Being able to share the things I care about is a bliss. Click on 'Continue reading and get all the thoughts' to get the whole story. :)
Monday, November 28, 2005
2 concerts..
Hmm... Went to 2 SCO concerts on fri and sat... 与傅强共乐 & 九天籁... quite cool lah.. think it's a new type of concert method that sco is trying to stage.. Having small groups and all... And for the first one.. it's a purely erhu concert... he played san men xia well..~ Hmm... But it's quite a pity that the sales wasn't very good... only like half of the seats were taken... I rmb saying that he's like a model to me... a target to reach... coz he's one that pursues in both the western and the eastern music... and having a masters in erhu... how wonderful... to satisfy both side... if only i can do that too... haha... but now i wonder when that will be... maybe never...
ERm.. nothing liao lor... Hmm... Ya... looking for a job.. but maybe not so soon.. Guess i really shouldn't have too many committments... coz of sy prac i din dare to find a job now... so i din call the company that yinghan introduced... and i dun understand why must sy prac be in the morning...~ Weird...~ Since this and next week will all be occupied... how could i get a job that is office hours...~?! And now... i didn't want a job with shifts becos that will mean that i got to work on weekends... And what happens? Then i wun be able to teach tuitions... (not that i have any students now..) And wun be able to go for practices too..~ Sighz... If only the stay in SLA was a better experience... then i can ask da-jie to help me get it again..~ but well.. it's not... So.. we'll see lah..~
That's all... got to go down for lunch liao.. Cya~!!
Thursday, November 24, 2005
Oh man... Big mistake...
Oh... got lah.. went for sy prac.. it was quite ok lah.. but quite scary also.. being the only gaohu.. and it's too obvious if i make any mistakes... And the biggest mistake was i forgot to bring a pencil.... somemore got big mistake in the scores.. then guo laoshi had to lend me his pencil.... think he could see that i'm lost coz i was looking around... trying to find a pencil.. but there was like no one around me..~ dotz... But overall was all right lah.. and thankfully he forgave me for whatever mistakes i made.. coz that was the first time i went for combine mah... ya... amongst all the ppl who went... i'm the only one who haven't attended any combine session yet.. so can't blame me right... at least i still can play lah..~ so dun ask for too much yea...~ Hopefully next time i'll be better.. which is next tues morning.. wonder if i can wake up so early.. =x
Then tues went out with von and chek... shopping... again.. BUT... i din buy anything from the trip... Which means i din spend money!! =) Coz i've bought whatever i need so far mah... and it was chek that wants to shop.. since have nothing to do... just go lor.... so we walked around suntec and chek really went home with bag full of stuff...~ If only i had savings too.. haha..~ Well.. got to find a job soon... so that i can buy things too..~ Heex..
Today went bugis... haha... each day a step nearer to bedok yea... but then can't be nearer anymore.. next time go tampines lah.. i'll be happy if u all do..~ haha... but i know von wun.. lol..~! Anyway... went walking around with yuhui and chek after buying the tickets... or rather redempt the tickets... Oh.. it was harry potter... then von joined us later lah... erm... today i bought something lah... next year's organiser... and 2 CDs~!? Heex... So.. i'm not going out tml.. so that fri can go out again..~ Well.. shall abide by my mum... to pack my stuff... be4 charmane ow comes and ask me to help her in erhu..~ YEa..~
And hooray!! The others will finish their papers tml!! Or rather.. today.. later..! So we can go out on fri together.. i mean mel, via and me... long time since we met.. think it was just after prelims that we last met.. not via of coz.. see her like every other day.. haha..~
Argh!! Big mistake today!!!! I forgot that there's sy sectionals today!!! Oh man.. i'm like damn sad now.... Coz the session is really really impt to me lah...~ Haiz... I'm like so dead now... When i realised.. i really regret going out today!!! ARgh!!! HOw~?! No more sectionals le... all i can do is depend on myself le...~!! Omg... how could i ever do something so stupid... why didn't i check my schedule first..!! =( Think laoshi quite disappointed that i din appear too~?! Haiz... just now still so hopeful that i can play better next combine... i think it's in my dreams now..~ Oh wells... it's all my fault..~ Sadz...
