tmr.. haha! with my AM classmates that is.. to celebrate yet.. one of their birthdays... yes... clubbing and birthday tgt again.. haha.. i tot that was what i did last fri?! lol... and i actually didn't turn up ytd when wx asked me to go zouk too... Haha.. whatever... it means i just have to get over my mum's stage again...
Anyway... had michele's class today.. and well... did quite a bit of sharing today... unlike the last session cos i was in a bad mood... anyway... i think we all learnt something today... actually and last week as well... and frankly speaking.. i quite like her classes... cos it is one of the lessons that gives us some practical view of what we will be doing in future.. in the most direct way... Thou the report and presentation we are going to deal with will be like 'omg'... but i shall do my best... =)
Ohoh... Sis is back!!! Haha... thou she didn't buy ANYTHING for me lah... dotx... cos she claimed that she already got me a Stitch from Disneyland the other time she went US.. so Fine... but she came back with mooncakes... Haha. just the season! =)
Ya.. maybe that's all for today... tmr will be going back to sac... hmm... looking forward to it actually.. i guess the teachers look forward to seeing us too!! Lol.. well.. hopefully lah...!
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
STPI trip
Anyway... went for John's class today and we had the quiz! Some were quite easy while some were difficult cos i didn't come across them when reading my notes!! So i merely guessed the ans... cos guessing is better than leaving blank.. right? haha..
Then a grp of ppl from the class plus me.. went down to funan to eat be4 going to Singapore Tyler Printing Institute (STPI)... erm... walked quite a long way... but it's quite worthed.. although it's quite long lah... we left the place at like 5pm! and walked all the way back to clarke quay mrt there to take bus home... was damn tired... anyway i stopped at ntuc and i bought Gelato Dark Choco ice-cream home lah! haha.. =P
Anyway... STPI... the place is cool... we get to see how they actually make a print thru a video... and we visited their workshop also.. seeing those machines real.. and coincidently someone was doing some kind of putting 2 diff paper tgt.. so we stood and watch.. And they actually make their own paper! so cool... and at the end of the day.. we were each given a Frank Stella 2002 book that was published i think when he went to STPI as artist-in-house.. cool..!

Anyway.. this is the picture of our artist pass for beautiful sunday... nice right.. haha... those were the ppl dining at nydc.. but peiqian came later.. so no pass.. Anyway mine is at the top right hand corner lah... heex
That's all... Ciaoz~!
Monday, September 11, 2006
SYCO over...
Last thurs... i accidentally erm... knocked over my cpu.. and it was stuck.. the worst thing was.. my dance assignment that was supposed to be handed in on that day wasn't printed out yet.. so like... panic lah... so asked er-jie to help me lah... in the end managed to get image back on the monitor... so printed and went to sch... was late lor!! it was really a bad way to start the day lah.. was like so sad for the rest of the day lor...
But Forbidden City was good!!! Although it's the 2nd time i'm watching it... (watched it once in 2003).. but still find it very nice.. and i will go down to esplanade to buy the soundtrack when i have the time.. i really will!! i really liked Kit chan's vocal... so clear and beautiful.. and i like their use of stage and style of changing the scene too.. It really nice!!! =))
Fri erm... wasn't exactly a good day in sch too... but passable lah.. just that i spent my whole lunch break to finish up hazel's assignment that i had to hand in on that day... cos of my com lor.... thurs night came back can't use again... and fri morning was too late to do it.. so i brought lappy along and do during break lor... And luckily i rushed it out... and that morning i was nearly late for michele's lesson also lah.. but to my surprise.. there were only 3 ppl in the class when i reached at abt 9.55+?? haha... so in the end only 16 ppl turned up for that class lor..
After jeffrey's class which i struggled very long as to whether to stay anot.. went down to tanjong pagar to pass the lappy to da-jie to bring home.. cos i'm going for SYCO's prac and after that to MOS... so u see... yea.. cabbed down to MOS after prac... reached there slightly be4 10... and left ard 12.30am cos another person who lives in bedok already wanted to go home.. well... i have no much objections lah.. cos i'm tired already also.. and luckily i didn't stay to dance more... to think that the ache actually came back the next day... i nearly died lah...
Sat went NUS with sis... but oh man... i dunno why... i dun feel like practising at all... cos i was so tired and i was so disturbed by the waist prob... i sat outside from 4+ till we left... and i fell asleep there.. =x and we came back quite early after dinner cos er-jie has to come back to pack for her HK trip and do some work be4 she left..
Today!! (Sun i mean..) It's the Beautiful Sunday: Sound of SYCO concert... it went on quite smoothly lah.... and now i've got one Esplanade Artist pass to keep!! haha.. It was rather fun actually.. And lin laoshi was quite right... Liang Xiao was the most traditional CO song played in the whole concert... it's the song that gives ppl the correct impression of what a CO is like... and i think we did quite well.. haha... After that saw quite many friends... erm.. those cc ppl... oh man.. they just disgraced me by calling out my name plus my nickname so loudly at the concourse.. like whatever.. and the sy ppl there just goes: 'really look like *censored* leh'.. what the..
