Last wed was SYCO post concert reception.. first time the event stretched for so long. hahaha!!! Didn't join the impromptu stay over at zhiwen's house cos next day still have to prepare for the chalet... Which actually i didn't do much lah. =x But this year's post concert is so far the most eventful? haha.
Then comes the impt day - 12th June. Actually didn't do much also lah... the funniest thing that happened during midnight was... my sms ringtone actually scared me quite a few times... and my family all sleep already! so it was really quiet ard and ya. in the end i put my phone to silent mode until i went to sleep. BUT i didn't reply to any one of them at once lah.. haha. i only like replied morning of the next day?! haha! i will touch on that later.
Ok.. so er-jie's bf royston came and pick us up after collecting the rented car... we packed and went off to the bungalow chalet.. very big indeed. bad thing the tv cannot watch... as in cannot detect the channels.. but luckily still can play Wii ya.. if not all of us will be like bored to death.. lol! Wii is like the most popular for that few days lor. haha! so we Wii-ed a while.. and went to white sands to get some food and drinks. oh.. the joke of the day was that royston was supposed to attend a wedding dinner... so he couldn't join us for kbox later that night.. BUT. after we sent him home... and as we were abt to reach home.. he called and said that he got the date wrong. dotx. but he still didn't join us lah... so in the end only me, er-jie, yushi, siyih, sylvia and daijing went. they were super duper late... due the the jam caused by IT fair at suntec. tsk tsk. After that they went home while we went back to fetch him back to chalet. And that night... only 3 of us stayed in that BIG house. we Wii-ed until 2+ then went to sleep. haha.
I couldn't really get to sleep... i think i dun like the bed lah... and it was too cold... so i woke up at like 6am! omg... how long haven't i wake up so early already.. so i sat in the living room and stare into space. wah liao... no tv really cmi. That's why.. i decided to reply to the sms-es. haha! At least i replied lah.. =P At the same time also send out reminders for the celebration. haha! A bit slow too... I'm very lazy to reply sms lately! haha!! So i was lag in sending msges to thank ppl for coming also lah. haha! how many ppl say i lag already. -.-
After breakfast... Wii-ed again! then supposed to go home to get more stuff and fetch da-jie while sis needs to change and go back to her branch to meet some customer. BUT! the clever us forgot to bring home keys! hahaha! BOTH of us ok. And the same thing actually happened twice! the first day only sis had keys and she forgot to bring home... but dad was at home that time... so he opened the door for us... and i brought mine when we went off again. but this time... dad went out for lunch with mum and he didn't bring his phone! Mum brought her phone but didn't switch on! Haha. how great. so sis had to go back in sleeveless and berms... while royston and i go get lunch. dotx. Finally got back after fetching da-jie from int.. get her stuff and some more stuff we need... and went back to chalet...
The activity for the night was bbq. and again... the rest were rather late... so my family started first.. oh jiaqi came too! jan was surprised that she was the first to come. haha!! then some came in yih's car... and dj came latest.. too much food and we couldn't finish... decided to keep it for the next night. hee. Wii-ed again! and mahjong-ed too. Ok.. i Wii-ed a while only.. Boxing with jiaqi.. cannot take it... and lost. haha! she so so worked up. haha! Boxing is the most most vigorous game in the whole Wii sports. And it makes ppl want to go nearer and nearer to the tv. Haha!!! Oh. and i didn't mahjong... er.. they didn't play money.. so the punishment for the last player is to wash the dishes left in the basin... char was the person and she did a really quick job.. cos i think she's tired already. haha! Ya.. so that's all for the night. yushi, sylvia, jiaqi and i sat downstairs and talked for another while be4 we go sleep.
Next day... almost all of us were already awake by 9am... and we started decorating the place. my dear cousin woke up at 10am sharp. not bad lah.. haha! cos we actually said 10am but in the end all woke up earlier. so deco deco.. went to bathe and everything ard 11.30am... Wah!! Earliest was jon lau and emily wor... hahaha! jon actually 'vroom vroom' emily there. And they came in blue! haha! Then next in line was ken and deshun. They super early. haha! The first to come in yellow was kim! haha!! Ok.. actually it was all the nyjcians who came first lor. haha. so proud of them. The last to arrive.. dun need to say lah.. the grp know themselves. hahaha! Not shy sia.. haix.
So anyways... the celebration goes on and on and omg i really miss my pri school friends a lot! haha! so i'm so happy to see huiqun and geraldine... and my kor... jiewan maybe not so much cos i just saw her not long ago. Heex. But i'm happy they came lah... I think the grp of ppl who i didn't really have a chance to talk to was my royal family.. since half of the time they were enjoying themselves in the upstairs air-conditioned room. haha! but nvm. will be seeing them again this weekend for kim's day. giving all my time to them man... :) Eh.. and i think i haven't catch up enough with my sisters and brother and all our pri school stuff yet. I'm so looking forward to the next gathering i tell u. hahaha.
Oh... a pity yvonne and sofian left be4 the cake... cos they were the only lasalle ppl... cos caiwen and weixuan pangseh-ed cos of work... and liyana couldn't come too... and lila only replied she can't come after that.. Khai in ns.. But well... this is a norm for lasalle ppl. haha! Sorry for boring the 2 of u!! =x But anyway... my kns gang didn't come too.. coincidentally they have something on.. so we gonna meet another day.
