Very long nv put my contacts according to status already.. and shocked to see 83 online when i first switched... lol! Actually it was 84.. dunno why print screen come out 83.. so fast change. haha! Last time usually is 50+... That's one of the reasons why i decided to sort them according to grps... Hee.
Actually nothing much today... Went out to jog again this morning.. HAHA! Got discipline hor? And did step-ups and leg lifting also.. quite tiring. Resulted in my afternoon nap.. hahaha! I actually slept on my studyroom floor for almost an hour before plunging into my sis' bed for another hour. totally ignoring my phone's alarm. HA!
Anyway... i think i accidentally clicked on youtube's page add... but then to my horror... a pop-up error came to my screen with some evil laugh and whatever to say that 'Youtube is BANNED'. Then i dunno what happened but i just close it and after that my browser also closed... Then i curious and went to try again... This time the pop-up wouldn't go away!! Have to like ctrl alt del to end it... Err... i also dunno what happened...
Other things.. dun feel like saying... A lot of things lah!
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