But it's not becos of that that i didn't leave with the changkat friends lah... just that this is like the last syco thing for this year... so i went out with some of the sy ppl instead... i mean i can always go find them at tampines or what right... so ya.. went nydc with the sy ppl... and we sat there from like 5pm right up to 8 lah... and i had Hawai'ian baked pasta... it's nice.. lol.
Anyway.... we were doing quite stupid stuff also lah... and talking about anything that came to our minds... like speaking good languages? haha... Joel was funny lah.. cos he was putting on his retainer and he could hardly talk properly... Argh.. i didn't mean to laugh at him!! =x Ohoh.. forgot to say who were there.. haha... erm.. 12 of us altogether... hanson, jinjia, kuncherng, joel, shaun, peiqian, yuheng, zhiwen, jon ngeow, pauline, joyce and me... ngeow left first cos he was going to work.. then pauline and joyce left for home also... and the rest of us stayed till 8 lor... by that time the girls left already wanted to go home.. including me! haha.. so everyone decided to go home.. haha...
So i'm here.. blogging lah.. after trying upteem times to switch on my com again!!! haix.. shall try again tmr... think i'm not going for jeffrey's class tmr lah... need to rest.. think i'll seek the sinseh again tmr... it's really killing me much... i mean my back/waist.. sianx...
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Doing work at lib!
Although the marketing has already past... i know that there are more to come lah... sometimes it just makes ppl think after the first grp presentation that do i still want to work with the same person again... or.. who do i want to work with next... actually i have nothing against working with different ppl or ppl who are not my choice.. as long as everyone does their own part on time.. but problems surface when not only i need to do my part... i still have to do other ppl's part.. that would be quite unfair isn't it..
But i guess sometimes we just have to bear with whatever we have... whoever we are (working) with.. cos ultimately when we enter the society.. that's reality that everyone has different working style... the thing is to compromise with each other... if not end of the day the only one that is unhappy could probably only be urself... am i not right?
Anyway... whatever it is.. i think i got to enjoy myself erm this weekend after handing the assignments for the time being... erm... first is forbidden city tmr night... am really looking forward to it since the last time thou i have to miss ravi's lesson tmr night... felt quite bad too since it's the last time ravi will be with us.. he had really tried his best to bring across the contents we need to know.. trying to make it not so boring... actually i quite enjoyed his lessons lah... just that he always didn't have time to finish whatever he wanted and we had to end up doing our own readings very much..
Then got to enjoy fri too... not the lessons thou... ok.. i quite enjoy michele's class... but jeffrey.. i dunno.. at least i was awake lah... so dun ask for too much.. haha.. and there's also a run-through for sunday's performance.. and after that i had to attend yinghan's invitation.. oh man.. i haven tell my mum that i'll be home late yet... sianx...
Wow... i took so so so long to type this... cos i stopped many times to do my work and when i'm tired i come back to this informal stuff... hah.. cos it's already like 2.30 now? lol.. ok.. should go back to my work at full force liao... byebye..
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
A terrible experience
Oh-oh... there is something i must mention... some unpleasant experience thou... last sat my sis and i were having dinner at the ke-ai-ji coffee shop at clementi with the nusco ppl... so while we were happily chatting away making jokes... there's this horrible sight right in front of me lah... suddenly there were some shouting from a man just the table in front of us... think they were quarreling cos of some money issues lah... the man was already standing up... and what i heard from the others was that the man started punching another man sitting at the same table... now that wasn't all... the next thing i saw was... the man standing up took out a beer bottle from the pail and the next thing u know... he smashed the bottle on the other man's head... there were another 2 ppl there at the same table... during the 'fight'.. they were either pushing down the man to let the other hit.. or trying to stop the man from hitting.. i dunno.. it just happened too fast... and the 3 of them left the bloody man (as in really red blood) there... ppl around were all shocked... at least 2 tables on the left and right of them quickly make their move... and us.. due to the no. of ppl we have and the fact that most haven finish their food... we didn't leave... the injured man started to put clothe over his head to stop the blood... and soon after he was taken away... and later a few policemen came to investigate... but there wasn't much left lah.. we continued sitting there.. but the girls do not have any more appetite to finish their food... but u see the guys sitting down and continued eating...
Anyway... i can tell u the scene is really awful lah... and it can really be traumatising... and frankly i felt quite scared after that.. at least for a while... and the image is still so vivid... i can barely forget a thing about it until today... cos that was the first time i see such thing happening.. right before my eyes... and hopefully it's the last time lah!!
Other than that.. actually everything was quite all right la.. nothing much on sunday... slacked half the day away and went to the IT fair- Comex at Expo... and alas!! A new lappy! haha... ok lah.. my sis paid 2k and i paid 2hundred. lol.. but the point is i get to use it too... erm.. when i need to lah.. heex..
