Monday, June 13, 2016

120616 is over.


谢谢看到脸书说是我生日然后用了几秒钟祝我生日快乐的人们。虽然不是一件什么大事,不就是打那几个字吗?但你做了吗?看着这些祝福的名字一一出现,不禁有些感慨。就连一些我不太熟的朋友都做了,有些多年的朋友却认为我不值得他生命里的几秒钟。好吧,就叹个气而已。因为是在意的人才会有这样的感觉的。其实我已经很高兴了,因为我没有想到会有这么多人不止用fb的方式,而是更直接的whatsapp :) 我觉得跟我想的一样,是更有意义的。


觉得很对不起常常以我们为重要的朋友出发的朋友,有时我会冷淡的对待,但是.... 现在开始我不会了。另外一群也是如此。也许,对他们来说,我也是出自于习惯的出现;可有可无。因为已经在一个群组里,不可避免的带着我一起而已。哈哈!



And well, all these will be visible when the birthday comes. Why?

Real friends wish you happy birthday and ask for a meet up and really meet up with you. Or even, before the birthday comes, not even having to say it's for your birthday. Normal friends wish you happy birthday and that's it, or say meet up soon but that soon never comes. Effort is the word. 

Anyway I think that personally I'm quite an awkward person. I don't like all these stuff but I get a little disappointed at times when it happens to other people and not me. Haha. Just can't make up my mind if I want to feel awkward with all these people staring at me or sad that no one actually cares to plan a little. HAHA!

Time really passes so quickly. Looking through instagram having photos of past year(s) just can't seem to allow me to gauge how long it felt since the last, last last, or birthdays 3, 4, 5 years ago. It's amazing how my feelings haven't changed all these years; that I actually don't mind having the whole day to myself. 

And I will do it next year. I promise. 

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