So as more ppl left for the day... finally only 2 grps of ppl were left in the house with us... i.e. my beloved crews of the day since they are so defying to wear RED. (my theme is BLUE and YELLOW lah). And the syco ppl... so we started bbq-ing again.. and also try to finish up the food from catering... went to rent bikes overnight after that... but quite tired.. some of them went cycling for a while.. i slacked in the house. haha! some syco ppl stayed while the rest went home... minhui didn't stay cos of some things lah... :( The crazy syco ppl were fighting in the room. ok.. actually i think it was only kenny and ngeow. haha! by the time we wanted to go out.. they were telling ghost stories.. and ya.. i listened to one.. and ran out of the room. haha!
So 7 of us went out at 4am to the same HK cafe we went after qin's bday party cos sylvia insisted. haha! Oh... this time we know le.. just order simple food will do. I was really tired i fell asleep on our way back. haha! Jiaqi was the one who drove.. the rented car. haha! she was quite nervous cos first time on auto cars. haha. quite funny. but she ok lah. :) Took some crazy photos there also. This person huh.. actually wanted to go home one... but dunno why hor... until very late liao she was still there... haha! I think she clicked well with my cogang ppl ya... so in the end dun bear to go home already. haha!! But good also lah.. more ppl.. more fun! :) Went back and saw ngeow playing Wii alone... lying down somemore. damn relax huh.. we were all tired.. so we retired to the room while he continued. dunno what time some of them left... was fast asleep when zhiwen called me in the morning. haha. woke up at 9+.. quickly packed and came home. the caretaker damn mafan lah... somemore tell my boys rudely 'u all can go home already hor.' (translated from chinese). So we chop chop leave the place cos they like want to lock already. whatever. And ya.. that's all for the chalet!

Ok.. just 1 picture.. i took pictures of the individual present by different ppl/grps. but lazy to upload. so spot them urself. Thanks to all for the effort of getting me the presents... I was surprised at most of the presents! haha!! Esp. the 2 identical STITCH soft-toy from the nusco ppl and syco ppl!! (now 1 of them is on my sis' bed). And i can't differentiate which one is from who anyway. becos they are exactly the same. haha! Oh. and the toy violin from syco too.. lol. hello. u all really very cute leh... i got real one leh.. why buy a toy one? i dunno how to play toy one lor! Next time buy real one ok? Lol. But thanks for the card lah! I like it although there's a VERY unglam photo. TSK. And then from nusco also the lock and key necklace and the card. very nice. :))) Then a very cute and big Lollipop mirror from Reena. Hey.. thanks for coming all the way! :) For a moment i tot it's a real lollipop lor. lol. =x Then... Necklace and earrings from jiewan and jiaying (thou she didn't come cos of work too). Eh.. i forgot to tell them i dun have piercings. haha. paiseh. Keychain from my dear brother.. omg thanks edwin.. i know it's not cheap cos it's agnes b. =x Raoul card holder from boyi and rudy. thanks too!! it's really to know u all in sy gaohu. the only time sy has the same grp of gh ppl for 2 years. haha! Guy Laroche card holder from my 2 cousins, jiaqi and jiaxun (he didn't come too). Thanks my dear and look forward to ur party! can i stay over? haha! Burberry fragrance from my royal family... thanks han for the effort of sniffing 20 over different ones be4 deciding on this... i love it. and love u too! :) Then a Goldheart bracelet from my sis' family cum my mother's best friend. haha! ok.. very complicated. but it's a coincidence that xiaoting jiejie chose a star one cos she likes it without knowing i like stars too. yeah~ Then a series of gifts from the 2 pri school sisters.. a big bag (something i need), a doraemon cushion, a pack of kogepan stickers with my name (this is super cute, got different patterns somemore), a Star-shaped necklace from Helen, and a hp pouch, and a card with very heartwarming message. And lastly... the combined effort from my beloveds and nyco ppl... something that i need to change since long time ago.. my specs! hahaha! I think many haven't seen me in specs for a long time already lah... cos i dun really dare to bring it out in its current state lor. lol. Oh!! How can i forget this... the stitch globe puzzle already completed from michelle. Thanks for ur effort. I like it very very very much. sitting on my cupboard now. hee. And the angbaos from my godmother, sylvia's mother (thank u aunty), and my san-yi! :) And OH! a bracelet by Meyson from my parents! :)
Lastly... The pressies are all topped with a card with some message inside and i totally totally love it! I think cards are my favourite cos they can be kept for so so so long... and i nv get tired reading them. :) So.. Thanks syco for the HUGE card with a '21' done by zhiwen in front, and a pink '21' card from nusco, a black and colourful card from qun and ger, a card with the message written upside down (haha!) by jiewan and jiaying (i supposed the blur blur jiewan wrote that), a little pop-up card from reena, a silver 'Prints' card from boyi and rudy, the agnes b. card that comes with the keychain from edwin, and the green board done by my beloved cogang.. (green cos it was the other half of sylvia's board, ok my own fault cos i bought it).. and of cos the guest book~!!! Actually some of them didn't write.. so next time have to fill back ya. haha!
Seriously.. thanks for all the effort. And of cos.. thanks my family for giving all the support.. physically and financially. I think i'm really fortunate to have them as my family. thou my sis didn't give me any present... but they paid for ALL the expenses. claiming or not i dunno. But ya.. i didn't pay a single for anything. I love my sisters so much. And a huge thank you to royston also... fetching us, my parents, and making trips to get drinks and helping us bbq and asking me not to be paiseh abt it... I hope this time my sis has gotten the right person. :) Thanks for making my bday a memorable one! I look forward to more celebrations of my friends~!! :))) Just too many to thank... So thank u ALL! Oh.. and for reading too... i know this is a super long entry. haha!
PS: for photos... pls grab them from my facebook. :)
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