Sunday, July 26, 2020



今天(25.7.2020) 我的太空人竟然不见了。。。

完全在伤心中... 只是... 又能怎么样呢?能做的我已经做了。只能怪自己真的太粗心。后悔也没有。早知道也没用。

It felt like I never had any affinity with earphones/earpieces. Oh man... I lost quite a few of them and spoil a few as well, within like the 1 - 2 years? Or all along. I remember I had this rather cute doraemon one, and I only used it for a while before it got caught onto something while I was walking and poof! the cord snapped and that was the end of it. 

The jays earpiece. Put one into the washer after say a year? And lost the 2nd one after a month, unknowingly. I still have the 3rd one though. But let's not jinx it. 

And so, I'm still going to get my 2nd pair of the 太空人 because, I need that Qingfeng voice. 


以自己的声音宣布 - “太空人已失联”

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Someone else's birthday altogether

COVID brought out a lot of creativity in most of us. It started of cos, by seeing others doing it. And I really want to send something to my best friend for many years during her birthday since we couldn't meet. I wanted to do it myself but I decided to get the others to do it with me cos I know they will. It was a success but she could have opened the door earlier. Hahaha!

And then we all still couldn't meet, and thankful fav bakery is opened so I could send love to Minhui and Rachel. Rainbow cake for both of them, but Minhui's topped with soju and beer! I'm happy to do it anyway. Could have done better for Rachel if I had asked earlier so that I could get the purple ombre cake. Still, colourful cake worked well for the kids too!

So anyway, I tried not be boring since we have opened up a little more by July. And then proceed to screw it up. HAHA.

Surprise visit to Boyi for his birthday, ended up texting in the wrong group chat at the very last minute just before we parked in their condo. It was a really facepalm moment, and the worse was when lixian replied. I really almost killed myself. Maybe the rest also wanted to kill me HAHAHA (and lixian) I don't know who is worst. What to do when you have such a smart friend. Epic moment also, when we were outside the place and trying to light the candle but couldn't do it with the lighter gun which gives out very loud clicks. Luckily he wasn't in the living room, but still.... he already knew about it... Boohoo! But glad that we managed to gather for a while, a pity only 5 can visit but we maximise it anyway. It was fun though and I hope it's memorable for birthday boy (30 already). 

Things are getting back to normal mostly and I know that such things are hard to plan from then without being exposed. It is fun while it lasted. :) 

Let's see what we can do for the rest for their 30th birthday. :)

Birthday V.33

June passed by so quickly, not sure was it because I was on leave most of the days so time really passes in a blink (sleep in my case). 

Let's just recap a little on the birthday. Despite the many things we couldn't do this year, really thankful for friends who put me into their thoughts. I really didn't expect most of the love I received on that day. Not sure what I have done in my life to deserve all these people. I was touched by every single one of them because nobody sent me anything I didn't like on my birthday. I can't even put it out like what I'd prefer from what I received. But steamboat was definitely the most amazing. Because it fed all of us, including my erjie and bil. Thankful too that they were allowed to come over then. There there were cupcakes, taiwan food, bbt, cakes and ice-cream! I've been contemplating ice-cream for the longest because there's not space in the freezer most of the time but le mother couldn't complain when it's from someone else. And pretty long lasting dried/fake flowers too! It was just.. pure amazing that things happened this way. I was so well taken care of the entire day that some of the things doesn't matter anymore. And wow, this is probably the only year that we are able to do things like that. 

Not much feelings towards the birthday, but I felt blessed even during a period like that. Friends who gave selflessly. We couldn't meet so I won't mind if we can't celebrate. They sent me things that they couldn't enjoy with me. Just by the thought of spending that sort of money and time to think of what to send me is already something I couldn't ask for more. It is definitely a different birthday after all. 

With Taiwan food (my fav 卤肉饭 and Meesua and BBT!!!) from the syco大人s who thought that I'll be sad not being able to be in Taipei "my homeland" during my birthday, so they gave me a pseudo taiwan trip. They even got to my sister to plan it so that I will not get lunch. The thought of it is just... I'm so touched! (although I got confused as I thought sis ordered lunch but didn't know that the lunch is from them)

I got ice-cream from SSS (sushi, siyih & sylvia), from gelatissimo and got another pint of ice-cream from joanna. Ice-cream is always on my mind. hahaha

I got cupcakes from qin and my hospital playlist girls (Minhui, von and Shihui). There were too many so erjie took some. But the ice-bear ones were pretty! 

I got colourful mermaid drink and cheesecake from le colleague QW. Delivery person didn't give me the receipt nor told me who is it. So had to do a shoutout on IG. WHICH... also happened exactly the same on his bday! HAHA It's so funny!

Got a bottle of jap wine from Ting-Yu. Can't wait to try it! Yup, I haven't. But I will. After which.. a few days later, Fontane also gave me a soju (peach) and a pack of korean snack so that I can experience Korea at home! HAHA my friends know me well. 

And the SHE girls are the ultimate! To send me some very pretty dried flowers and then the steamboat. The flowers came first so I really had no expectations that the steamboat followed. They went to the extend to use MW's sis to msg me on whatsapp so I can't suspect anyone. Indeed, I had tried to guess for the first few days and then I gave up. They were one of the possibility but there was no way I could find out. 

And yup, my sister came with a cake! Nice yummy really rich chocolate cake from all time fav Lynda Ann's. We finished that in one seating. Nothing was left. Also another blessing in disguise since I haven't been able to celebrate my birthday with the family on the actual day for many years (for several reasons). So this also gave us this chance to be together on this day! And it's also thanks to the steamboat! 

Except for good memories for the day. 

I actually also spent most of the day doing nothing and then filming for the hospital playlist video. And then coincidentally, a few things I bought also came on that day. So all in all, fulfilling day! LOL!