Aiya.. that's all le... must go and think how to get to know the rest of the stuff liao..~ Bye..~
Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Oh.. this is the shoes i bought for prom... and i wore it to the wedding dinner... now... look at the side view for the height... (below)
Hmm.. looks like it's not very clear... however... it's about 2 and half inches... think more than 5cm? Ya... must be... if not how can i be taller than er-jie after wearing it.. haha..~
And this! The doll shoes i bought at POA... Anyway... i've got blisters after wearing it lah.. so now waiting for the blister to heal be4 trying on the shoes again.. dunno why lah.. when trying that time like not so tight and thought the heel there quite all right also.. Haiz... But after 2 tries... really enough for the time being..~ But it's really a beautiful and unique pair of shoes lah.. =)
Sunday, November 20, 2005
Wanrong jie's wedding..
This is the first time a first cousin of mine get married... she's 20++ this year... and she's together with her bf and now her husband for 8 years be4 getting married... i think they met when they were studying in US... Both my cousin Wanrong and her husband Tsequan were studying under scholarships... if i'm not wrong... President's scholarship..~ they were actually registered liao lah... And they worked together in London for a year last year... Tsequan's a Major now... cool right... and wanrong jie handles foreign affairs coz on bonds for the scholarship... Ya.. and 19nov was the day... the customs all set in..~
In the morning... we went over to their house around 9am... the bride was still doing the hair and everyone's getting ready... the other first cousins all came promptly and we waited for the bridegroom's arrival...~ It was fun though... at 1015.. the male lead appeared with his brothers... and at this side... the girls got ready at the door... coz they were late for like 5 minutes... They were given a punishment as to go downstairs again and he got to shout out his love for WR jie... Oh man... it was really nice lah.. coz like we were at the 8th storey... and u could really hear him shout 'wanrong. wo ai ni'... so they were let up... then the 2nd stage is to do 100 push-ups... 100 for 1 person of course is too tedious lah... somemore on a wedding day... but he did like almost half the amount and the brothers each helped to do a few also lah... so ya... 2nd one pass.. 3rd stage... to spontaneously do a poem with a few given items by the jie-meis... erm.. eventually he didn't but he knew exactly what the items... they are the likes and dislikes of WR jie... well... this goes to show that how well he knows her yea...~ so they let him pass... Anyway it was really running out of time... and so the 4th stage... to drink up 4 cups of 'drinks'... and they are like 'suan, tian, ku, la'... erm... lemon juice, milo with lots lots of sugar, some bitter drink and lastly... chilli padi... And how touching it is that he drink them all in one shot.. one after another...~ So well.. of course he passed... then the 5th stage... the angbao lah... they asked for $888 but he only gave $388 lah... But well... they let him in..~ If u think it's the end of the games... well... not so soon...
Given that the house has 2 storeys...~ he got to get to upstairs right...~ thus 5 of the male cousins were made to stand at the bottom of the stairs and not to let them up... they tried to push their way thru... but obviously did not suceed..~ haha... so in the end he took out $100 to buy the way thru... ok... they let him up..~ So that was the 6th stage.. And now.. the 7th!! He was asked to sing 'yue liang diao biao wo de xin' to WR who was in the room... But when he finished alone... AR commented that he sang out of tune.. lol..~ Then he and his brothers sang again together.. loud and clear... Finally he reached his bride after giving another kai men hong bao to the jiemeis up there...~ Wow... 8 stages..~! Cool...
