So.. as usual... actually not very usual cos we only started that last year... we met up be4 concert at vivo... talk rubbish and bitch for a while be4 deciding to have our lunch at like 2pm when we were supposed to meet at 12pm. Apparently... most ppl were late... including me.. partly cos it was raining.. partly cos i couldn't really get myself awake enough... =x
Anyway.. pasta-ed for lunch... then went to get things for our mortal.. lotsa fun and laughter in Candy Empire. Would nv forget the first time i introduced our heavenly chocolate to joel. haha! So we bought one each.. (of cos it is more ex now~!) But we were happily eating that seriously. :) Then our routine to the arcade... but.. NO MORE Photohunt!!! DOTX. so sian-ed. Stayed there and watch the rest play until 4.30pm and we decided to move ourselves to SCH. Yes.. it's 1h but knowing the ppl... we will take eons to get to SCH. even though it's only 2 mrt stops away. lol.
After the week's intense practices... it's finally the day we show our hardwork for the past 5+months... the only song i was worried abt was the last song... cos there are some parts that i know i still couldn't catch... sometimes can.. sometimes cannot. it's really like super fast lah... lol. But i really like all the songs this year. And esp. the last song too - GaDa MeiLin. It's really a piece that will get ur emotions moving...
The concert itself is really successful lah... we were so funny we asked yao laoshi if he's nervous be4 the start.. haha! He said 'no' so i jokingly said that i am. haha! He's quite shocked and said... '等一下我们多交流就可以了。' He's really very nice... :) And i think the soloists have done us proud!! :))) Both of them are really good players of their instru.
The after-concert is also unforgetable... we had a very very long supper or dinner for some of them at marina square's HK cafe. Although i wasn't sitting with the usual grp of ppl... but eventually we had a lot to talk abt... the uniqueness i find in co ppl... there's always non-stop topics regarding co to talk abt... seriously. even with the most unfamiliar person... you can find something to talk abt that is related to co. And that is what i like abt co too. Becos it's so easy to know each other. So easy to relate everything. So easy to bond. :)
But the funny thing is.. every year syco just feels so different... even with the same ppl.. it doesn't feel the same. Becos every year there's new things to enjoy... new ideas to make sy interesting. For this year esp. with the Angel and Mortal game... At least each person will get to know another new person... And more ppl get together to talk abt their angels and mortal. I feel very happy to be able to give. :) And then even with the same kind of mindset... it just doesn't feel the same... Both years i went up the stage with the thinking that it is my last year with syco... The difference is.. thou last year i keep thinking of leaving... but i wasn't that serious abt it and i know i feel like staying... but this year i know it is going to be what i think and the feeling is more true and more vivid. Becos i know that i dun have a choice but i will have to leave. How i wished my year 3 of studies is not going to be what it's like. But... i really hate to admit that i really do not have a choice. It was hard to make a decision last year becos i still have a choice... but it really wasn't as hard as facing my only choice this year.
Actually i ticked 'i am interested to join next year'... but i'm not very hopeful abt it... esp. when i can foresee how my life would be like having night classes for the whole year 3 and the thesis that i have to write. I know the possibility is the lowest i can ever think of.
I nv liked to say goodbye becos i know... nothing will be the same anymore. And the fact that close friends in syco asked me to stay and said that they will miss me makes it even more saddening to say goodbye to them. I think i've really gained a lot the past 4 years in sy. time really flies and this will really be my last concert with sy. I wun be participating in the next 2 concerts. so good luck to the rest of the members. I may be back in the future.. but future is always filled with uncertainty.. so i can't promise.
Lastly, just want to say...
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