Sunday, October 21, 2012

Esplanade is 10!

I was quite surprised when I first heard about the whole event. "You mean Esplanade has been there for 10 years already?" - My first thoughts about the 10th Anniversary event. The method of participation in the weekend's 'Dedicated to You' programme changed from time to time. In the end I was quite involved in the whole thing!

At first my role was just an audience for SCO's programme and staff for DYMC's programme. And then I left DYMC, so that left me with just being the audience for the former and I was still contemplating for National Broadway Company (NBC) because I didn't know what it will be like.

Nearing to the dates, I get to know that DYMC is lack of Erhu player and I'm asked to help. Erm, I don't think I'm the best person lah, they must have ran out of people to ask. Moreover, before that we already submitted my details for pass-making during F1 period, so why not? Haha! Anyway I must say it's great experience playing with them, it's my first time after all. And it's a bit unbelievable but it's also my first time performing in recital studio (except for the one and only NCMC i took part in n years ago). Okay, so that's on the last day of the weekend's event.

Just as we were contemplating to get tickets to NBC on the week of the event for Friday's show, got to know that DYMC has some tickets to it, Von helped me requested and there I go! Little did we know it was an invited programme and dinner (reception) was provided, including drinks before show and interval. How cool is that. I dressed up a bit and my colleague said I was going on a hot date. How I wished though! haha! Good thing was I ended up sitting with Jojo, Simyee and Amanda, at least I wasn't alone because all of us were separately into groups. However, about the show, I have to say that it's a bit too dry. I would have expected the show happening in a real musical style. But all they did were solo performance of speaking about the life story of the character and singing a piece at the end. And that goes on for 17 people (contestants to fight for the artistic director of NBC). Oh, there's a interval after the 10th person, if, that makes it a bit better. Obviously there were a lot of inside jokes, which people outside the theatre scene might not be aware of. The only interesting thing was probably the voting part? Glad that in the end the Dick Lee role won. (Dick Lee was posing as Benson Phua, someone else acted as Dick Lee).

But I have to admit that quite a few of them performed quite well in their singing. Dick Lee's character was one of the best I feel too (and the piano did helped), he's the only person who sing and play an instrument at the same time. *claps*

And of course, the original plan to be audience for SCO's show on Saturday. It was also rather disappointing in a sense that I feel they are rather unprepared for the concert, even though the programme line-up is supposed to be grand and good. Probably it's due to the lack of practice time with the artists? Probably but I don't know. Having that said, the audiences were spoilt with a choice of local pop compositions paced back all the way to the early 80s. Some of which are quite my favourite pieces. But but, there's a little part that we don't really understand, i.e. why the arranger had to use so many minors to do the arranging of the songs. For a start I thought that the musicians played the wrong note, until I realised that it's the arranger's style, and that's basically the same style for the pieces arranged by the same person. Hmm, can't say that I liked it, and have to say that for pieces which people are very familiar with, it didn't do any good, even though if it's something new.

By the way, Danny Yeo and Tanya Chua still saved the day. Danny Yeo, still amazing as ever for his voice and hosting. Hehe. Of course, Tanya sang well, though not perfect. Okay, maybe I had too high hopes on the singers. I really liked the finale song though, nice composition by Dr Liang! :D

Last and for all, my own participation in performing for DYMC on Sunday. I can't say a fantastic job, but I feel that I have done my best, although that's probably not enough for them. Haha. But my job is done. And it's kind of fun to work with them, and admin worries freed. Recalled how I usually worked during their concerts. It just felt so different.

And so, to close the case, I've been to Theatre and Concert Hall and Recital Studio the weekend! :) Happy Birthday Esplanade! Hope I'll be there for the 20th, 30th and so on! :)))

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