Ok... i dunno what happened upstairs lah.. coz not enough space for us too..~ So they came down shortly... And oh man... WR was really beautiful in the gown...~! It's time to take photos...~ Really nice man...~ took with the family as god child first... together with yingmei jie, junda kor and zhang han... Then the whole Lim family took one..~ Finally a photo of the whole family..~ though some of us were not here actually..~
Then the couple went off to the male's side while we sit around and chit chat lah..~ And in the meantime.. the buffet lunch quietly made it's way to the corridor... ok... not exactly that i chatted with all of them but as usual... i just listened to them talk most of the time..~ they are just too eloquent for me...~
Then the couple came back and it's time for the tea ceremony...~ by tradition.. as the elders get to be served... we got to serve the couple tea and get a red packet each... And till today then i realised that they gave 20 bucks each... rich yea..~ In the first place.. holding a wedding is ex.. esp the chinese style ones... Later in the afternoon... ppl started to disperse and went back home to prepare for the night..
Dad, mum and de-jie went off first in wu-shu's car... while er-jie and i waited for liu-shu's car... Not to speak of the part that we were still not ready yet.. =x ok.. So we reached The Oriental hotel around 7.10 or so.. It was still the cocktail session..~ so we just stood around.. have a drink and talk while waiting for the others... managed to see some relatives that we haven seen for a long time..~ used to go to their house every year during cny but not anymore coz we are no longer kids..~ or rather i was the one who always followed my parents around coz i'm the youngest and the most free one..~ Ok back to the topic.. And we took a photo with the new jie-fu (brother-in-law).. coz he was in his uniform..~ actually wanted to take with the couple.. but wr jie wasn't anywhere in sight..~
It was soon time and all of us went into the ballroom waiting for dinner to start..~ Since jie-fu's a major... they had to walk through the sword bridge along the red carpet...~ that's why jie-fu was in his uniform..~ so 8 of his men or mates from the army in pairs stood along the ale... with their swords held over the their heads... *claps* the couple came in...~! But as they approach the first pair.. they were blocked by the swords... And jie-fu was requested to carry wr jie up and walk the rest of the carpet..~ So he did and they successfully walked thru the next 2 pairs.. then they reached the last pair... just in front of the stage.. and again... the swords came down in front of them...~ And this time they were asked to kiss on the mouth till the clapping from the audience stops..~ (Note: he was still carrying her... strong yea..) But due to the fact that it was quite difficult for them to kiss when he carries her... wr jie requested to be put down.. and they really kiss for a long time coz we din stop clapping..~ Anyway we got bad seats right at the back... and got to see like... practically nothing lah.. haha..~
And yes... due to the bad seats we had... we started to complain that it was quite unfair for the first cousins to be at the back.... that the adults got to at least sit along the ale and we were in inside... Anyway... only 2 rows on each side of the ale..~ And we were on the 2nd..~ dotz.. Din know that we were so insignificant.. haha..~ But that's not the worse...~ The waiter that serves food for our table... oh man... a new comer all of us presume coz he din really know how to serve..~ He did it really slow man... it's like when he only served half of the table... the table behind us had already finish the dish and was starting on the next... due to the fact that he scoup for a plate and bring it to the person.. then go back to the original position and scoup for another plate then bring it to the next person and so on..~ he took really a long time.. that after sis and i went to toilet for dunno how long... he only served 3 plates of the duck meat...~ Pengz... So by the time it comes to our dessert...~ Most of the guests had already left... even the adults got out of their seats ready to leave already..~ Lol... plus he spilled some ice on da-jie... some gravi of dunno what dish on er-jie's skirt... it was really bad..~
But anyway... We got thru the dinner and it ended really late.. like it was already 11.30 when we left the place... oh btw.... we sat with junda kor, junhong kor, jie chloe, jie nicke, dax, zax who came later.., zhenyan kor and wanling jie... had a wonderful night..~ =) It's really true that girls are most beautiful on the day of the wedding... nothing but true coz she was really very pretty...
