It was a slack day... just went to watch this at cathay cineleisure... with the rest of the theatre mostly filled with aunties and some very loud uncles.. but of cos.... it's a show appealing to their age grp anyway..

Quite an interesting concept i must say... most of the show was conversed in Hokkien (usually not allowed to be broadcasted in sg)... if it wasn't my dialect... i will have to follow closely with the subtitles... and u know... subtitles dun always tally or fit totally... Then there was this initial qns in me that why Qi Yu Wu didn't even speak a word at all in the show... and even thou he's deaf and dumb... he can listen to techno music... knows how to do scratch... and can even drive!! Then i wonder he's call Guan Yin 关音... like 'off the sound'! dotx.
Anyway a rather funny show... from the way it starts... but has a very sad ending... esp. when 大木瓜 'sees' 小木瓜 downstage every year thereafter her death... and 关音's 'voice' saying '现在更期待七月的到来,因为这样才可以看到小木瓜'.. err... something like that...
Well... i see it as another breakthrough for the local film scene... and the other side of 歌台.. to speak the truth.. i nv liked getais... esp. when i wish to have a peaceful night after some long day... the thing is.. maybe they needn't be that loud... and cos i really dun like techno music... and recent years all the songs they sing at getais are remixed and blah blah blah... thus explaining my dislike in them.
Anyway.. the vocals in the movie... not bad lor... some doesn't belong to the actors/actress themselves... like the papaya sisters... But forget abt the durian sisters. totally city girls style. dotx.
Lastly.. support local film lah... haha! thou it still can't be compared to foreign films. we are doing our best with the little resource and space we have! we can't have too actioned shows filming in singapore... so what the local film scene been doing was to make films closer to the living habits of singaporeans... and aren't we proud of it?! :)
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