And ytd... i met via for lunch and went to sch after that to hand in my work.. and after that supposed to go for movie.. but due to my sy prac... and the late timing for the movie... we had to forgo it lah.. so we walked around trying to kill time... haha... left town ard 6.30.. initially wanted to pass er-jie her book for jap class... but i actually brought the wrong book for her.. so in the end she didn't go for her class lah.. felt so guilty lor... and i was a bit late for prac lah.. plus started with liang xiao... but good thing also.. means can go home after that... so sis waited for me... but in the end i was the one waiting at the mrt... haha... and we went home tgt lor..
Ok.. i guess i have to carry on with my work... if not i'll never get it done.. haha.
Friday, September 01, 2006
A tribute to my teachers..
I rmb my english teacher in pri 1... she punished me to stay back and finish my work during recess.. somemore she used a ruler and hit my palm... i was crying while doing the work lah... haha... but eventually i got a band 1 for my english! (only in p1 thou) =X
I rmb all my maths teachers in primary school... i only had 3 altogether for the 6 years... and all of them are very good lah... and the one that taught me in p1 actually confiscated my kor and my sticker albums one day... haha... wow.. that was how naughty i was in p1.. lol.
And i rmb han laoshi... she only taught me for 1 year.. chinese in p2. but she's the teacher-in-charge of CO... and she's really a nice lady.. gave me a lot of encouragement and chances esp. when i was in p6... :) i visited her in rss a few years back and we chatted for quite a long time... i hope i still have the courage to step into the school to visit her again cos everything is so different now.. oh man.. i do miss her a lot!
I still rmb my chinese teacher for p5 and 6.. the same person.. a strict but good teacher. i wasn't a very homework person but i never dared to not finish her work... cos she will scold and punish! But that's the way she got almost the class get A* for Chinese for PSLE. Including me! haha. then after we graduated, she transferred to another school and i think she should be retired by now...
My maths teacher for sec 1 changed for a few times be4 ms chua taught us... and she is really good... she's like the first teacher that i had a close talk to... but in sec 2 she became the internal VP and can't teach us anymore. Occasionally when i return to sch i still talk to her! :)
How about the chinese teacher that freaks me out each time she calls my name?~! And she forced me to be her chinese rep for 2 years!! NOt that i dun like chinese... but it's the teacher that is wrong... haha. My sac friends should know who i'm talking about lah.. Argh... and stop relating me and her! dotx..
I rmb my new zealander emaths teacher mr robb... he never fails to ask me if i handed in my work cos i dun usually do that on time. And becos of that.. he never fails to be surprise that i did well for my exams which i usually do.. Haha.. But he's damn zai lah... like he can calculate anything without using a calculator... anyway he already left and went back to NZ.
Another maths teacher... amaths teacher mrs heng, she is always so nice and caring... but she doesn't have a good health herself... but always smiling and helping us whenever we ask... of cos helping some of our classmates to jump grade from F9 to B3? wow.
Not forgetting my form teacher for sec 3 & 4... plus her best friend... my chem teacher... the class nv fail to make them subjects of the lesson and started gossiping there... wait.. both of them are females... but we always suspect that they like to gossip about us... so we must try to dig out something lah...
And my geog teacher... who is also strict but can be humorous too... always felt very stressed during her lessons.. but i must admit that she's really a good teacher that teaches all the skills needed.. but my end result for geog was lousy.. a 4! she was the one who waited for us to return after our syf in sec 4 to congratulate us... touched! haha.
My econs tutor in J2.. Mr bong!! nv failed to help us in our revision... doing whatever he could to help us all.. including me... bugging him only the last sem of j2... i think he's the reason if i return to ny... but each time i nv get to see him.. hopefully the next time..
My cla tutors for j2.. they are always so nice and cute... esp. xu laoshi.. he has retired as we left college..
Never forget laoshi and mr quek for starting burning the fire of passion for music in me... all the way back in p5.. i wouldn't have continued if i haven't met such great instructors then... seriously.. i thank them for who i am today in CO... :)
And my violin teacher.. for pushing me so far... i didn't really like violin-ing so much after i started learning it.. eventually i made it to the end.. and he was quite nice towards the end.. always offering me say breakfast or bringing me to concert or whatever...
Hmm.. i think that's all.. erm.. just wanna clarify... the teachers that i didn't mention.. doesn't mean i've forgotten them... just that they haven't make as great impact in my life..
Lastly.. i wanted to wish my friends happy BIRTHDAY lah.. Happy ONE DAY Belated Birthday to Jianyuan and Jocelyn tay.. and Happy Birthday to Chin Teck!! and my godma (not that she will read lah.. duh..)
I rmb this song that we sang in pri sch..
"We thank u teachers one and all
for all u've done us big and small
today we sing in praise of thee
for the love and care u always give so free..
We thank u teachers one and all
we love u most of all
we'll make this day so cheerful and gay
and let us sing a Happy Teacher's Day"!
There's another chinese song... but i can't really rmb the whole thing... think the first line is "这是小小的一朵花,里面有我们想说的话,谢谢老师谢谢你," then i forget liao.. if anyone still rmb.. come and tell me kae! heex..