Day 4
We left Jeju early in the morning to Seoul... So took plane... and we had Dunkin Donuts again! Haha.. =) ok... The actual plan was to go to Everland first... but it was a Sunday and Mina says that it will be too crowded... so changed the itinenary a bit... so we visited 南怡岛 first.... it's the island that 冬季恋歌 was shot... Yea... And we were greeted by this when we reached the island in a ferry...

Ok.. scenes of the show... coming up next... HAha...

Recognise the trees?~! Haha... anyway... the pose was set by mina... and every couple has to follow.. they are actually the poses that appeared in the show lah... eh... shall not disclose the rest to prevent my parents from embarrassement... Lol... =x But nothing is better than a family photo...

Other than these familiar trees... there are actually quite a lot of other things there lah... there's actually this statue of 裴勇俊 & 崔智友... and the Igloo that i slipped right in... dotz...

becos it's made of ice... and it's very slippery when the ice is melting... and i was wearing track shoes.. so when i tried to squad down and move inside... i just slipped thru and it's not easy to stand up... held on to the cold ice to get up... so what lah... cold lah!! Haha...
So after that we went for a little shopping again.. bought a pair of water proof glooves for snow skiing and a ear cuff too.... but apparently the ear cuff is a bit big for me... so din really use it... ya... And we too had our Baskin Robins ice-cream there...~ *yumx* Then after that travel for think 2+ hour to reach the resort at the foot of 雪岳山. And this is how we sleep...

the floor is supposed to be warm cos of some special thing they have... but in the end... not at all... rather i was cold for the night cos i slept right beside the window and wind was blowing hard that night...
Then we went to the hot spring after laying the bed sheets.... Hmm... one word... 爽 - Shuang! Haha... cool lah... but the sauna was... indeed hot... we only enter the 71°C room and i almost died.. Haha... even the first time i stepped into the 40°C pool... i struggled a few moments be4 accepting the temperature... so what u think.. Haha... We tried almost every other pool there lah... some got massage one some more... and lastly be4 we left for bathing... er-jie and i dip ourselves in the rose bath... which was... nice!! =) After all the dip it was really refreshing i will say... =)
Day 5
We set off quite early also... to another resort... this time.. is for the snow skiing!!! Yeah.. the most anticipated event of the whole trip... so excited... HAha... But be4 that we went to a national park first... Where... Jason tried to sit on a ice-sculped horse... and the whole thing dismantled.. lol...
Then.. to the snow skiing place!!

We had lunch be4 skiing... assemble at ard 1+... and we ski all the way till ard 4pm... It's tiring cos the equipments are heavy... the shoes are heavy... and we got to climb up the slope with those stuff... it takes like 2 minutes to get from downhill up to where we want to start skiing from... but it only takes a few seconds to ski down from there... dotz... at the end of the day... we started taking out our scarfs and sweater... cos it was too warm already... first time i kinda sweat inside there.. Hah.. But skiing is FUN!!!
Paiseh... no photos of us skiing cos the photos are with jason.. and we haven't got any yet... yupz..
And that night we actually had a small party at mina and sansan's room... mina made seafood shao bing for us... cos we had an early dinner... and we had a game of blackjack there... and Haha... the bet is ice-cream treat for everyone!! So the most lose one has to treat the others ice-cream the next day... initially i was the loser... BUT i made a comeback on the last round... and yeah~! i'm the second last instead.. heex.
Day 6
Ok... we are back in Seoul... this time.. the city of Seoul! =) Early morning we went to Everland... it's a family park lah.. got safari, rides, all those... and it was really fun there... we stayed that from 10+ till about 3pm...

This is a mixed-breed of tiger and lion... so the head looks like lion but the body has stripes from the tiger.. cool right... and the tigers and lions actually live together in the safari... there's no cages and no fences one lor... so we travelled in a tram and took photos of them..

And the bears there are cute too... but all they know is eat?~! HAha... cos they actually performed catching food from the driver... =x But a few knows like 'sit', 'stand', 'byebye' and can follow the instructions lah... so quite cool...

The bear is actually waving at the driver.
And there a 30th Anniversary Snow Parade going on there... which we had quite some fun taking pictures...

This is the leading characters of Everland and the first card in the queue...

The bunny is very cute wor... Haha...

These 2 creatures are very playful lor... they come down of the car that time very funny...
After that we lunched at BK... eh.. considered ex compared to sg also.. but nvm lor.... So after that still got about an hour... so we went to play the snow sledge... it's fun lah.. on our way there.. we found this...

5 snowmen... just nice represents our family size... so we took a photo.. Heex...

the snow sledge thing... the 2 higher ones are er-jie and jason respectively... i wasn't taken in any of the photos... either becos i came down the slope too fast or i stopped at weird places where the view is being blocked... dotz....
Then it was time to leave.. and i bought this cute little creature from their shop... =)

White tiger.. love it.. =)
Before we left.. took this photo on the way to the exit.. quite cute...

I'm second!! HAha... =x
Then the rest of the day was shopping at 东大门.. it's like a shopping centre but not really a shopping centre... Haha.. difficult to describe... but there's where i bought all the souvenirs from... and i bought a skirt like a few moments be4 we left the place... closed the deal in about 5 min.. cos also can't try... so just take lor... can fortunately i can wear.. Haha... tried it only after i came back..
After dinner... we went to the Seoul Tower... unfortunately there's haze that night... and we can't even see the peak of the tower from bottom... when we got up to the tower... supposed to see the night view of Seoul.. but all we see out of the window is nothing but haze...

The 2nd one is what the tower is supposed to be like lah... so it became so sian up there since we can't see anything.... what a waste...
Then we returned to the hotel we are going to sleep for the last 2 nights there... and oh man.. the hotel is really nice... and the rooms are beautiful with nice bouncy beds and nice pillows and a boster!! And Quan-ning ah-yi visited us in the hotel... She's married to a korean so she stayed and work there lor... she came with a bag full of stuff... we too gave her a bag full of stuff from singapore by her mother... and chatted till quite late... Then sent her down to the lobby...
Eh... Wait for part 3... this entry too long le... and i'm tired too.. heex...
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