Sunday, May 06, 2012

The Avengers Movie

My first superhero movie ever. Never ever watched any of those movies before, be it Ironman, Captain America, Hulk, Batman, X-men, Spiderman or whatever man. Except for half of Thor (or more, or less) on the plane (I fell asleep, haha), it was nice, but I couldn't be bothered to re-watch it again. So I kind of went to the show without knowing any of their abilities. Haha! Luckily I'm quite receptive in the sense of drama, so still can understand.

Anyhows, if you ask me what kind of superpower I wish I'd possess, I will say 'Reading Minds'. Not sure if I've mentioned before, but that's what I've always wanted to have. But well, superpower doesn't exist in the world, right? I have never believed in them, either, and probably that's why I don't really watch them.

For a first-timer like me, I consider it a remarkable movie though, and although I never had any prior knowledge of the heroes, I can relate to the context of the one yea. Okay, if I have a chance to see the other movies I may watch them to fill in on the details all right?

Wednesday, May 02, 2012

Draw Something?

It's been a long time since the last update? Been busy anyway plus there's no exciting things happening in life! How sad.

Lately, everyone is in the craze of playing DrawSomething. I was quite resistant of it at first, because my drawing sucks all time. But in the end I succumbed to temptations to download the app. And well, it goes that I'm drawing something! And I think i'm quite okay leh. At least i'm drawing instead of writing. 

And at least I Feel I'm slightly better than some of my friends. HAHA!