Things have changed so fast and vast, in the very short span of time, things really escalated quickly.
We were only in our trial for WFH, there and then it was just split teams A&B after planning and preparing for some time due to lack of equipment and set-ups for everyone. And for school students, trial for HBL. We were only sad that we won't see half the number of colleagues for 1 month.
And then by the end of the trial we were told that most of the colleagues will be telecommuting from the following week onwards instead of the split team. And that left only the few of us still tied to the split teams due to unfinished plans at that point of time. But also on this very day, we were informed that telecommuting is a MUST for everyone in the building. Announcement was made in the late afternoon regarding circuit breaker plan for us to try to bring down the number of cases. Schools will be closed too. Seems like a big news for everyone, but surprisingly, people seems to not be taking decisions as such seriously.
Yup preparing for the semi lock down, which means to some people, the last chance to be out and about. I can only say, I don't get it that why is this short freedom more important than the long term freedom? The earlier we get through this, the earlier everything can get back to normal. Thanks for selfish people all around. Thank goodness parents did not insist they need to go for their regular coffee since Sat. Although the social butterfly in mum is trying to break out any time.
Last day in office. Half-day actually. Packed some last minute stuff home. Even went to the supermarket for some last min shopping as well, while also keeping a distance from others.
And hence, 7 Apr marks the first day of the circuit breaker, or CB in short. Only essential services are opened. Every now and then, mum tries to put in a marketing schedule, but, knowing what the mother is not capable of (keeping good distance, wearing the mask for a long time, not having any contact with other people), it is hard to allow her to go anywhere at all. And my dad, though more conscious, is also stubborn when it comes to some stuff. I'm just glad that nothing has gone wrong yet, so far, i.e. Mum didn't have any meltdown these days, everyone is more tolerant towards each other, tones are also slightly different. Phew!
9 Apr
A blessing that I have gone to bake at sister's place on 8th (disclaimer: I took her car there and back, no contact with people outside), because it was announced that people staying in different household now cannot meet and visit each other, not even immediate family. That's rather devastating for us, the only way to have some sane from this boring days were when the sister visits.
10 Apr
All should wear a mask when out in the public, i.e. any time you are out of your house. People without masks will be rejected at markets, supermarkets and public transport.
For me, I'm good to not having to go out and this is not something new to me. I have been like this in my schooling years, and when I didn't have a job. Yes, sometimes I may have the urge to get out for a while, but it's usually also on my own and just to grab some cravings or some quiet time outside when there are other people in the house. That's probably also the reason I see the need to clear the study table (which hasn't been used for more than 10years), so I really get some good peace doing work (or not).
Speaking of which, a few friends came talking to me (after a week) to check-in on me. Appreciative of that. But you know, I'm really a introvert to begin with, I've never been better than this working condition. I don't even feel tired from only sleeping 3.5h last night because today was peaceful enough. It's actually quite amazing. And my colleagues have never believed that I am an introvert. Oh well, I can be really talkative, I know, but truth is I really only talk a lot when I'm with people I'm comfortable with. And the fact that I haven't took initiative to look for anyone to chat already says a lot. I'm just the passive person, who would open myself (part of) to them when they approach me first. So, honestly, I'm really fine being home from the start till now, with just a few breathers in between.
Of course, there's more time at home, less work to do, more time to rest, less busy life, more time to think, etc. I don't know, but many a times I would think would it have been better or worse if I have had a companion. Rhetorical I know, but just think lah! Sometimes I realise that I cannot imagine myself in a relationship, I sometimes have this feeling that I have some commitment issues. Haha! Never tried, never know. Oh well... what is there installed for me I have no idea. I thought of pushing for it but if it's not for me then how? I get disappointed again? I don't want to take a risk again. I am afraid, as afraid as contracting covid-19. So I have managed to sort of clean the thought off myself for the time being. But recently I hear this song and its lyrics, 想见你想见你想见你, I'm like, this is me right now! I can't believe that every single line is so on point what I think and what I'm doing. But aiya, think only.
So many people have done things they probably haven't done in donkey years during this period of time. Honestly, same for me. I have neglected so many things. I mean, even though we have all the time now, some things are still hard for one to do when it's not habitual.
1. Exercise
2. Practice
3. Read
4. Do the chores
I hope that during this period of time I will pick up my instruments more, honestly, Erhu is still easier to pick up than Violin. I almost died just now. (all right, kidding) But it was honestly painful. I kept on questioning myself if it had felt the same when I was still in the learning stage (when I practiced at almost every day) and I have really forgotten about the pain already, or, it only happened now because either I haven't practiced for a long time or the chin rest doesn't suit me anymore. And I also want to practice singing more. It's been long since I really spend a lot of time listening to music and singing to them. I used to do it so much, hence, I am not exactly updated and I find it so difficult to learn new songs now. I have always wanted to pick up a new instrument - Piano or Guitar, but I think for now, I will go back to recollect what I have left off.
Hmm... Exercise and read. I really got to try. Harder. Started books and I tried to read on weekends but I always end up napping. Hmm... 3 books at least? And I'm also still on my online romance novels!
Lastly, #stayhome #staysafe #doitforyourselfandforothers
This is so important because I really can't wait to get back to work. I am super sad that all the shows I have been looking forward - whether SCO or not, are cancelled during this period of time. There were at least 4 - 5 shows I was supposed to go to but were cancelled. Glad that I caught Qin Kai and Shunta's recital in end Feb, before everything else was impossible. It's really a pity because there were so many good shows prepared for the Singapore audiences. :( Can't wait to go back too because what is life without arts? Earth is just 'Eh' without art. Let's do this together.
I mean... why is there a need to go out? At least we have got data and internet now. 17 years ago, all we had was MSN. That was really boring. I remembered so clearly because there's nothing else we can do. Now there's really a hell lot of things you can do at home so just stay home lah! Please show that #SGUnited can work.