Best 3 moments of 2020
1. Spending (a lot) more time at home and with family. Esp. my parents. Understanding and being more patient with them in the year. It's a test for myself as well. There were a lot of meltdowns in the beginning but we all made it together. Mum is better than expected while sometimes Dad is problem.
2. Though meeting up is more difficult, but it also meant that meet-ups were more meaningful. Due to many constraints, meet up with people who are important, and cared enough to want to meet me too. Because contrary to popular belief, I'm not quite sociable, and I do not take initiative (most of the time). So I'm glad that friends still remember me and sometimes pull me out of my shell to go out. I spent more of the time at home since Apr's CB, and is rather comfortable doing so. Hence, I haven't really find the need to ask people out. So I'm really thankful for all the food deliveries, care and concern people around has given to me. And esp. when visiting or dining out was impossible during my birthday, I felt loved, even though it doesn't seem a lot, it is more than what I usually have.
3. Had a good appraisal for the year, even though I was slightly thinking that I may not have deserved it due to the lack of work when CB started. I always say that I do not like changes. But habits can really be grown, and even though I do not like the changes, I think I adapt pretty fast. And probably it's just my happy-go-lucky personality that allowed me to pull through so many different tasks away from my normal tasks during this period of time. And glad that I haven't made it worse for the other departments which I have to cover for. :) Good experience overall! It was when I realised that their job is really not easy at all even though most of the time it is manual work. It also requires good coordination between everyone, good job delegation and planning, good memory, and definitely needs some practising. Even so, I am still so much more nervous than doing my normal job because I made mistakes during rehearsals! And also placed one of their instruments wrongly during one of the shows. I will never look at their job and responsibilities the same again.
Worst 3 moments of 2020
1. Of course, it comes with the virus. Had to cancel my trip to Japan, first thing first. Just when I finally decided that Japan is my next destination for travel. And at current they are not getting any better, so I doubt the trip will be any time soon, and my air ticket is still on hold.
2. The moment I realised that some friends are not worth my prioritisation anymore. I don't know how I could ever make it better. I know that some friends in the group are definitely worth keeping and I know they feel the same. But the other few, I don't know. I just don't know.
3. Probably the worst but also one of the best. Went for a few walks (like really a few only), and one of them was in a heavy rain. All wet but still happy at the end of the day.
(psst: it was really hard for me to come up with 'worst moments' because if it's not that bad I really probably won't remember it)
Top 3 goals for 2021
1. Be a better person, better daughter, better sibling, better friend, better colleague.
2. Still play the guitar when we get to the end of covid
3. save more than 10K by end of the year
Doesn't seem a lot but it takes a lot to do it. oh well. :) For a better year and years ahead!