Oh.. and i grew taller by 5cm at least with the new pair of shoes.. hahah... but it's really high... and making this a chance to practise walking in those shoes be4 prom yea..~ Heex... Photos another day ba.. =)
That's all for the day..~ Cya everyone..~
Recent skirts...

White one is a lace skirt... 2 pieces.. but quite huh... (i mean the dress...) haha..~ And my sis bought this black long one... with the same type of lace..~ Erm... i think mine is nicer.. Lol... =P
Oh.... i'm going to wear this for prom is nothing goes wrong.. so in the mean time i'm going to do my part and get some fats off me so that i dun look so weird in the skirt... HAha..~
Anyway... not going to blog about the wedding today... just too tired..~ just came online coz i know yushi will be online and can talk about the gathering thing..~ aren't u touched? haha...!! Then stop bullying me..! haha...~
That's all.. Nitex~!!
Saturday, November 19, 2005
End of exam craze...~
Anyway... ytd went out with my ny besties... von, chek and yuhui..~ =) I was the earliest to stand outside cine and wait!! And i'm EARLY! haha...~ WEnt to Kbox!! and sing out lungs out...~~! haha.. then von late again.... coz of her hair.... Anyway.. i went to get my hair into some treatment too... but i shall skip the part on the cutting of my hair... if not will be very sad.... so Skip..~! Ya.. back to singing..~ 4hours non-stop... =) And those 3 kept on laughing at me lah.. coz i ate the crackers... no lunch leh...~ then eat lor...~ Haha... Then took photos also... later post... Ya.. then went home after that le..~ But happy day..~!!
Then today... went town with Von... shopping lor..~ walked up and down the whole orchard dunno for how many times... haha...~ And in the end... i got 2 pairs of shoes!! =) Yea... one nice doll shoes and the other for prom and wedding dinner..~ spent about 100 lor..~ sighz... broke liao... job seeking time..~ maybe i'll work all the way then play next year lah... like that happier..~ Erm.... maybe post the pic of the shoes.. tml or later? heex..~ Then damn funny coz we took photos inside esprit at some ulu corner... haha..~ wait for her to send me the photos lor.. think need to wait till sun liao..~
Ya... That's all lor... Tml wanrong jie's wedding..~ excited~!? I think so... first time my paternal side cousin get married.. well.. think it's going to be real crowded..~ for the communicating part... i dunno... let nature takes its course lor..~ =)
Thursday, November 17, 2005
Over, over, OVER!!
And i just changed my blogskin again.. coz i found this and find it really nice!! Actually got another one is erhu one.. but then that one looks quite childish? haha... Maybe next time i will try.... but well... this one is really nice man.. =)
Oh ya... dun speak to me anything about
Hmm.... today went back to sy for sectionals... after so long...~ 5 months... surprisingly i still can play lah... but then not as agile and intonation not as good too..~ i think my ears are going to spoil soon..~ But.. i dunno lah... it's good to be back playing my instru.. although it's not the one i like most... it's also one of the family lah...~ haha... And the fact that the song 龙的传奇 is quite nice...~ and not many difficult parts too..~
The only suay thing that happened today was that it rained so heavily immediately after the whole econs paper ended... dunno it's tears with joy or heaven is sad for us... but still it flooded everywhere... even under the shelters... and it sets me wondering what are the shelters for.. haha... thus my shoes got wet... again... and i went to sy with wet shoes and socks and legs... worst still the room was so so so cold...!!! 100 times colder than the sch hall... ok lah... 10 times.. lol..~!
But the whole session quite all right lah... only me and kuncheng the zhonghu guy... think coz i could play lah... haha... i mean like mostly say the fingering then can liao... only until behind then got fast one mah... =)
Ok.. That's all... tml going out... fri going out... and sat cousin's wedding.... Busy!! HAha.. Bye..~
Friday, November 11, 2005
The Last Lap
So far... not too good... maths was difficult... esp. paper2... killer paper!!! Very angry that i can't do some of the qns.... and i guess... there goes my A for maths... tsk tsk tsk.... Unless my paper 1 can cover up the losses for p2... if not die liao lor..~
Then today GP... erm... difficult or easy? i dunno how to gadge too... i'm just happy that it's over...~ And hopefully i'm able to pass...~ if not even if other subjects good also no use liao.... not as if my other subs are good lah.... but then... i HOPE mah.... ok lah.... i BELIEVE i can pass.. even C6 is good lah ok..~
Now left with Econs... must really make full use of these few days left... coz i neglected econs since i started studying for chinese... and then practise maths... so now... all to econs~!! like von say... CAnnot let mr bong down.... somemore cannot let ourselves down.... 2 years... just for this moment...
Just afraid next year march i dun have the courage to go back and get my results...~ Haiz.... WEll.... not to think so much now... Anyway... i'm thinking of giving tuition after exams... anyone got lobang?? haha.... but no english pls... =x
Sesame street test...
Big Bird You scored 81% Organization, 45% abstract, and 79% extroverted! |
You are very organized, both concrete and abstract, and more extroverted. Here is why are you Big Bird. You are both very organized. You almost always know where your belongings are and you prefer things neat. You may even enjoy cleaning and find it therapeutic. Big Bird is never sloppy and always under control... pretty good for a 6 year old bird living without a family. |
Monday, November 07, 2005
JJ Rox~! =)
After much analysing... Still consider JJ as the bigger winner although Yanzi got the same no. of awards... (no offence to yanzi's fans... i like her too..~) Simply coz.... If u realise... the awards that Yanzi got are awards for her singing...~ 本地女歌手,演绎女歌手,亚太最受推崇女歌手 and the 顶尖金曲.... however for JJ... he got awards for his all-rounded talent..~ 本地男歌手&演绎男歌手 for his singing, 最佳本地作曲for his creativity and 最佳创作歌手 for his effort in making the whole album...~ He's cool lah... except for the lyrics part... u can't blame him coz he's a 'potato'... My sis says it's already weird enough for him to be singing all the chinese songs... haha... However... being the 2 biggest winner for the whole event... They did Singapore proud... so what more to say?? Thus... i'm going to save up... and wait for JJ's concert...~ Heex..! =)
Ok lah... that's all... will update more when i'm more free...~ Oh ya.... i'm going to get my iPod tml..~ Awaiting upgrade from a still-working-though-old discman to iPod..~ =)
Nitex!!! =)
Friday, November 04, 2005
New blogskin!
他本来就很帅... but he's not popular in the past... coz he went into the circle for quite long liao... but only until lately then famous... partly coz of 冒险王... and partly 王子变青蛙!! =) Though i missed some of the episodes... it's not stopping me from watching it... coz Von lending me the vcd.!! yeah~~! =)
Aiya.. actually wanted to change to JJ's blogskin one... but then... they dun look nice anymore leh.... so will look for new one soon... Heex...~ Meanwhile... enjoy the shuai ge..~!!! HEeex...!! Bye..~!!
Tonight Hits Award leh... Hope that local singers will get lotsa awards... and hopefully JJ will be the big winner of the night..!!!
Ok... go liao... comments on the new blogskin kae!~ Thanks... :)
Thursday, November 03, 2005
Just bored..~
Ya... so what i've got from the trip today~?! Another skirt...~! From Tangs~ =) ERm... i like this one... it's black... oh well... i like all the skirts i bought... haha.. but the thing is... i dun really have a lot of chance to wear them... haha... ok.. we'll see... Anyway mum paid for it lah... =)
Hmm.... now quite late liao... but then... i slept from 9 to 11+ just now and i'm awake now!! haha... Go off liao lah.. still can do some maths.. =)
It's 3 Nov liao.. So Happy Birthday Rachael!! Enjoy ur 18th Birthday~! =)